Video: The Dems Are Out Of Iraq Talking Points

November 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Don’t let the brevity of this clip fool you, it speaks volumes.

It displays two important things: 1. The Dems always were, and remain, willing to straight up lie to the American people about Iraq. 2. They are about out of negatives to say about the situation there, given that they can only trot out yeseterday’s talking points, the substance of which have passed into ancient history.

Obama knows there is no civil war raging between Iraq’s Shiites and Sunnis, but in this clip, just one day old, he says it is THE reason why U.S. troops are fighting there. There never was a real civil war in Iraq, just a limited gang warfare, even at its worst. And even that is over now. They lied to us about a civil war simply because such a circumstance would help give them the opportunity to force a self-imposed U.S. defeat and withdrawal.

In the face of all current reality, like a man hopelessly out of touch with the times, or just willing to lie about them, Obama is still flogging this:

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9 Responses

  1. terry smyth(the kufr)

    sad really if this is the best that a dem presidential candidate can come up with.
    Having spent to last 6 weeks in the glorious US of A on a holiday I have canvassed the opinions of the southern people of Texas from San Antonio to Dennison and they aint going to take any of this stuff on board.Remember, that we Aussies are ready to put our bit in whenever there is a real threat to the idea of total freedom for the people, We may be a small nation but we can make a real dent in the process.

  2. jam

    In all honesty, Obama doesn’t have the slightest clue as to why we are in Iraq. He is an empty suit, dependent on his audience’s willingness to believe WHAT he says because of HOW he says it.

    This is no leader. This is a classic fool politician, all full of himself and arrogant.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Jam I couldnt agree more. The perfect description of Obama, an empty suit. I seriously cant wait until next November to see our Republican candidate, whoever that is just destroy whoever the Democratic candidate is. And they will beat them with facts. I actually heard a Democratic strategist on tv yesterday say that our economy is the worst its been since the great depression. I mean wow these people are idiots!

  4. Lamplighter

    The biggest impediment to the truth getting out to the American people is the MSM. I am surprised every day at the audacious propaganda and spin put out as “news,” and the failure to report relevant facts. All you have to do is listen to a dem focus group to see how many of the American people have been brainwashed by the constant spewing of propaganda by the MSM. At the height of the Clinton scandal presidency, he had 70% approval ratings “because of the economy,” so it was said. Well, Bush has never gotten ANY credit for his economy, even after devastation of 9/11 (the economy could have been KO’d for years). Now, when the economy is slowing, you can bet the dems are going to be whooping it up–what’s bad for America is good for them in their lust for power.

  5. Howie

    I was very sorry to see this clip. This just hurts his campaign, and I am voting for him. See he is one of my good for nothing Senators, and misery loves company, Semper I fuck the other guy!!

  6. Howie

    Alright I’m sorry!! I don’t really feel that way. He is my Senator and I wouldn’t vote for him if you paid me………well maybe for one of those new iPhones.

  7. Dean Wormer

    We’re there because Sunnis are in a civil war with Shiites, and everywhere you go there is no good news out of Iraq and the war is lost and fire doesn’t melt steel.

  8. Jim

    @ terry smyth(the kufr)

    Here is to you mate :beer: :beer:

  9. Sandy K.

    :roll: at it again . . . Everytime he opens his mouth he is an embarrassment to me. Out of touch and out of time. It is insulting that they think they can continue to put thier garbage over on people. There are those who will go along with this jerk and all the others though and that is the frightening part.

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