Video: Obey Complains Terrorists Are ‘Running Out Of People To Kill’

November 6th, 2007 Posted By Ian Schwartz.

When asked if the surge is working, Obey had this to say:


“One of the reason we’ve had incidents of violence, sectarian violence go down is because they are running out of people to kill”

The Hill reports:

If violence is decreasing in Iraq, it may be because insurgents “are running out of people to kill,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) said Monday.

“There are fewer targets of opportunity,” Obey said in a speech to the National Press Club.

Obey was responding to a question about reports touted by Republicans that security is improving in Iraq and that President Bush’s “surge” strategy is working. He stressed that military success has not led to political reconciliation.

“The issue has never been military,” Obey said. “The issue has always been political improvement.”

More Obey:

[Video: Obey Wants To ‘Moderate’ Rush Limbaugh And Sean Hannity]

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22 Responses

  1. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Ugh, for fuck’s sake! Just admit that we’re getting somewhere, you disgusting fucking useless sack of reptilian shit! Honestly, what in the fuck is wrong with you people?!

  2. Brian H

    How is it possible to be that complete an (_o_)? Do you suppose anyone will actually take that comment seriously?

    He’s really reaching.

  3. kevin

    Whatever ass. If we hadn’t surged and the war didn’t turn like it has you’d see the people you think don’t exist getting killed.

  4. Zachary

    Why don’t the jackasses go over to Iraq and see for themselves how well it’s doing?

  5. HOOT

    It sucks when idiots from my home state make even bigger asses of themselves. What a prig.

  6. Dr. Jerry

    What an idiot!

  7. Leatherneck

    “The issue has never been military,” Obey said. “The issue has always been political improvement.”

    Wrong answer shit-head.

    The issue/solution will ALWAYS be military. The issue should NEVER be political.

    Obey. Holy-fucking-Hades what an interesting name! Reminds me of John Carpenter’s “They Live”.

    Buy more. Consume. Sleep. OBEY.

  8. cnchess

    What an idiot… like all democrats, he cannot do math. With a population of 50 million, and even 100,000 deaths from terrorist activities, still leaves 49.9 million targets. Oh, and the birthrate is probably enough to cancel out the terrorist murders.

  9. Steven D

    What an idiot.

    Yeah, I guess the 27 million people in Iraq don’t constitute “targets of opportunity”.

  10. Steve in NC

    What bag of shit

    I guess we shouldn’t be stunned by another d’rat talking out of their ass, but this is just so f*cking stupid it is hard to make a comment worthwhile

    the d’rats are becoming a parody of themselves

  11. Wendy

    Are these people really in charge of running the government? What an idiot. Sad thing is there are people out there that agree with him. Stupid!!!

  12. randy in fl

    Even though it is a show on tv, but The Unit rocks. Last week they had a popular singer like Brittany or Jay Low on there for uso type work that had their own agenda….anti military anti-war and all that . But when the shit hit the fan and the encampment was bombed she sure did change her outlook and wanted the us military to get her out of harms way.

    I believe that episode depicts what some are thinking in AMerica and not knowing what our men and women are going through fighting for us.

  13. DC

    “are running out of people to kill,”???

    Well, when we run out over there, we can start in on jack-offs like you……… What a dumb-ass!

  14. ssgduke54

    :sad: What do you expect from this corrupt politician who want to exploit the Iraq war for his political gains to be elected in office. I fear we are repeating history again and soon we will be set up for another far worst attack on our soil since 9-11. Then watch how these politician rats scurry around to give corrupt answers why we are attack. You only have to look back to 1936-1940 when the French politicians did the same thing and when their country was attack by Germany. Then when their Country was overrun they sold out by surrendering when they could of set up a exile government either in England or North Africa. So beware of Politicians offering free benefits, for they are most likely will sell out the Country when attack.

  15. Armand

    I would personally like to kick that idiot in the balls

  16. Erik Marsh

    When reality doesn’t coincide with what you want, just create an alternate one. Then, find the tallest soap box in the middle of the town square and start yelling it, over and over again. Eventually others will begin to repeat what you’ve said and those hearing it second and third hand will assume it was true because it came from their “trusted” source (family, friend, “news” anchor). This is a tactic as old as time and has been used by politicians with great success over the years (Woodrow Wilson, Teddy R., FDR, Chavez, Ahmadoinjihad, Hussein, Joseph Stalin, Hitler) and it’s re-emergance as a political tactic in these troubling times is not surprising. The difference now is that we are not dependent on a single source for information thereby facilitating the informed masses’ (us) ability to grab their own soap box and start yelling the truth. Start putting up an opposition. To refuse the contrived reality that those who want power would want you to believe. For the past five years, the MSM and the left have portrayed the web as a tool for leftists and their fellow regressives to use to keep the government straight. How wrong they are. It is and always has been the tool of the people. The unfettered access to information has allowed us to remove the whores of social engineering from a place of prominence in our society and will ultimately lead to the demise of the fourth estate!

  17. Professor Bill

    This guy really is an idiot. Our country is run by the most incompetent foolish morons. How did we get to this state? Voter complacency. I am hoping and praying for a similar revolution like that in 94.

  18. BoomBoom

    Amazing! Just goes to show you how twisted these pukes think. If the people who vote trash like this into office think the same way as this puke, it only shows that the US educational system is working the way the NEA and Libs designed it.

  19. LadyAngler

    Who in the hell voted for this guy? I mean really?

    Armand~ I don’t think he has balls. The democratic party has clearly excised them, and Nancy and Hillary take turns carrying them around in their handbag.

  20. Quantico Bound

    How do these people even get elected? Who votes for this kind of stuff? How do you get to this state of mind?

    “Oh look, everything is finally coming together and working…

    but we had nothing to do with it.”

  21. deathstar

    If he is correct, and they cant find someone to kill in a nation of 25million people, then they are the worlds most fucking stupid terrorists. He might mean that the US military has killed all the al-Qaida, which might be closer to the truth.

  22. Jim

    Disingenuous and of dubious intent…

    Only dishonor for this lewinski position faggot, Obey

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