Surging - Iran’s #1 Man In Diyala Captured, Al Qaeda Hammered North Of Baghdad

November 15th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


US forces on Thursday killed 25 suspected Al-Qaeda fighters and arrested 21 in a two-day operation in central Iraq.

The operation was carried out on Tuesday and Wednesday near the town of Tarmiyah, about 60 kilometres (35 miles) north of Baghdad, a military statement said.

“During a series of coordinated operations west of Tarmiyah, coalition forces targeted associates of senior Al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders believed to be in the area,” the statement said.

“(US forces) observed several armed men in the target area and, perceiving hostile intent, called for supporting aircraft to engage,” it said.

Fighting by ground forces and strikes by aircraft killed 25 suspected Al-Qaeda fighters and wounded four. The wounded were among 21 people taken prisoner.

Two large arms caches were uncovered during the operation, the military said.

In a separate statement, the US military said that on November 4 it had arrested the leader of the “special groups” in Diyala province, northwest of Baghdad.

US commanders accuse secret cells of Shiite militias, known as “special groups”, of smuggling sophisticated weapons into Iraq with the support of Tehran and using them against American troops.

Iran denies providing weapons to any groups in neighbouring Iraq.

“Intelligence reports indicate the suspected criminal was the Special Groups leader for Diyala province and oversaw all logistics and operations in the area. He was reportedly responsible for smuggling and storing Iranian weapons, and associated with the largest explosively formed penetrator (EFP) cache found in Iraq,” the statement said.

“While he is currently being cooperative with coalition forces, he has allegedly used Iranian funding and training to support Special Groups activities.”

(Agencie France Presse)

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7 Responses

  1. Mike F.

    Another US military victory to be ignored by the MSM. This should be the opening story on this evenings network news broadcasts. Instead, they will open with who got voted off Dancing with the Stars!

  2. deathstar

    Meanwhile, that ill-informed, anti-American dick head Harry Weed claims…

    “Every place you go you hear about no progress being made in Iraq,” said Senate Democratic majority leader Harry Reid.

    “The government is stalemated today, as it was six months ago, as it was two years ago,” Reid told reporters, warning US soldiers were caught in the middle of a civil war.

    “It is not getting better, it is getting worse,” he said.

    My thoughts on his hubris are:

    1) “Everyplace you go” must mean the Daily Kos and Pelosi’s office.

    2) It takes an amazing amount of denial to claim “it is getting worse,” in the face of the overwhelming evidence that it is infact getting much, much better.

    3) This cunt should fuck off and die.

  3. mshatto

    Another censored victory for the Good Guys! Too bad the SEDITIONISTS & TRAITORS in the Democrat Party don’t read . If they did, they wouldn’t be voting to cut off funds for our troops. The Republican leadership needs to get their asses in gear and make people realize that Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee and the rest of the bunch are trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Disgusting.

  4. CPLViper

    I hope the Republicans are planning something huge in order to set straight the uneducated, illiterate or just plain lazy public we live about the facts of what is happening over there. If it weren’t for Dollard and Yon, I would have no idea that there was even a war occurring at this point.

  5. Clyde Conneer

    “Iran denies providing weapons to any groups in neighbouring Iraq.”

    Slick Willie denied having sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

    Which lie is more believable.

  6. Jim

    Sweeeeeet! :beer:

  7. Jewish Odysseus

    ““(US forces) observed several armed men in the target area and, perceiving hostile intent, called for supporting aircraft to engage,” it said.

    Fighting by ground forces and strikes by aircraft killed 25 suspected Al-Qaeda fighters and wounded four. The wounded were among 21 people taken prisoner.”

    Gotta love that ground-air coordination…Fix them in dense concentration…then DROP THE BOMBS ON THEM!! :lol: :lol:

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