Ron Paul Rakes In The Geek Green

November 30th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

calling the geek mothership
“Gooooood Morning you Dot Coms! Send money.”

He probably won’t get the nod, but you have to hand it to the moonbats for coming out in droves and using Paypal. If there is anything intelligent to be gleaned from the Ron Paul campaign, I would think it would be the utilization of Geeks, en masse.

From a Jeanne Cummings article on

Ron Paul may not win his party’s primary, but he is on track to capture another big title: top Republican fundraiser for the final quarter of the money-obsessed 2008 presidential primary.

In the first two months of the quarter that began Oct. 1, Paul already has raised more than $9.75 million, putting him easily within range to best the amount rival Mitt Romney received from donors during the entire third quarter.

The Texas congressman has set a goal of raising $12 million before the fourth quarter’s Dec. 31 deadline, a sum New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani couldn’t achieve in the third quarter when fundraising events still dominated his schedule.

Paul’s chief e-bundler, music promoter Trevor Lyman, hopes to raise $2.5 million by day’s end with the campaign’s second online money bomb - though initial indications were that this latest fundraising move would fall well short of its target.

Of course, Romney can still buy the fourth quarter title by making a multimillion-dollar donation to himself, which is widely expected.

And it could be that Paul’s striking, eleventh-hour surge may have come too late to dramatically change the campaign dynamics.

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2 Responses

  1. jp

    the ‘republican’ McGovern, has atleast half of his support from non-republicans(traditional McGovernites, leftist/libs, anarchist and conspiracy theorist, Communist sympathizers and Neo-Nazi’s)… if he runs 3rd party, might not hurt GOP too bad

  2. IReadHistory

    hmm, I dunno about ‘half of his support…’ - I’ve supported the guy for the last few months, met probably another 200 or so local supporters and spoken with/emailed about the same amount, while reading posts/threads from probably 10 times as many.

    For the most part, I haven’t come across too many raving leftist/libs or anarchists OR conspiracy theorists…but I have met a LOT of retired & active military, college kids, older middle-class types, cops, laborers, executives, etc.

    Without a doubt, anyone who wants can post crazy shit on the internet and claim to be a Ron Paul supporter…but for the most part the people who are actually working to further the message and the campaign are not the crazy-shit-posting types - at least according to my experience.

    The common thread for most of the people that I’ve come across seems to be a desire for less-intrusive government, fiscal sanity, safe borders, a reduction of the welfare state and a foreign policy that pays attention to the laws of cause and effect.

    There’s no law that says you have to agree with those policies - this is America, countless warriors have sacrificed for our right to speak our minds.

    In fact, most people when they disagree with a person’s stance will rationally try to discuss what it is that they disagree with. That is, if they really believe all that much in their stance to begin with. If they just want attention, then I guess they just post a bunch of crazy shit of their own - hell, it’s fun to throw ad hominems around with words like ‘moonbat’ and ‘tinfoil hat’ rather than talk about issues like monetary policy, the 2nd Amendment and illegal immigration.

    But sure, go ahead and make some sweeping generalizations that aren’t based on reality - those are a lot more entertaining than the truth…

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