Imus Is Back - New Sidekick Is Black Jewish Woman

December 3rd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Archie Bunker is rolling over in his grave…heh heh. Imus went back on the air today eight months after his “Nappy headed hoes” comment. Some transcripts of show highlights are here. Among other things he said:

“I didn’t see any point in going on some sort of ‘Larry King’ tour to offer a bunch of lame excuses for making an essentially reprehensible remark about innocent people who did not deserve to be made fun of,” he said.

Every time he would get upset about the uproar in the media, Imus said, “I would remind myself that if I hadn’t said what I said, then we wouldn’t be having this discussion.”

Read the New York Post article here.

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9 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Never cared for Imus but DAMN GLAD to see him back on the air. The second you start censoring ANYONE of ANY comment or “Outlaw” the use of ANY single word in this country is the day we as a nation slip into Socialism. PERIOD.

    If you ban words, ANY words or ANY form of words you are in fact causing oppression.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yep glad to see him back. I never cared much for him either but censoring someone or something is a very slippery slope I agree completely LftBhndAgn

  3. drillanwr

    Not an I-man fan … But I agree with the whole “censoring” bullshit (the public/ratings take care of that … see: Air America). While I understand he needed to open his radio rebirth with a closing mea culpa on the whole ignorant remarks he made in the first place, I hope (I’ve heard Imus in the past and got the impression he has/had a proclivity for a left-lean) his eyes have opened a bit about the hypocritical left he always seemed to cozy up with.

    THEY are the ones who threw his ass under the bus and kept backing up to make sure he was dead …

  4. kc

    Whoopi is leaving The View?

  5. Islamofatty

    I’m in a hurry, just read the headline. Was Kipp hired? Or was it Franchie? Bash?

  6. cb10

    What’s an Imus?

  7. wendy

    Freedom of speach means you will be insulted. Get over it. Good for Imus, but I would not have back down from what I said. Savage is fighting back againt CAIR see article here:

  8. POD1

    Imus is to talk radio,
    what the U.N. is to world peace.

  9. fan

    Not a huge fan of imus, but he has always hated hillary. Her media matters went on the attack to get him off air. he does have fans who he can sway on who to vote for. So any one who is against her, ya have to hope stays on the air through the election

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