NBC Anchor Brian Williams Picks Global Warming As Time’s Man-of-the-Year

December 4th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Is it just me? Or does it seem like more and more we are being inundated with politically-correct, green-colored bullshit every single day? The fucking (pardon my Spanish but it really expresses my “feelings” right now)…the FUCKING title is “Man of the Year.” Not “Woman of the Year.” Not “Entity of the Year”. But “MAN of the Year.”

I swear, being a white male anymore instantly demonizes one. Leave it to the Liberal Left Mainstream Media’s poster boy to perpetuate the bullshit.

And let’s face facts, he couldn’t name Global Warming itself man of the year, so in order to “personify” the issue, he chose Mother Nature.

Brian Williams on his choice for Time Magazine’s “Man of the Year.”:

“My nominee for 2007 Person of the Year is a woman–a woman with a history of abuse, a woman who has never run for elective office, someone we all know, someone who makes her presence known on a daily basis in all our lives and, for my money, is better than any male alternative. That woman is Mother Earth. I think the environment is the compelling issue of our time.”

Good grief, gimme a freakin break. Of course what do you expect from a guy who equates our Special Forces and Navy SEALS with radical jihadis.

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5 Responses

  1. dumboldad

    global warming is now blamed for toooo much rain,,or is it not enuff rain,, or is it Oxygen in the air,,, or is it,,, hmmmm we haven’t been above freezing here for 2 weeks.. yesterday the ave. low was 18 and ur high was 15,,, i want global warming back!!!!!!!!!

  2. drillanwr

    Well, I can honestly say if it was “Time Magazine’s Dick of The Year” it would be DePalma, with Williams a close second.

  3. Poolee0311 (the infidel)


  4. Steven D

    Mother Earth?

    Wow, makes me feel like I am snuggled up on the couch under a toasty warm blanket.

    Left-Wing Idiot.

    There, I feel better. I need to smash something.

  5. K. West

    What an incredibly wimpy, simpering lib - Does Williams like mother earth in panties or a thong? Algore can be father earth - actually, he’ll probably be person of the year. When will a conservative be person of the year? The same year a conservative wins a Nobel prize, the same year hell freezes over, so don’t hold your breath.

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