Stephen King Calls For Waterboarding Of Jenna Bush

November 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


I’m sure that if terrorists were holding Steven King’s children, tortuing and threatening to kill them, and one of the conspriators were in custody, he would insist, DEMAND, that only techniques approved by the Geneva Convention were used to extract information from the conspirator about the whereabouts of his children.

This is the problem with Leftists. They dwell only in the theorectical world - “Hurting people is always bad” - instead of the real one. Mentally, they are children in adults’ bodies.

Stephen King in his new Time Magazine interview:

“Yeah. You know, I just filmed a segment for Nightline, about [the movie version of his novella] The Mist, and one of the things I said to them was, you know, “You guys are just covering — what do they call it — the scream of the peacock, and you’re missing the whole fox hunt.” Like waterboarding…So I said something to the Nightline guy about waterboarding, and if the Bush administration didn’t think it was torture, they ought to do some personal investigation. Someone in the Bush family should actually be waterboarded so they could report on it to George. I said, I didn’t think he would do it, but I suggested Jenna be waterboarded and then she could talk about whether or not she thought it was torture.”

Then he lets us know how sometimes he must suffer in life:

“I have a good time. I came in last night, after the premiere [of The Mist] and I kinda said to myself, “This is not a bad life.” They give you the keys to the playground and they say, “That’s your job for now on, you play for the rest of us. You’re the designated kid. Make up stories,” so what’s not to like? Well, sometimes there’s stuff. Lot of interviews, sometimes it gets you down, but, mostly it’s good.”

Mr. King had no comment on the unending horrors commited by Al Qaeda in Iraq or other Islamic terrorists around the world. For a coward, it is always safe to “speak truth to power” to people like the President who will not fight back, but not to truly bad people who will.

Hey Stephen, you’re a complete chickenshit more than ready to give terrorists a pass because you are afraid of them. Until you have the balls to speak fairly and roundly about all of the world’s great and most significant demons, shut the fuck up. Your censorial cowardice denies you a platform.

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47 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Sick person.

  2. mindy abraham

    Of course he’s strange-haven’t you read his stuff?

  3. franchie

    does she stink ? (:oops:)

  4. Dr. Jerry

    Well…I call for the waterboarding of Steven King. I will be more than happy to be the one who dunks that mentally deranged piece of puke (Only a mental patient could come up with some of the demonic junk that he had written and produced). And my stop watch is broken…

    I, personally, support the wholesale torture of any Islamic terrorist (or terrorist period) who has information vital to the safety and security of our troops, citizens, and nation.

    And, by the way, if they are in possession of one of my family member(s), I will begin the systematic, hunting, capturing, and torturing of those involved, until my family member(s) are released unhurt and unharmed.

    Not politically correct, but absolutely true.

  5. A. S. Wise- VA

    Stick to writing horror, King, let the pros do their job for all of us.

  6. cxlusmc

    “I, personally, support the wholesale torture of any Islamic terrorist (or terrorist period) who has information vital to the safety and security of our troops, citizens, and nation.”

    I just plain support the torture of anyone who wants to destroy our nation as a whole. Disregard what information they might have. Just torture. They get off too light. Just too bad that half the people who want to destroy our nation live in it and a lot of them are politicians for it.

  7. Wendy

    Idiot… I am all for torture if it gets the job done. Don’t think the enemy will give as much thought about it or care about the humanity of it. Dog eat Dog world people.

  8. sal

    hey did anybody see what happened to the movie redacted? only brought 25,000 in, that’s about 3000 people in the entire counrty, thanks to Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, Micheal Savage to get the message out.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Man, that’s one weird, ugly dude. Maybe after we waterboard the chickenshit, he can go out and get a new face.

  10. Gary in Midwest

    You have to understand that according to King torture and pain is only to be used as an entertainment tool and not to be used to save lives or prevent mass destruction.

  11. Howie

    I could not care less what people like King happens to think about waterboarding! I could not care less what Murtha, Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy or any of the rest of the overpaid prognosticators may or may not think about the way the Military does its job!

    To me it is very simple, we need to start treating the enemy the same way they treat us. And that is both in the fight and in securing prisoners!!

    They want to physically torture our civilians and military personnel for their own personal enjoyment, then it is all fair game when it comes to detainees/prisoners/pin cushions!!

  12. Rob

    I guess it is time to throw out my old Steven king books and swear to NEVER buy another one or watch the crappy movie version of his stupid and far fetched books.
    What an ASS!

  13. POD1

    I was going to see his movie.
    Not any more.

  14. Steve in NC

    I was planning on seeing the film also, not now.

    “Until you have the balls to speak fairly and roundly about all of the world’s great and most significant demons, shut the fuck up. Your censorial cowardice denies you a platform”

    So true Pat

  15. Blues Preacher

    He looks like he’s about to give Mark Cuban a blowjob.

  16. jam

    Way to rip the coward a new one, Pat!

  17. JayMS

    What a complete retard! But then again, it’s always funny when they put up some has-been fuckwit to speak out. When was the last time that King actually put out a book that was worth a shit? “Misery” was the last one. I stopped reading his books a third of the way thru “Gerald’s Game” and all the other sorry shit that came after.

  18. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah screw the mist, i was really looking forward to watching it but forget that idea now. You dont talk about waterboarding MY Presidents daughter. what do any of these assholes know about the real world, just sitting up in their palaces looking down at the rest of us

  19. drillanwr

    Um, I’m sorry, did I miss something here, Stevie?

    Miss Jenna Bush has vital information about terrorist cells and activities that she is refusing to divulge? She’s on the inside track with the head(s) of terrorist organizations? Knows where/when terrorist attacks are about to happen? Has, herself, been responsible for the deaths of many innocent people?

    What an ignorant prick.

  20. PhilNBlanx

    Ha. I’d love to see King try to waterboard Jenna. She’d kick his skinny little geek ass.

  21. Armand

    Why are people always giving Jenna shit - there is sis Barbara ya know?

  22. CJWarner

    Why waterboard her? Is she holding back information that thousands of Americans are in imminent danger due to some terrorist plot?

  23. dick

    vote about his comments with our dollars. Hollyweird is probably amazed at the rejection of Redacted and lions so maybe this can start a trend.

  24. Hugh

    I was going to see the movie too. Well, I’m not going to PAY him another dime. He can kiss my ass. Hollywood traitor pukes. F em all.

    I do my own anti Hollywood warfare.

  25. Jenfidel

    Don’t be depressed about missing “The Mist;” turns out it’s a big anti-Christian bash.
    So when he’s not bashing Bush (which he started in his books around 2001), he’s bashing Christians.
    I, for one, have bought my last SK book and seen my last SK movies.

  26. mess

    I’m done buying his garbage.

  27. Jim

    ” you’re a complete chickenshit more than ready to give terrorists a pass because you are afraid of them”

    That has always been my claim!

  28. drillanwr

    Just to keep us all “reading” and entertained, everyone check out, if you haven’t already, the novels by Vince Flynn. Great CIA/counter terrorism stories featuring a reoccurring main character named “Mitch Rapp”.

    Exceptional! And I have heard him (Flynn) on with Glenn Beck several times. The guy is very smart … and “gets it”.

  29. House 6

    Another out-of-touch liberal who feels guilty because he’s made a shitload of money from pure pablum.

    If anyone cares to experience some real literary works of genius, try Joel C. Rosenberg’s books. Brilliant to the point of eerie.

    And I’m sorry, if you waterboarded me, I’d tell you whatever you wanted to know AND I’d probably miraculously become clairvoyant. Whether it’s torture or not, IT WORKS.

  30. Future0311 (the infidel)

    A guy told me what happened to several Marines in The Mist. Several of them were killed and hung because, according to the story, the military was at fault for the crap that was happening.

    When I heard that, I knew I wasn’t going to see this movie. I also figured that this little prick had an axe to grind with the military.

    Don’t go see the movie. Don’t buy any Stephen King books. Let this guy wallow in his own leftist misery.

  31. ShortFuse

    He looks as though his parents performed the ritual on him long ago–FUCKHEAD.
    And if it really pisses you off–send this article to every person on your email list–hit the fucker where he lives-his wallet.

  32. Brian H

    House 6;
    Thanks for the heads up on Rosenberg; he has a website, and here’s his review of The Kingdom.

    He’s a bit heavy on the Biblical prophesy schtick for my taste, but very sharp, indeed.

  33. Brian H

    I’ve never liked King’s stuff; it always seemed heavy-handed and obvious to me. As an editor, I find much of his prose to be lame and poorly composed. Not surprising to find his politics are similar.

  34. old11B

    To create a cascading effect on protesting these people and movies, add to the list:

    ALL!!! movies that contain the same actors who play parts in them. Let the actors know you don’t think much of them either…..

  35. Goodbye Natalie

    I’ll make a challenge to Stephen King, one terrorist sympathize who seems to be so worried about our country’s interrogation methods. Stephen’s a news junkie so I hope he reads this because I am serious about a trade.

    I, Goodbye Natalie, will take the place of Jenna Bush and allow myself to be waterboarded if the brave, brilliant Mr. King in turn will spend two weeks in a cell with Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind behind 9/11. I believe Khalid was one of the few that received such “torture.”
    But every waking something mocking Mohammad is piped through to the cell and we give Khalid something to work with besides his bare hands. Like bolt cutters.

    Mr. King, just contact Pat Dollard when your ready to meet the challenge. He knows how to get hold of me. I’ll will even allow Pat Dollard to put pink woman’s panties on my head while they waterboard me. OH, the humiliation!

  36. drillanwr

    @Goodbye Natalie

    I, Goodbye Natalie, will take the place of Jenna Bush and allow myself to be waterboarded if the brave, brilliant Mr. King in turn will spend two weeks in a cell with Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind behind 9/11.

    Nat, you little matchmaker you! :wink:

  37. Mike

    I am presuming Mr. King supports liberal causes? If so, under his own logic, we might possibly subject Mrs. King or another of his chosen female relatives to the direct methods used in abortion (possibly a large vacuum cleaner that might rip them to shreds? or even a pair of scissors to the back of their skulls?), in order that they could understand it better.

  38. drillanwr

    Note to Stephen King:

    Does Julia Roberts know you stole her teeth … and have stained them horribly?

  39. korndawg

    What a stupid fuck…
    Why can’t these worthless fucks in hollywood learn….

    We don’t fucking care about YOUR politics…

    Like my grandfather said “go with what you know”
    If you are an actor…act
    If you are a writer…write
    If you are a teacher…teach
    If you are a solider…kill what needs to be killed

    Do the job that best suits your needs…

  40. Jim

    C’mom…The comments were Dumb. Just lacks any articulated nuance to help his point seem more than that of the sloppy slap happy liberal bogan … Sh*t he looks like a confused goofy goatfu*ker who doesn’t know if he’s the f*er or the f*ee

  41. drillanwr

    The Torture Paradox

  42. Trey

    If Stephen King called for waterboarding Chelsea Clinton would you people feel the same way?

  43. Goodbye Natalie


    I would have said the same thing about any kid. The fact that it’s Jenna Bush leads to the outrage at a conservative blog but your real point is not relevant.

    What is relevant is that Stephen King finds fault with America when in reality he’s defending the manner in how we interrogate men who perpetrate the deaths of 3,000 innocent victims.

    In my opinion, the only mistake we made after milking Khalid Sheik Pedophile for all the information he’s worth is that we didn’t impale him afterwards.

  44. old11B


    It seems as though you have a classic case of not being able to see the forest through the trees.

  45. TerryTate

    Go ahead and waterboard Jenna….

    When she’s done and shows it isn’t torture,
    all it will prove is that Jenna has bigger balls than Stephen King…

    Nice being a pussy isn’t it Stephen? Always wondered how scared someone had to be inside to write the stupid shit he writes.


  46. Trey

    I can see just fine, I simply wanted to know if those of you attacking Stephen King were simply doing it because it was towards the president’s daughter.

  47. Carl

    Maybe Chelsea should give Bill a Lewinski and tell us if its sex or not. :roll:

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