Video: Muslim Woman With Price On Her Head Talks Teddy Bear

December 2nd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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8 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Just goes to show that even the feel good libs don’t stand a chance against Islamofacists. I don’t see Christians getting pissed off when someone names their kid Jesus. I don’t see Christians marching in the street over piss-Christ. Yet Muslim facists get pissed off and threaten violence against people just because a nice woman allows her school kids to name a Teddy Bear Muhammed. Or because of a cartoon?

    These motherfuckers are sick. There is on;y one way to handle rabid dogs..And that is to kill them. Put the Islamo-Nazis out of their misery. They desire death. Why not give them their wish?

    Fucking maggots.

  2. Greg M

    I hear her book is really good. But come on people a damn teddy bear! That is just bull.

  3. franchie

    May-be because a teddy bear isn’t what they know of their known environmental species, be then a goat or a donkey, there would not have had such trouble ; but a teddy bear, isn’t that the name of a former US president ?

  4. Jim

    They are merely ignorant sheep being guided to act like savages on orders by these cleric slaves. These clerics are paid by the Saudi muslim’s to keep the mind of the cult busy and focused on jihad

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Apparently the rule goes something like this: You can’t name an inanimate object like a teddy bear or an animal after Muhammed. If you do the penalty is 40 lashes, jail time, or death.

    Free speech and free expression do not exist in Islamofacist societies. Neither does women’s rights or justice.

    These moon god worshippers are stuck in a 7th century barbarian mindset. They are insane, homicidal maniacs.

    To free such a society would require a commitment such as what we did in Kuwait, Iraq or Afghanistan.

    A radio/TV station like VOA needs to be setup to counter this Islamofacist lunacy. So long as the West continues to dismiss or ignor the real goals of Islamofacism, and fails to counter Islamofacist propaganda, this kind of thing will continue to go on unabated…no matter how good the intentions of someone as nice as this poor teacher might be.

  6. Cridhe Saorsa

    She is a brave woman who has my respect. We should declare our own Fat-Wad on anyone who would dare speak of harming a hair on her head. One Fat Wad Cutter delivered with extreme prejudice to the face of any fat mouthed imam who calls for violence against her.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Not to be outdone, a Christian minister names his pig Muhammed in response to this story. Now here’s a guy with some moxy.

  8. Augustine

    Oh shit this girl, I remember her on C-span. Now that is a brave one, good luck to her.

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