Video: Al Gore Thinks Media’s Global-Warming Coverage Too Balanced

November 6th, 2007 Posted By Ian Schwartz.

Meredith Viera was gushing over Al Gore and his “insight” on the so-called “climate crisis” this morning on NBC’s “Today” show. NBC also had correspondents all over the world reporting on “global warming.” Watch:


Gore had the audacity to imply the media’s coverage of global warming is, get this, too balanced (via Newsbusters):

AL GORE: Well, he’s an outlier. He no longer belongs to the IPCC, and he is way outside the scientific consensus. But Meredith, part of the challenge the news media has had in covering this story is the old habit of taking the “on the one hand, on the other hand” approach. There are still people who believe that the earth is flat. But when you’re reporting on a story like the one you’re covering today, where you have people all around the world, you don’t take, you don’t search out, for someone who still believes the earth is flat and give them equal time. And the reason the IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the thousands of scientists who make up that group, have for almost twenty years now created a very strong scientific consensus, that is as strong a consensus as you’ll ever see in science, that the climate crisis is real, human beings are responsible for it, the results will be very bad for the United States and for the entire world community, all human beings, unless we do something about it. And there is still time to solve it.

Err. I guess NBC and CNN going green is enough for big Al.

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8 Responses

  1. cnchess

    He is an idiot. A life-long political hack, spewing Greenpeace nonsense, is hardly the authority we should be talking to for something as complex as global warming.

    The earth has periodically had ice ages followed by warming periods. The Middle Ages had temperatures substantially warmer than today, and all of the CO2 mankind produces is only a tiny fraction of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

    This is a political movement to punish US capitalism and nothing more. No wonder, Al Gore is leading the charge.

  2. DC

    The operative word here is “consensus”. It means what’s accepted as truth. If everybody is told the moon is made of green cheese enough times, then “consensus” dictates it as being the truth, even tho there is no scientific evidense to back up the claim.

    Yes, ALgor’s “inconvient truth” is about to bite him in the ass. He has absolutely zero credibility with the real scientific community.

  3. Dave

    Al appears to be putting off green house gases>

  4. Clyde

    Now, that is one stupid homonoid. Incredible that other stupidoids think ManBearPig is a genius.

    P.T. Barnham would love the Gore Scam but he would dismiss it as too far fetched to play in Peoria.

  5. TJ (The kafir)

    forget about the fact surrounding global warming, the dems never like facts. lets look at the one fact that eludes people: Al gore is a career politician and member of a political party that consistently looks for reasons to raise taxes. He has profited from numerous “scientific” exploits. A former business partner of his was charged with insider trading when a company of his lost its government money and he failed to notify investors in order to sell his stock off before the company went under. that company was creating some kind of enviro friendly product.

    Today Gore has a carbon credits company as well and is known as one of the largest polluters in our land, far more so than current president Bush.

    When a politician leads the charge on any scientific analysis, one can only wonder if the “science” is political or real. consequently, for conservatives who never trusted the MSM or hollywood and have been suspicious of the Nobel committee since looney tunes carter won it, its hard to believe that these groups fawning over Al gore as if he were mother theresa, are not just playing politics as usual.

    Give it a rest al and lets focus on the real threats we face from Islam! :roll:

  6. Will

    Interesting that he mentions flat-earthers. As I remember, the world being flat was scientific consensus a few hundred years ago.
    Then there was the 1970’s consensus that we were headed for a new ice age.

    Consensus is opinion. You can have your own opinion, but you can’t have your own facts.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Well that’s just “Thuper Therial” manbearpig.

  8. Jim

    :mrgreen: Dave

    “Al appears to be putting off green house gases>”

    LOL, I agree

    69 of the 70 million tonss

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