Uproar As More People Saying Romney Has Vowed “No Muslims In My Cabinet”

November 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

First Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison. After running as a “moderate” and shortly after being sworn in, he called Bush a Nazi, slandered America, and said 9-11 was an inside job.

Politico: Romney Says Muslims Need Needed

CBS Story: Romney disputes Muslim cabinet member claims


Exclusive: Romney Opposed Naming Muslim To Cabinet On Second Occasion, Witnesses Say
By Greg Sargent - November 27, 2007, 5:20PM

Presidential canidate Mitt Romney has discounted appointing Muslims to his cabinet on more than just the one occasion reported in a CSM op-ed yesterday.

TPM Election Central has learned that at a private fundraising lunchleon in Los Vegas three months ago, Romney said a second time he would probably not appoint a Muslim to his cabinet — and on this occasion, he made other comments that one witness described as “racist.”

The witness, Irma Aguirre, a former finance director of the Nevada Republican Party, paraphrased Romney as saying: “They’re radical. There’s no talking to them. There’s no negotiating with them.”


A second witness, a self-described local registered Republican named George Harris, confirmed her account.

The new accounts provided by the witnesses lend credence to the now-notorious account of a more recent private Romney event that appeared in the Christian Science Monitor yesterday that already caused an uproar. In that account, a Muslim businessman, Mansour Ijaz, claimed that Romney had said that based on the “numbers of American Muslims” in the country, “I cannot see that a cabinet position would be justified” for a muslim.

The alleged comment has put Romney on the defensive. Today at a press availability he denied the op-ed account. He suggested that in response to a question he hadn’t opposed having a Muslim in the cabinet outright, but merely had said he didn’t think you need a Muslim in the cabinet to effectively fight Jihadism. Romney also said he would make cabinet appointments without regard to quotas or ethnicity:



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23 Responses

  1. ViperDriver

    :shock: Sooooo, let me get this straight. People are surprised and upset that a politician running for the Presidency doesn’t see the need to appoint a Muslim on his cabinet?!? WTFO!! Why in the hell would/should he? Do we not have enough already on the inside with the DNC and the ACLU handing our country away? I must be the idiot…..I just don’t get it……..

  2. Clyde Conneer

    GOOD! I wouldn’t have a muslim anywhere in the USA until they prove awareness and acceptance of secular civil law.

    Ellison should be unseated by the House Of Reprehensibles but no one there has the balls to defend America.

  3. House 6

    Well, now me thinks I like Romney more today than I did yesterday.

  4. Jim

    Keith Ellison may I help you place your head up your trifling
    little sissy a##.

    “but merely had said he didn’t think you need a Muslim in the cabinet to effectively fight Jihadism. Romney also said he would make cabinet appointments without regard to quotas or ethnicity”

    So there insurgent radical muslim flinging your holy manure

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Romney shouldn’t dismiss all Muslim voices from his administration. What about folks like Walid Phares, Walid Shoebat, Zak Ami, Brigitte Gabriel, Hirsin Ali, Nonie Darwish, Ergun Caner, Mehmet Caner, or Ibn Warriq?

    These are the voices of reason and knowledge of the threat posed by Islamofacism. These folk are experts on the subject of all things Islamic.

    I don’t care what religion or non-religion that these people aspire to. They are more loyal to the western ideas of pluralism, liberty and equality than are the fucktards on the intolerant left. These Muslim-born individuals have more guts and are more loyal to this country than any current Dhimi POTUS candidate would ever be.

    Let’s not hastily diss all Muslims from the next administration Mitt. I gave you a trustworthy list of Muslim experts to pick from. If elected, embrace their views on Islamofacism. In so doing, you will be light years ahead of this and any past POTUS…with the possible exception of Mr Jefferson.

  6. old11B

    The obvious, is just that obvious.

    “Treading gently with words” , is just what the “enablers of islam” (the religion that espouses “lucifiers” favorite behaviors)….. are hoping that all the “infidels” will adhere to……….

    There are good people trapped by the koran propagators , I hope they can see the way out.

  7. Trey

    Obviously no president is going to appoint someone he doesn’t know and trust to his cabinet. So what if that person’s a Muslim? If the president trusts the possible cabinet member I don’t think it matters if they’re Muslim. Just because the person practices a different religion doesn’t mean you should write ‘em off. I wouldn’t appoint a radical Christian to my cabinet but possibly a subtle Muslim, although they seem to be few and far between.

  8. old11B


    You’ve made a good point. The question is, does a president appoint his cabinet for manipulated politically correct reasons , or to help him lead on the positions he was elected for ?

  9. JewishOdysseus

    Infidel Dan, I second that emotion!

    I am almost done w/Phares’ “Jihad Against Democracy,” that man is f’ing brilliant!! It’s like reading Richard Pipes in the old days…

  10. Joe M.

    Good for Mitt.

    Still hope he loses by a landslide though. With his flip flopping abilities he could easily bow to pressure and put a Muslim on his cabinet.

  11. Blues Preacher

    Good point, Joe.

  12. Axem

    Romney’s telling it like it is, plain and simple. You can’t trust either the depth of the enemy’s sympathies, or what nuance of what situation may cause them to kick in. It’s one thing to talk a good game as a Muslim pundit, its another to set real policy about the real killing of vast numbers of Muslims.

    As long as you lie to yourself about who the enemy is, you will be lost. I’m done pretending to be polite. The central tenet and motivation of the enemy is his religion, and he survives only because his community sympathizes with supports him, no matter how much his community lies to us about doing it in order to throw us from the trail.

  13. franchie

    I hope Romney won’t get the job

    in the regard of the rest of the world, what makes him different from a “muslin” ? he has no tolerant speech either when it comes to religion ;

    in your country you have the concurrence in the race of manipulating people’ minds through religions : why not making religion a private busines, and avoid it in states rules ?

    I have the impression that your’ll get your war of religions as we did 3 centuries ago

    “the politics of secularism in international relations”


  14. Ted B

    franchie, the US was founded by deeply religious and moral men who made mention of our Creator in their documents. Go put the fires out in your streets before you moralize to us who we should elect.

  15. franchie

    thanks Ted B, buttheses fires have nothing to do with religion :roll:

  16. Rob

    Go Mitt,
    if he said that I might just vore for him over a fool
    that is willing to let the enemy double agent in their

  17. old11B


    The US Constitution and Bill of Rights, was designed by men who were very aware of the European religious wars, and of islam.

    The quran and sharia law, are –NOT compatible– with the US Constitution and Bill of Rights……….! This appears to have been done purposely and with the intent of letting muslims and others who did not agree with their “religion” and oppressive leaders , have an alternative….. FREEDOM of Choice……

    PS……The riots and fires France is experiencing , are being perpetrated by muslims who don’t want to live by the french culture. We also are experiencing pressures by people who live here, but do not want to be part of us. Many want us to live by their rules, ie sharia law. We won’t accept that……………

  18. franchie


    thanks for the reply and recall of your constitution

    as far as riots are still mentionned, they aren’t religion conotated, but of youth idleness and weakness of police ; this is due to political indecision : seems Sarkozy managed to calm down the situation since he came back from China : he put 1000 more policemen where they were only 3OO

    well, we are experiencing the riots you had a few decades ago.

    the problem still remains and can’t be solved ina few years but will have to be dealt with a whole generation.

    now, we can still think to send these youngs into Irak to learn what’s a real fight for life is.

    It appears that youngs were playing with a moto and enter into a cob’s car and died. The fault isn’t the cobs’s one, but it enlighted the whole surburb youngs anger

  19. Venner

    Kudos to Dan - I think that was exactly on point. Some sort of blanket prohibition on Muslims in the cabinet is absurd and counter productive.

    Axem - what about Muslims who are Americans? Are they somehow “less” American? Isn’t that the kind of reasoning that led to the internment of Americans (of Japanese descent) during WWII?

  20. old11B

    franchie :

    Could the reason that these “youth” are idle be, they refuse to accept the ways of the french , or do they think of themselves as victims of a society that doesn”t abide by islam ?

    signing off now, must pay some bills

  21. kozanne

    Don’t care what religion they practice, if they cannot carry out their oath of office, NO WAY IN HELL can they serve!

    Having said that, what does Islam say about oaths and loyalties? What is a Muslim’s first loyalty? Is it to uphold oaths they take in public service?

    Why would you have ANYONE in office that does not uphold the oath of same?

  22. franchie


    I think they don’t care of islam or whatever religion, they are just bred in a “lefty” propaganda, that they were victim of racism etc… kind son of slaves or colonies sujects, and that we owe them a lot ; they don’t do anything to get a life, they wait for subventions ;

    I am sure Sarkozy is “mad” after his ministers !

  23. Trey

    “The question is, does a president appoint his cabinet for manipulated politically correct reasons , or to help him lead on the positions he was elected for ?”

    If the president doesn’t appoint a Muslim to his cabinet there won’t be many (if any) votes lost because of this, especially if he never talks about it. But if he does appoint a Muslim to his cabinet he will gain some votes from the Muslim voters and be considered politically correct, but he will also lose votes (I think more than those gained) from those who believe it’s a mistake to have a Muslim cabinet member. So I do not think any presidential candidate would appoint a Muslim to his staff for the votes and politcally correctness.

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