Spanish King To Hugo Chavez: “Shut The F*ck Up!”

November 10th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Chavez solicits Penn for a fruit punch enema.

SANTIAGO, Chile- The king of Spain told Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to “shut up” Saturday during a heated exchange at a summit of leaders from Latin America, Spain and Portugal.

Chavez, who called President Bush the “devil” on the floor of the United Nations last year, triggered the exchange by repeatedly referring to former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar as a “fascist.”

Aznar, a conservative who was an ally of Bush as prime minister, “is a fascist,” Chavez said in a speech at the Ibero-American summit in Santiago, Chile. “Fascists are not human. A snake is more human.”

Spain’s current socialist prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, responded during his own allotted time by urging Chavez to be more diplomatic in his words and respect other leaders despite political differences.

“Former President Aznar was democratically elected by the Spanish people and was a legitimate representative of the Spanish people,” he said, eliciting applause from the gathered heads of state.

Chavez repeatedly tried to interrupt, but his microphone was off.

Spanish King Juan Carlos, seated next to Zapatero, angrily turned to Chavez and said, “Why don’t you shut (the fuck) up?”


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12 Responses

  1. Cridhe Saorsa

    Che Chavez is a pinheaded fool who bullies his own people. When Venezuela has had enough of him he’ll be dangling at the end of rope from a street lamp. Not soon enough in my opinion.

  2. CJWarner

    El Bozo needs a public ass-whooping more often.

  3. JonnyMordant

    Juan Carlos is the guy that many believe to be the Antichrist; Well, he certainly is a likable figure when taking this account into consideration!

    Personally I don’t know about the whole Antichrist thing (I’ll hold out for his claiming to be God on the Temple Mount), but serving “a nice warm glass of Shut the Hell Up” to Chavez is definitely a plus in my book; Hell, apparently even the Antichrist thinks Chavez is a Biotch!

    Antichrist or not, at least he has a better sense of humor than Chavez with his punch line being “Even Snakes are More Human”… In defense of Chavez maybe something was lost in translation; But, a good stern STFU always hits it’s mark in any language!

  4. Jewish Odysseus

    THE IRONY!!…

    In 1980, a bunch of REAL FASCIST military officers seized the Spanish Parliament and attempted a coup to reinstate the Francoist regime (which had ended only 5 years before)…The coup was foiled because one pre-eminent Spaniard stood up and made a major televised speech to the Spanish people, unequivocally declaring that democracy was not negotiable in the new Spain. Yes, of course, that man was KING JUAN CARLOS.

  5. Lamplighter

    OK, Chavez calling Aznar a “facist”? The pot calling the kettle black? Aznar believed in democracy and his policies were democratic. Chavez is a dictator who is currently sending cops out to quell demonstrators by shooting them. Bravo for King Carlos.

  6. Ted B

    The Chavista Revolucion, powered by stupidity and arrogance.

    I’d love to see him out of power ala Mousolini…

  7. Boombop

    The Cuban government is going to be very upset with King Juan Carlos for telling Castro’s pet chimp to shut the fuck up.

  8. Jim

    Spanish King Juan Carlos, seated next to Zapatero, angrily turned to Chavez and said, “Why don’t you shut (the fuck) up?”

    I love it… :mrgreen:

    :twisted: ….”and tell your b*ch, Boy Sean, to STFU as well.

  9. John Cunningham

    Maybe the Queen of England could learn from the King of Spain and she would tell the invaders in her kingdom to get the fuck out. I love it when she talks dirty.

  10. iDollar

    I have earned 2.5 million dollars while you are was in Iraq!

  11. franchie

    Carlos is a great king, and his Wife Sofia (from Grece royal origin)did help him in getting his own issues on policies; they both are intelligent persons, who have been suffering from their own countries history backgrounds, that made them proxy and understand each others.

    But I am not sure that their children will have the same charism, they mostly act in the “jet-set society”

  12. F*cker

    Brainless american fascists, how many blood of muslim children and woman is on your hands???

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