Shock Video: Shariah Infiltrating Publilc Schools

November 18th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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21 Responses

  1. Future0311 (the infidel)

    If this was Christianity this wouldn’t be a discussion. That empty suit wouldn’t be trying to ‘enlighten’ anyone if that was Jesus instead of Muhammad.

    Only in California. At least the parents are trying to fight it. They need to fight it more by taking their kids out of that school - deprive those soul-sucking scummy pieces of shit of their tax dollars and leave them to fade into obscurity.

  2. Future0311 (the infidel)

    And I should’ve guessed that I would see the Clintons in this.

  3. John Cunningham

    We already know enough of them, they have to learn about us. They came here and if they keep it up they can be sent back.

  4. mindy abraham

    While I have no problem with kids learning about islam, i hope that that is not the only religion they are learning about. If that is the only religion they are learning about, than they are being stinkin hypocrites. :mad:

  5. GF

    “Who is John Galt?”

  6. Terry Gain

    No doubt they are being taught a sanitized version of Islam.

  7. Vaquero

    You really think theat this school system teaches anything about any other religion….they are being stinkin traitors and hypocrites.

  8. DC

    For the ife of me, I can’t figure how that islam could possibly fit into the socialists agenda. The left are the ones who should be screaming bloody-murder over this. They will be the first that will be beheaded under sharia law…what a bunch of fools and retards.

  9. Steve in NC


    I can’t wait for the first cheerleader to be stoned for “immodesty”

  10. ssgduke54

    And now the 5th Islamic Fascists are trying to spread there propaganda in order to disorganize our way of life for there way of Six century of religious dictatorial life. We are stupid sheeps waiting to be slaughter because we want to be PC on everything but American traditions/culture. Maybe we desired to be taken over by the Islamic Fascists! If that ever happen (God forbid) then maybe, just maybe the useful idiots will realize what it will be like to have no freedoms. One so call famous Imperial Japanese Admiral (Yamamoto) said to his fellow corrupt military after they attack Pearl Harbor said: “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”. Are we asleep?….This Sleeper as AWAKEN!

  11. LftBhndAgn

    Were trying ot fight it here in San Diego too. They are giving Muslim students 15 minutes of classroom instruction time for Muslim students to pray. If it were Christian students I think everyone knows how that would go over. It wouldn’t be tolerated.

  12. Alpha

    Our children need to learn about Islam early on as long as it isn’t at the exclusion of Christianity. Let our children come to recognize the fruits of Islam for what they are. I would VOLUNTEER to teach about ISLAM pro bono. I believe their is enough material in the way of daily bombings, beheadings, mass killings, and torture scenes to keep those children busy with book reports for an extra year of schooling. That’s what we can do: K-13 ! Be careful what you ask for Islam followers. You may get what you want but you won’t like what you get….

  13. drillanwr

    Yeah …

    Everything I need to know about “Islam” I learned on 9-11-01.

    The fascists ruling over our children: The NEA and the teacher’s unions.

    We had better wake up, folks. These people are taking over the European countries without a shot … And we are danger close to being next.

  14. Howie

    Mindy you are half right. I don’t mind my kids learning about other religions, but it should not happen in school. It should be what I teach them. Kids should learn reading, writing and arithmatic in school. Isn’t there a seperation of church and state? Isn’t islam a religion?
    The unfortunate thing is that here again it is just another instance of the school board brainwashing kids to believe what the school board or the left thinks is right.
    At least they are learning to be tolerant, tolerant of everything except conservative values.

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    This is such BS i cant even believe this. To teach about Jesus would be a breach of church and state but its alright for the school system to teach these kids about a murderous suicide cult. Our kids dont need to learn about their moon god. This is outrageous

  16. Rudemeister

    I think reading the Koran is good in order to understand Islam. I think it’s a false and malevolent religion. I think the Bible is truth. I’m also not sure I would want any government education stooges to instruct my kids in ANY religion.

  17. franchie

    you ought to make a law that separates religions from laic purposes, as teaching a religion in public schools, as showing ostentatorical signs of a religion in shools (as veil…) and public administrations.

    we have that law since 1905 for differenciating religious and states purposes, one last law for the ostentatorical signs since a few years and that works well, no problems anymore ; people who don’t want to respect them, they are fired out ; so one does know where is his/her interest !

  18. Grumpy

    I think that the issue here isn’t so much that learning about islam is really all that bad. i remember studying a little here and there about many religions in school such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and so on.

    the real problem is that the “islam” that is being pushed is not objective. Imagine if the Vatican was rewriting the text books and forcing everyone to learn their version of Christianity. I don’t have anything against the Vatican, I go to a Jesuit school and I like it a lot.

    The point is, is that this is not learning, it is indoctrination.

  19. Lamplighter

    This is total garbage. Why don’t the schools teach Americanism–American Exceptionalism? Instead, for decades, they have been shoveling Socialist mild philosophy. I didn’t even get Economics in school at all. I had to take it as an elective in college. Now, they want to shovel Islam down the kids throats. Make no mistake, liberals absolutely believe it is the job of the courts and the schools to tell your kids what they should know and believe. I have heard esteemed liberal experts give voice to this idea–if you are telling your kids, for instance, that homosexuality is bad, they feel it is a school’s duty and superior authority to override you as the parent. There should be a countrywide movement to teach Americanism and about capitalistic market economies in public schools. Short of that, give us vouchers so we can vote with our feet.

  20. Reagan T.

    I definitely agree with drillanwr. I learned everything I would ever want to know about Islam on 9/11. What are they going to teach kids about that day? Will they even mention that the hijackers were muslims? This kind of bull shouldn’t see the light of day in this country.

  21. ViperDriver

    :mrgreen: Actually, if we look at this from a practical point of view it has nothing to do with religion in the public school. Afterall, Islam is a cult based on sex (7-virgins I believe) so I think the Communist State of Kalifornication is spot-on! Keep up the good work! Your Democratic Leadership at work.


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