Opinion Poll: Proposed “Young Americans” Showtime Logo

December 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

I ain’t saying shit as to whether I like it or not, becuase I don’t want to influence anyone’s opinion. Here is the one Tony Scott and company have proposed to me. There are plenty of other options we can come up with. Keep in mind, that this is a black and white version. In the color ones, the two stars are red. Which bug the fuck out of me, for obvious communist reasons. If we keep this logo, the stars would either have to be both blue, or one blue and one red.


Per our conversation, please forward the attached artwork to Pat. Thank you.

Tony Scott


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81 Responses

  1. BlueOval8950

    I like it…and yes one red one blue star!

  2. Greg M

    I like it but lets see some others first! To really know which is best.

  3. Chuck

    Blue Border. White Stars. Red Font. My Opinion.

  4. drillanwr

    Being the resident night owl I guess I’m first, eh?

    It’s okay … I totally agree about the “red” stars. Either ALL b/w, or alternate red and blue for the stars.

    Actually, the boxy, lower case lettering IS quite striking … Sort of a subliminal analogy of the “youthfulness” of the Marines in the story you are telling. The upper case lettering for your name gives you the maturity involved in telling their story.

    hmm, not a bad first entry.

    I know, I’m dissecting it too much, no?

  5. justin broderick

    Hey Pat. Not bad. It might lean a little toward inner city eastern bloc. But I bet they are trying to convey the grit of the sand box with a bit of hip Americanism as well. Of course, I’m a graphic designer so I always think it could be better.

    I wonder if the showtime peeps would let us, your devoted followers, submit entries…hmmm

  6. mawa

    I like it as it is–colorless, truthful.

  7. drillanwr


    I thought so too … Maybe just a touch of background gray … You know, “it’s not all black and white … there’s that ‘gray’ area” that IS war.

  8. mike

    Like the wood-block type thing. Not down with the font. Too early ’70’s game showish. Maybe a slight tilt on the stars might not be bad. The font with your name is cool. Could they try some tag/grafitti type logo?

  9. Pat Dollard

    Justin -

    send something. I use it - I’ll pay,.

  10. mawa

    I’m not certain about the gray area. I mean, isn’t one of the film’s primary theses that we ought to demand that good be called good and evil be called evil and that it’s obviously pernicious not to? There’s very little gray there. Gray feels a bit relativistic to me (we may be overthinking this! Deconstruction is….well, don’t get me started!) :)
    Moreover, I dig the starkness of the black and white–let the work speak for itself. I’m sure it will.

  11. TRM

    I like the stamped look but as others said, the font is a tad childish. Stencil font might work better.

  12. drillanwr

    Cripes! And it’s only the first one … :shock:

  13. Steve in NC

    I like the rough unpolished style which reflects the unpolished nature of the documentary clips I have seen so far. No slight meant by that, that is what we, I, like about it, unscripted and coming directly from the real marines on the ground. I do not like the lower case type set, it seems too passive. Possibly set like it is in UPPER CASE or maybe in stencil style letters, like what you think of when you see military equipment labeled, but roughly done too. As for colors use the shades found in the current combat uniforms the Marines are using. The colors of the stars should not be red, your dead nuts right on that, maybe a dirty white on both. Make the colors heavily contrasted so the boldness of the graphics is a reflection of the boldness of the project.

  14. Howie

    My vote shouldn’t count because I don’t have showtime, but, maybe it is that it is black and white maybe it is because America is not capitalized.

    If you are looking for opinions take a poll if there are other ideas out there.

  15. Jim

    I like the carbon copy look

    worn patch look-yes

    all colors faded-yes

    border- olive green with a lighter shade on a corner were it looks worn off or a light reflects

    very worn olive green stars

    tan background with a brown line illustrating a crease mark

    young Americans starts off with a brilliant dark blue at the top of young and as it descends into America becomes white and red

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    Red, white and blue background or a cami background.

    Instead of a red star, how about a star in the color of the USMC flag instead? The other star could be gold…for the gold star moms who lost their sons and daughters. It would be a tribute to the fallen and their families.

  17. 007

    Capital A

  18. JewishOdysseus

    Don’t like it.

    Shd have caps, like normal non-Net writing.

    And some colors.

  19. dadeo

    I don’t like it at all.
    Kind of reminds me of this in a weird kind of way.

    Love the idea, sure to love the documentary, don’t like this logo and you will be stuck with what you choose for a looong time. Maybe Justin can come up with a winner.

  20. Ben Rumson

    I like the grit and scratch look. It reminds me of old news real footage.

  21. The Puddle Pirate

    Background should be faded/weatherbeaten MARPAT. Stars should be gold to commemorate those lost in battle. Text should be black for contrast.

  22. Brent Brentzel

    The font looks communist also, not only the two red stars

  23. Sandy K.

    I am not into it very much. I do not like the font at all. (Except for the way they did Pat’s name. That is good.)

    It is too plain and it just does not grab ya in any way.

    I would really like to see other ones … I like idea of keeping the youthfullness in the title but the way it is, no - I think Mike had a good idea with the tag lettering.

    It needs to be bolder and strong.

    I also really like Dan(The Infidel)’s idea about the stars.
    That would add a whole lot to it.

  24. John Goodrow

    Like your name, but the title letters seem too soft. The letters should be sharp.

    As far as the colors go I would say make the inside of the border blue, the stars white, and the title red. All with the current camo for a backround.

  25. Kurt(the infidel)

    Camo background is a great idea! red, blue stars and white lettering.

  26. LMcG

    It doesn’t convey military at all - needs camo or something - as is, could be an MTV show or something . . .

  27. Frozen Tex

    The font, in lower case, with the stars, makes it all look a little like something from an old Soviet propaganda poster; but that’s just me.

  28. Tom

    Stronger needed. Your film is perfectly contrarian to the BS out there. It needs to provoke more. Jump out more. The guys you have told us of, the guys we have met through you, they’re MORE than that logo. They’re GREAT. That logo is good enough, but these guys are more than good enough.


    Just my puke’s opinion but a little more effort from the design dept.

    I will shut the fuck up about now.

  29. Brian H

    Too WWII, or maybe an echo of the MASH image. In other word, too trad.

  30. Reagan T.

    Its not bad but I agree with Brian H its a little too vintage. But still pretty nice.

  31. Richard Quinn

    Pat, I think it’s great. The truth in black and white - plain as the nose on your face!

  32. A. S. Wise- VA

    Personally, I like the logo on this site’s home page in the upper right. Anyways, those Scott brothers made two of my favorite all-time films: Top Gun and Black Hawk Down. My hat’s off to Tony Scott for contributing his efforts to this. This will be worth the wait no matter what.

  33. Chandler

    First of all, no camo. It is a pain in the ass to get your letters in the name to pop with a camo background. Believe me, I fucking know.

    Second, stick with the red, white, and blue theme. Make the lettering look tough like us (Marines).

    Other than that, I like it. Stay motivated.

  34. Grumpy

    I don’t like it. One of the risks of this movie is that it will be seen as childish and not taken serously. This is too important to leave it to chance.

    The font in the logo looks like something a little kid would write. At least change it to an upper-case ‘A’. It also looks like a logo of a smalltime-90’s-wannabe-punk band. Like an Anti-flag patch for some dorks backpack.

    I would suggest something that gives the feeling of permanency like something carved into stone or stamped into metal. The other feeling that people need to have when they see this is a level of stoicism. You need sharp exact lines and subdued colors. Not a “girls gone wild” ad.

    Logo aside; git’er dun. we need to see this movie!

  35. Kevin

    Why are liberal anti-war shit films even taken seriously? Good editors make interesting visuals to compensate for their lack of relative content.

    You’ve got the content. You’ve got more “evidence” and “first-hand accounts” then the anti-war crowd will ever have - simply because you had the guts to go to Iraq rather then taking the DePalma approach and learning all you need to know about the war from the Daily Kos.

    Good editing (and I’ll include logos in the mix) will sell your film to the American public.

    Why do you think Media Matters is more widely known then the Media Research Center? Because the Media Research Center’s website looks like shit whereas Media Matters maintains a professional aesthetic. Say what you want about liberals, you’ve gotta hand it to them: they can sugarcoat anything.

    Your logo looks like something out of history channel’s mailcall. Most shithead Americans judge a book by it’s cover - this won’t fly. You need something new, crisp, and eye catching. Wish I could tell you what that is, but I think Tony Scott’s guys can do better.

  36. fmder

    Like the Mash idea, current letters look to Ruski. Olive Drab would work or USMC colors.

  37. GF

    Honestly, it sucks.
    Did an After Effects compositor from MTV make this?
    The star design is more reminiscent of the communist stars. They are arcs, creating a slight bowing effect, not straight lines between the five points. The stars should be straight edged and white on a blue, green or black background. The text is punk rock British style, in other words an ode to anarchy and fuck authority. While the individual ruggedness and ability of a Marine to size up and act on any situation may seem punk it is anything but. The dashed line work is not uniform but adds a sense of individual style without a cohesive sense of teamwork which does not exactly make me think U.S. Marines.

    Is that enough bullshit to give the design team to get the point across?
    Anyway, that’s just my two cents.

  38. American Verm


    Kinda like it, but I think the font reminds me of some sort of Soviet propaganda writing. Just me maybe… Kinda like FMDER said above.

  39. cb10

    A dog tag—-
    clean–functional–all info–
    obvious use, by who and what for–service neutral–

    it is a mental “can opener” for millions who have been there.

  40. Egfrow


    I don’t like the stars between the name. Without color it could be a Macy’s logo or a Red China star.

    The logo looks a little vintage or old school military. WWII like in fact. It’s supposed to be Young Americans. Not that it’s actually bad. I just feels watered down in contrast to the body of work you are presenting here.

    My sentiments are with this soldier’s photo. The weight he carries for all of America.

    The energy and vibe from the your original teaser trailer are incredible and straight to the point by being undeniably in your face. So, your logo should symbolize that. The point being is that these men are not from the thinking of MSM main stream watchers but from the core of our nations believes. There courage and spirit are reflected in thier dedication and tenacity.

  41. drillanwr

    Wow! Loads of opinions since I went “lights out” last night.

    I see similar observations in the logo having an air of “soviet/commie” about it and, in morning light, I agree.

    I’m split regarding the stars. I do like the “gold star(s)” idea for the fallen, but subtly addressing that is an issue in and of itself.

    I also agree that, since they are Marines, the Marine lettering and colors/camo should be taken into serious consideration. Don’t know how anyone else feels about this, but, perhaps, the background should be the Marine flag, with the title over it. If that wouldn’t seem like “flag desecration” …

    The logo is the first thing people will see, and could/may set the tone for the viewer’s mood for how they are approaching the footage/stories they are about to witness. (Recall the opening logos for both the first and second Alien movies were quite striking and effective in getting your anticipation of the suspense ignited.)

    Something else that came to my mind this morning (and without sounding shallow or $$-grubby about it), keep in mind any possible merchandising the logo could/would be used on … Key chain, T-shirt …

    Finally, I find myself nodding with:

    @A. S. Wise- VA

    Personally, I like the logo on this site’s home page in the upper right.

  42. robin ridley

    Lets not forget ALL armed forces who have sacrificed their lives in this war as well. Not too sure that the logo should cover “just” Marines . . .

  43. Steve in NC

    awake and on a computer now, as opposed to my treo, and see the stenciled ‘a film by pat dollard’ I like that effect there, maybe just look for a different typeset for the ‘young americans’ the typeset/font seems to give commie feeling to me also

    again like the overall look of the logo

  44. hegelbot

    keep it simple black and white or something monochromatic, avoid any red white and blue nonsense (sorry i just never found the tri-color that attractive unless cleverly arranged like the British flag, confederate flag, or captain America’s costume) More important use some capitalization, it is not strong enough. Looks like a sign for some kind of tex-mex restaurant. Here is a thought, borrow from the aesthetic of the website, it is something we are all used to and probably all like.

  45. Vanessa

    I dont like the A used for the beginning of Americans.

    I am thinking the age of a lot of our warriors like my son around 20 years old they are as my dad used to say full of “piss and vinegar”
    they just seem to have that aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggg inside screaming to get out before they settle down so your title should reflect that and also……
    somehow very respectful for they have earned that by laying their lives on the line.

    Thanks Pat.

  46. Lloyd

    I’m with the looks Ruski, soviet/commie crowd.

  47. Vanessa

    also I noticed drillanwr said about the Marines and while my beloved son is a Marine, this is for all the boots on the ground so unless you can incorporate them all somehow, but if its for the Marines only then thats ok.

  48. Quantico Bound

    I like it, can’t wait to see it in color. But outta curiousity, any chances to get to see any of the other choices

  49. chemlite

    Dog Tags, framed by the collar of a uniform, one tag substantially obscuring the other, just as they appear in thousands of pictures of fighting men and women since our military adopted them.

    top tag reads:

    Young Americans

    a film by Pat Dollard

    bottom tag has copyright date as just visible bottom line

    true color

    mud, sweat, grit, chest hair, snot, blood, whatever; make it real

  50. steve m

    I like Chuck’s color arrangement but also agree w/others about the font.

  51. James F.

    Personally if I were to look at this without any background knowledge it wouldn’t strike me as being the logo for a film about the military, more about fashionable teenagers playing their mtv games. Looks too immature and punkish

  52. allahlovesporkchops

    Lots of good ideas. I’ve sent the logo to my Paint/app for doodling. Where can we send results?

  53. drillanwr

    @chemlite -

    I like the way you think …

  54. PDizzle

    Hmmm. Not sayin’ I don’t like it, but it has a sort of South American revolutionary look to it. It looks sort of like the logo for an XBox 360 game. I would like to see some others to compare.

  55. TBinSTL

    I have no skill when it comes to actually doing things but I am a GREAT critic! The “stencil” style for Pat’s name is great. I think “young” in large block letters in a primary color with “Americans” stenciled over it, perhaps off center or tilted in a good military color(OD or Khaki).

  56. 007

    Hey Pat: How can I send an Idea? (Picture)

  57. Top Ward

    As they used to say on “In Living Color”, “hated it”.

    Explore the dog tag idea further, that shows promise.

  58. Ranger

    Hmmm….I wasn’t prone to liking it at first, thinking like some that it was a little too Commie style…but the more I look at it the more I like it.

    As someone said, the font IS striking and draws the eye, and the case difference between it and Pat’s name is nice.

    I got no problems with it, it’s actually pretty good. I’d go with one blue and one red star.

  59. Ranger

    No I take that back. The YA font looks like something out of “Tiger Beat” magazine, like something on a 6th grade girls notebook. Too young looking.

  60. Ranger

    Ah hell I don’t know. I just wanna see YA.

  61. Pat Dollard

    You can email any picture through the website feedback email address.

  62. Just a girl

    I don’t like it. The font is wrong, it looks far too Cyrillic (aka Commie), even with out the red stars.

    I can’t design, so I can’t help come up with anything better. But I’m great at giving opinons.

  63. ticktickboom

    Looks like agitprop from a Berkley film student.

    chemlite’s idea sounds like the best to me.

  64. ryan

    it feels like an emerica or vans t shirt if you ask me.

    i think it would be cool if you had a patch like from the ones inside military jackets where it says

    woodland camoflauge

    blah blah blah, i dont know exactly but if you know what im talking about you catch my drift

  65. Grumpy

    If you have to go with the format, I would like to make a suggestion.

    Replace the stars with the globe & anchor of the USMC. I’m army but I think that it would be better if this was more USMC. The movie, as it looks from the clips that you have shown, is not a generalization. It is about a specific place, a specific time, and it is about Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children. Also, the logo needs to differentiate itself from David Bowie’s Yong Americans (which would be really funny to have in the sound track).

  66. Bob USMC

    Here’s something I put together real quick:


  67. Alex

    I think you can do a little better. Maybe scatter a few bullet holes in it with a diagonal blood spatter across the middle, ya know, a little more flare

  68. Marc

    Don’t like the logo it dumbs down the subject for me. Looks like some turd who just graduated Columbia with a marketing degree pitched it.

    Pat if someone in the conference room suggests “Kids in America” by Kim Wilde as theme music, I hope you kick that stooge in the head!

  69. Sandy K.

    :arrow: Bob USMC

    Here’s something I put together real quick:


    That is nice man. :cool: Strong, polished, and includes Pat’s own YAD graphic.

  70. Bob USMC

    Thanks alot Sandy, appreciate it, but I think Pat’s looking for something a lot simpler and less busy. I sent him the one you like and a couple of more simple ideas last night. Anyways, I hope he finds one he likes, the one up top does look “commie” to me too. :mrgreen:

  71. Bob USMC

    Sandy, also check out the paint job in the middle of the U.S. Marines chopper. HAHA!!

  72. Sandy K.

    Yeah, I know he probably needs something with less but it is really cool. I emailed it to him because I was not sure if you had. I did notice the paint job on the chopper! :wink: Every picture and the pictures within the pictures were great. If he can’t use it in the documentary then maybe he will be able to use it in some other way.


    yo pat,

    I like the logo and all… but the stars are an Army symbol. Here is a link to what I’m talking about. [a href=”http://www.gwssi.com/extnews/main/assets/images/ArmyStar.jpg”]Click here[/a] I love how Hollywood doesn’t know shit about the military let alone the Marines. Fuck Tony Scott.



    Let me try this again my link didn’t work. Try this… :evil: :evil:


    I like the logo and all… but the stars are an Army symbol.

    I love how Hollywood doesn’t know shit about the military let alone the Marines.

    Fuck Tony Scott.


  75. rockin robin

    I kinda like the logo. However, as with everyone else, I believe that the “A” in Americans needs to be capitalized. Maybe both the y and the a. Also Pat, is this film “only” about the Marines or is Grumpy right, it’s about a specific time, specific place? If it is about specific time and place, then the logo should be more generic and not just Marine specific. After all, my son and several “newly adopted ones” who are Army Infantry spent 15 hellish months in Ramadi, helping to kick al queda ass and bringing stability to the region.

  76. DMac

    Capitalize the first letters of each word, it doesn’t look strong enough. Get a little more “Grit” in there by changing the font too.

  77. DMac

    Also I think the stars would have a better effect if they were a little more reminiscent of the WW2 stars, I like the gritty look of it, but the starts should be a bit straighter and harder


    I’m pretty sure it’s all Marines…

  79. LftBhndAgn

    I don’t like it. Its to generic. The documentary is far to important to have a Generic logo.

  80. LftBhndAgn

    More specific.

    The picture in the upper right hand corner on this page in your title bar - with the stencil fonts of the new logo your showing would be much better. It ties YOU, Your Mission, the reason for the movie and your site (originally made due to your movie) all together. You need to keep form with everything. It flows nice that way. Stay consistent. People take you much more seriously when you do.

  81. Grumpy

    :arrow: rockin robin

    Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to take away anything from the Army. I am in the Army.

    :arrow: Sandy K.

    I really like the idea of incorporating the Iraq Campaign Medal in the logo.


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