Saudi Prince Blames 9/11 On U.S.

November 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan blamed al Qaeda’s Sept. 11 attacks on the United States’ failure to consult the kingdom’s security authorities in a “serious and credible manner.”

“Saudi security was actively following the movements of most of the terrorists with precision,” Bandar, the national security advisor to Saudi King told the Arabic satellite network, Al-Arabiya, Thursday.

“If U.S. security authorities had engaged their Saudi counterparts in a serious and credible manner, in my opinion, we would have avoided what happened,” Bandar said.

Former White House counterterrorism official Dick Clarke dismissed Bandar’s statement as untrue.
“The Saudis were uncooperative and did not engage in significant info sharing on al Qaeda prior to 9/11 despite repeated U.S. attempts to engage them,” said Clarke.

Another former intelligence official said there is no reason to believe the Saudi government was tracking the 9/11 hijackers.

Almost 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania died in the 9/11 attacks. Fifteen of the 19 suicide hijackers were Saudi nationals who received U.S. visas in Saudi Arabia, according to the 9/11 Commission Report.

The Saudi Embassy has not responded to ABC News’ requests for comment.

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7 Responses

  1. Jim

    Everybody’s hindsight can be made to show off how brilliant they were… I think the Prince is embellihing in hopes to gain some credibility…

  2. Boombop

    I have never trusted Saudi Arabia. They’re a bunch of lying camel humping shits. If they were following the movements of most of the terrorists with precision is because they wanted to make sure the terrorist were successful.
    I don’t like Richard Clarke but in this case I have to say I believe Clarke before I believe that rag head prince. Its really hard to say that about Clarke because I think that he’s a arrogant pompous ass that is full of himself. Of course that’s just my opinion.

  3. John Cunningham

    Nice try bandar boy.

  4. mindy abraham

    Should we really believe a country full of wahabists? I do not trust any country that is so restrictive. :evil:

  5. cnchess

    OK, dogs of the House of Saud, prove you ascertion and tell us were all of the other Saudi terrorists in the US. We’ll pick them up for you.

  6. Bob

    I thought the king of the camel jockeys blamed the jews when his rep. tried to bribe Rudy Giuliani with a large check which Rudy told him to SHOVE IT! When are we going to nuclear so to destroy putin’s russia, iran and other oil producing countries!

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Wow, six years after the fact this clown is talking trash. That’s bullcrap. The real problem is with that Whaabbiist salafist religion of his. It’s the same jihadi religious and political views that all the 9-11 hijackers subscribed to.

    If the US and the west wants to avoid another 9-11 this is what they can do now:

    1. Wean ourselves off of Saudi oil.

    2. Stop building Saudi Salafist Mosques run by Saudi jihadi mullahs in the west. It is this view of Islam that the jihadis subscribe to.Eliminate the Saudi mosques in the west and you will eliminate the threat posed by AQ in the west.

    The Saudis are no friend of ours. All that oil revenue that they get from us is going to fund jihadis all over the world. Let the Saudis drink their own oil.

    As to Richard Clarke. He was a big ego in a small job. The people that were aware of AQ, were not able to piece together a likely scenario. Jamie Goerillic put together a very tall wall between CIA and FBI…which prevented cross-sharing of data. Only one guy that I know of got it right before 9-11 and it wasn’t Richard Clarke or the Saudis.

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