Video: Kucinich Suggests Impeachment, Audience Applauds

November 16th, 2007 Posted By Ian Schwartz.

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6 Responses

  1. Jim

    The Jim Jones Party

    Thats right, drink it all up…you’ll be just fine.

    “Thats because I read it…I have these really cool UFO eye glasses”

  2. Chuck

    This group will applaud anything that tickles there medulla oblongata. They would have creamed their pants if Hillary said it. Connect the dots people. Look at the approval rating of the Democratic Congress. You suck, totally, to the max.

  3. Logan

    So we have to lower ourselves to just throwing insults? It’s obvious that a huge chunk of the United Stats Population no longer approves of Bush, it’s almost expected for applause to be thrown around whenever that word is used.

  4. Jim


    Well just because it may get an applause doesn’t mean that I hold his opinion in reverence…and for Kucinich himself disdain would be a bulls eye. So, tossing an insult is mild considering how I really feel about him…and consider this, May be I have raised my consciousness by merely insulting him where as, ripping off his head and sh*tting down his neck would be degenerative

  5. TJ (The Kafir)

    kucinich is so passionate about impeaching bush but the worst he can say is “he is out of control” yet can he elaborate on what that means? Can he tell us what Bush has done that is illegal? In other words, does he have any evidence? Answer: an emphatic no! He says he read the Patriot act, yet he didnt understand it, obviously, or if he did, then he doesnt give a damn about our security.

    sorry , I’m not voting for a man who looks and acts like “gilligan” while running for “Skipper”. I propose he either get some more of the “howells” to support his campaign or just put away his “ginger” dress and pumps, stop screaming like “maryanne” and use his brain like the “professor” and join the winning team! :lol:

  6. mess

    He’s tried to impeach the president and vice president a number of times. Each time it fails by a long shot. He’s just making noise so his kook base will keep off of his back for a while.

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