USA Today/Gallup Poll: Clinton & Giuliani Drop Massive Points

December 3rd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

would you eat this?
I have a feeling we are going to see acts of cannibalism soon. Hillary first, mark my words.

The latest numbers out from the USA Today/Gallup Poll are very interesting indeed:


• Giuliani: 25%; vs 28% in the previous survey, taken Nov. 11-14; and 34% in a Nov. 2-4 survey. So, his support has fallen 9 percentage points in a month.
• Mike Huckabee: 16%; vs. 10% in the previous survey; and 6% before that. His support has risen 10 percentage points in a month.
• Fred Thompson: 15%; vs. 19% in the previous survey; and 17% before that.
• Sen. John McCain: 15%; vs. 13% in the previous survey; and 18% before that.
• Mitt Romney: 12%; unchanged from the previous survey; and 14% before that.
No other GOP candidate was above 4%.


• Clinton: 39%; vs. 48% in the previous survey; and 50% before that. Her support has fallen 11 percentage points in a month.
• Sen. Barack Obama: 24%; vs. 21% in the previous survey; and 22% before that.
• John Edwards: 15%; vs. 12% in the previous survey; and 15% before that.
No other candidate was above 4%.

Hillary’s Classmates Ad photo.

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3 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Damn! the wicked witch has laid an egg

  2. Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    We conservatives have to organize and band together behind one candidate if we are to win. I see a lot of division.

    Goddamn, Hillary looks fuckin’ creepy in that first picture.

  3. REN

    “We conservatives have to organize and band together behind one candidate if we are to win. I see a lot of division.”

    That’s what the Primary elections are all about; let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You know, thinking back to the ‘92 and ‘96 elections, I remember thinking how nice it would be to have more than just two or three presidential candidates debate. Well, now we have literally dozens and it’s a useless ZOO. For anyone who thinks that 30 plus parties on a ballot would be a good thing, you’re MORONS! There was ample opportunity to shine in this first year of debates, next year is just going to be political hairsplitting of inane and insane proportions. Sorry peeps, but you’re simply NEVER going to be happy until you actually get more involved, and even then you won’t be “happy”. Such is life, and life goes on.

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