Airing Now - Drillanwr’s “Cuban Food For Thought”

December 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


I told Pat that this whole Mark Cuban thing has been on my mind, of late. I don’t know why. You know, it’s sort of like when your frakking eyelid decides it’s going to twitch for the next couple days … for no apparent reason other than to annoy the shit out of you.

I admit to NOT being anywhere near overly knowledgeable of Mark Cuban (outside a quick Wikipedia read), and willingly further confess to having very little desire to make him any big point of interest study in my daily grind of information that I allow to soak into my precious gray matter (They were right … You CAN’T get those brain cells back.). Aside from the “self-made billionaire” (admittedly, on my part, very admirable) and sports blurbs about his professional basketball team (the Dallas Mavericks), I only know he is what the last turn of the century aristocrats would have referred to as neuvo-rich. So I imagine Mr. Cuban just might be somewhat considered that by the Hollywood-leech-set … neuvo-rich … Meaning, he didn’t necessarily make his fortune or build his reputation over decades of wheeling and dealing and casting-couch-flopping in La La Land, but they (Hollywood) really, really, REALLY like his money (especially since box office receipts of late show “money” in sharp decline in the universe that is Hollywood) so he gets to sit at the table. (A little back-reference: Anybody that knows the self-made Molly Brown story of the Titanic knows that Ms. Brown, while welcomed at the tables and included in their elitist soirees, was on thin ice with that inherited aristocratic social set. At any moment they could simply just ignore her and her money.)

Okay, I’m cleaning my machete after cutting through the bullshit to get to the point of my piece of rambling …

Our major problem with Mark Cuban (those of us in the community) is his backing of Brian DePalma’s anti-military, anti-American abomination “Redacted”. It seems on many, if not most, levels Cuban’s decision to put his money and support behind the sick flick was a lose-lose all the way around … except in the blackhearts and malevolent minds of the anti-American Hollywood illuminati (public/profit failure for them is actually ideological success). And, perhaps, Cuban saw it coming because he and De Palma had a slight falling out prior to the films release when Cuban “redacted” some horrible photographs from the end of the movie. Was this a sudden act of conscience? And if so, was it business conscience or pure inner-self conscience? Being a person who believes in personal redemption and second chances I hope it was the latter. After all, since 9-11-01 we have seen some of Hollywood turn that 180 … Ron Silver, Dennis Miller, and even our own Pat Dollard had his proverbial “Come to Geez-zuss! Moment”. I guess we’ll never know for certain exactly what is in the heart and mind of Mark Cuban.

Cuban is a relatively young man (the son of a bitch was born the same year as I was) with pockets full of money. So, he spends it here, there, and everywhere. (Yeah, I play Monopoly like that … bleh!) And well he should. I don’t fault the man for taking chances and living a capitalist’s ultimate dream. He earned it. However, some business investments turn out to be very bad … But how many actually turn out to be completely wrong on a moral scale? Judging from current public reaction I would wager Cuban is feeling the sharp stinging answer to that. Seeing my fellow-posters’ bloody and heated ballistic reactions to Mark Cuban on this site almost make ME duck and cover. So when, over the course of the last couple weeks, I saw Cuban “reaching out” to Pat Dollard via e-mail, or by tepidly sticking his smelly toe into our highly opinionated and motivated mine-fields to post his remarks on this site I began to wonder if he might not be feeling a little … oh, I don’t know … guilty … remorseful??? I mean, how the hell could someone who founded the Fallen Patriot Fund for our fighting men and women then go on to having a major hand in creating and setting into place the IED that would possibly wound or kill those same troops … if not physically, surely on a morale scale?

Oh, I know. Yunz are all scoffing, “drill, you ignorant pie-in-the-sky-slut! (SNL Dan Aykroyd inflection intended)” … Hey, it could happen. Am I feeling sorry for Mark Cuban? Hardly, the guy don’t sweat me anymore than I sweat him. I have just never been very good at burning bridges. Oh, I’ve taken out a few bridge abutments in my life … planted a few explosive charges … You know, so it would be easier to take them down if needed. But damn, my way of thinking is, ‘you never know when a gully-washer is going to come along’, and you just might need that damn bridge. I am sure Pat understands that in an industry of savage vampires and willing whores. And even with all his business savvy, I am certain Mark Cuban is only now just discovering it. Maybe not.

Hopefully Mark Cuban has learned something very important in his “Redacted” business misadventure. It’s as I responded to him last night on Bashman’s “She Fucking Hates Me” topic thread after watching everyone react to him posting there:


Tough audience, eh, Mr. Cuban?

You can screw with someone’s sports team.

Hell, you might even be able to screw with another guy’s woman …

But you can NEVER screw with our military.

The idiocy and crime(s) of a very few do not outweigh the ball-busting sacrifice, dedication, and determination of the many.

Do not mistake this for Vietnam. Not again. And NOT with these guys. Not with this generation of our brothers (and sisters). We’ve got their back(s) this time.

Never do anything that takes anything away from them.

Never do anything that keeps you from looking any of them comfortably square in the eyes afterward.

They deserve our respect simply for picking up a gun and doing difficult things most of us could never even imagine doing … and they do it even if THEY don’t respect YOU.

Anti-war Hollywood (and the left) like to make us believe they don’t think the troops are “expendable” … for any reason (No Blood For Oil … In Harm’s Way … Bush’s Oil Buddies … American Imperialism … NOT the World’s Police). But why is it THEY are the first ones to use the troops/military so cheaply in their finished products?

So, Mark Cuban has let Pat Dollard know he is available to see Pat’s “Young Americans” gets made. But why? Another business venture? Or to redact his part in a very bad mistake and injustice against this country’s warriors who bleed and sweat so that HE can have the privilege to continue to stuff his pockets, and the right to be an ass hole while doing it. Whatever … It’s Dollard’s judgement call. And I am certain Pat can judge Cuban’s intentions perfectly fine.

P.S. … I DID burn the Brian DePalma bridge … which fucking sucks because “The Untouchables” was one of my favorite movies. But that fat bastard has taken too many cheap and filthy swipes at our men and women in uniform. And our military bends over and takes it for no one.

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25 Responses

  1. monkeysdad

    Well said…

  2. Birdddog

    That fucker was on the dancing stars show. I got up and walked out of the house until it was over.

  3. drillanwr

    Birdddog -

    Look at those two big fat “left” feet … I don’t blame ya … :lol:

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    drillanwr, nice post!
    Ya never know, I mean maybe the dude does feel bad about it. would take a long time after proving it for me to have any respect for him though. Even playing a supporting role in an Anti-American view is enough for me to despise someone. Well said though. Im with ya

  5. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Drill - Very nice post . . . I am with you. I think Cuban has regrets, but refuses to admit in public that he was wrong. I think he wants to be “Hollywood”, but the Texas/Pennsylvania in him makes him hate being called a troop hater . . . I have written him emails asking him about his regrets . . . he doesn’t respond and I am blocked from his site . . . I am a nobody and since I live in DFW, he knows that . . . Pat is a somebody and I fear that he would use Pat to get back in good with our troops and with “normal Americans” like us here on the site and Mavricks fans (the few who have denounced him) . . . I think he will have or may already have blood on his hands and unless he totally denounces “Redacted” he can not be forgiven by me . . . But I know his money looks really good to a lot of people. I have faith in Pat to do the right thing . . .

  6. Bashman

    Nice piece there, drill.

    Yeah, I often have the knee-jerk reaction of just writing someone off who has crossed a line with me that they shouldn’t have. And I have felt the sting of unforgiveness in my soul a few times. By that I mean my unwillingness to forgive someone…but that just gives someone else power over me. Took me a long time to learn that particular lesson.

    For some, the path to forgiveness is a twisted road. For others, there is no finding the road.

    For Mark Cuban, I would say a public apology and renouncement of the Redacted project, followed by the elimanation of the film from his ownership completely would lead him on the pathway to forgiveness.

    But not everybody would even forgive if he went that far. For many, he has crossed a line that you cannot cross back over. For many, he is permanently on the shit list.

    I’m sure he won’t lose any sleep over that. I would hope that he did.

    Changes of heart are possible. I know. from my own experience. How often they occur is another matter altogether.

  7. Steve in NC

    Any forgiving will not come from me, He has crossed a line and unless he renounces the project and divests from it in a very public way he should never be forgiven by anyone.

    I know that he could care less about my feelings and thoughts, because he gives no shit whatsoever what a ‘common’ man thinks or he would not be the prick he appears to be.

    He pulled the trigger on the project. Nothing else said matters.

  8. drillanwr

    To be clear, I am NOT advocating any sort of “good-Christian-all-forgiving” approach to Cuban.

    Also, to be clear, I completely agree with the responses that insist the man absolutely needs to formally and publicly address his participation in “Redacted”, and then convincingly admonish himself and his part in the movie. (Public self-flogging might suffice …) I too want to hear Mark Cuban admit it was one of the worst mistakes he has made. Most importantly, I want to hear him not only give a heartfelt apology and the deepest conveyance of gratitude to this country’s troops/military … but I want to hear him pledge to never again be a part of such a travesty against them (Fall on his sword, if you will …)

    Then, and only then, will we possibly open our ears to him again …

  9. Top Ward

    Bash and Steve in NC are right on target.

    As christians, none of us wants to harden our hearts to someone. But in the case of Mark Cuban, and any member of the anti-American Hollywood types for that matter, for me to ponder let alone give forgivness, I’ll need to SEE real PROOF of their change of heart. None of this five minute press conference cry at the podium bulls**t! I mean real acts of support for our troops AND their mission.

    I would like to step out on a limb and make a prediction. As the situation continues to improve in Iraq I’m willing to wager more of the go with the prevailing wind types will all of sudden become “I’ve supported the troops all along” types. The politicians are already sniffing the change in the wind. The hollwood folks won’t be far behind.

    We trust your judgement Pat. Keep up the good work.

  10. ticticboom

    Money talks, bullshit walks. The oxygen thief put up $5,000,000 of his own money to make this shit. Nothing he ever does will change that.

    I was raised Catholic, but I’m not what you could call Christian. I have never forgiven anyone anything. Nor have I ever asked to be forgiven. Everything I’ve said and done, good and bad, is mine. My sins are my own. No one can take them away from me. I can’t wash them away, nor do I want to.

    The whole ‘forgiveness of sins’ thing strikes me as attempting to undo something you’ve done. That’s trying to make yourself less than you are. It’s our actions that define us. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. But how we conduct ourselves shows our true nature. You can’t change the past. You simply have to live with the consequences of your actions. I believe that most of the evil in the world is from people refusing to accept that. They either try to make someone else clean up their messes, assuming they don’t just blame everyone else in the first place (*cough* liberals *cough*).

    Depalma has shown consistently, over decades, that he is a subhuman piece of shit. Anyone with a functioning brain (this rules out most of Hollyweird) can see that. Getting rich usually, at least without the lotto or having John Edwards channel dead children for you in court, takes hard work and intellegence.

    It does not take moral courage. In fact, that’s usually a handicap. Look at Pat. He could’ve make a fortune if sold his soul and let the usual suspects butcher his documentary.

    Giving a pittance to charity when it was the popular thing to do does not impress me, especially when said person never shuts up about it. I give to Soldier’s Angels. I don’t feel the need to share that fact with everyone I meet. I do so because I want to, not to please people I don’t give a shit about.

    Giving a tearful press conference and throwing some money around in an attempt to make people like him will not change that fact that Cuban financed a movie that will demoralize any American and enrage any Arab who sees it.

    What is a life worth? The Muslims say 100 camels for a Muslim man, half that for a Muslim woman, and a twelfth for a dhimmi. An infidel’s life is worth nothing.

    I say: a life is priceless. No amount of money could stop me from obtaining justice, or, if justice is impossible, plain old vengance.

    Look at a statue of Lady Justice. She is blind. Who the victim or the defendant are is not important. Only the facts matter. Her left hand holds scales, weighing the evidence of each side. Her double-edged sword will cut down either side, without fear or favor.

    If a doctor murders one person, but saves the life of an other, or ten, or a thousand, does that somehow tip the scales in his favor? If a thief gives half the money he steals to widows and orphans, does that mean I should let him break into my house?

    Here’s a quote from a book, ‘Armor’, that’s eloquently sums up what I believe:

    You are
    What you do
    When it counts.

  11. ticticboom

    I left out something, got distracted tracking down exactly how many camels Muslims think a life is worth. I’d blame that and any rambling on the cold meds, but then I’d be a hypocrite. :mrgreen:

    I meant to say after:

    “… Cuban financed a movie that will demoralize any American and enrage any Arab who sees it.

    This film WILL, not might, cause people to die. Rioters in Pakistan can butcher each other and I’ll laugh. But American soldiers will be killed by some teenage jihadi thinking he’s protecting his people’s ‘honor’. Innocent blood is on Cuban’s hands. Money doesn’t wash it away.

    What is a life worth…”

    Hmm, I might have the makings of a post of my own here.

  12. drillanwr

    This is what I’m saying … I am so sick of hearing there are “conservatives” in Hollywood that are afraid to “come out”.

    The entertainment indusrty has been an important part of our culture. We all can name several movies worth watching. But the road Hollywood has taken in the last 40 or so years has been pitiful. What is worse is the supposed fear in that community of those who don’t think like the limo-left. But they won’t stand up to them.

    Mel Gibson want to make “The Passion of The Christ”, but had to finance it himself because Hollywood wouldn’t touch it … and it was one of the highest grossing films of all time.

    Dollard wants his war footage edited in a way that keeps it raw and real and honest … not just for himself, but mostly out of deep respect for the Marines he lived with over there for months. He saw the truth of their daily job. And he wants America to see it for all that it is. So, he’s butting heads, and tossing his own money in to protect it. If more people who don’t tow the leftist party line in Hollywood would just stand up, in spite of the financial and “you’ll never work in this town again” threats I believe we might just see a split in the “church” of Hollywood …

    And you know what? From what I have observed, the American people would support more honest work coming out of that town.

  13. Sandy


    It is a good post, it took me a while to comment on though.

    “Seeing my fellow-posters’ bloody and heated ballistic reactions to Mark Cuban on this site almost make ME duck and cover.”

    My comment to Cuban on Bash’s “She F’n Hates Me” post was somewhat scathing. I guess I do not wish death for him as I implied. It was the meanest thing I could say without strings of profanity which were very difficult not to unleash. Pat’s site is like a refuge for me. For someone like Cuban to just drop a few lines in there like he did was like a slap in the face by a stranger passing me by in the street.

    I think for me to actually “forgive” him ~ he would have to go over to Iraq and go on a patrol or two without fanfare and spend some time living like our Marines have and are. Talk to them. Appologise to them. Appoligise to the families of the Marines that were murdered right after the incident that they made the focal point of their sick flick.
    To me when you feel badly about something and are truly sorry you go about making proper amends with something called humility to those you directly harmed.

    To me he made his comment out of nowhere and came off to me like a real blowhard. Like, hey, I got the money so if your in a jam over there Dollard I could help you out. {. . . Pimp daddy can make it all right . . . look everyone at what a nice guy I am. :roll: }

    I was sittin’ there and I just saw red.

    I personally feel as :arrow: LMcG (Texas Mom) in that Cuban would just be using Pat to smooth over everything and not have to face any consequences as :arrow: ticticboom layed out so very well:

    “It’s our actions that define us. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. But how we conduct ourselves shows our true nature. You can’t change the past. You simply have to live with the consequences of your actions. I believe that most of the evil in the world is from people refusing to accept that. They either try to make someone else clean up their messes, assuming they don’t just blame everyone else in the first place (*cough* liberals *cough*).

    Here’s a quote from a book, ‘Armor’, that’s eloquently sums up what I believe:

    You are
    What you do
    When it counts.”

    The absence of personal accountability is almost a disease in our “society” now. It has gone past the point of reason and is getting more difficult by the day to watch.

    Drillanwr, again it is a good post, I just have deep reservations about Cuban’s real motives.

    “After all, since 9-11-01 we have seen some of Hollywood turn that 180 … Ron Silver, Dennis Miller, and even our own Pat Dollard had his proverbial “Come to Geez-zuss! Moment”. I guess we’ll never know for certain exactly what is in the heart and mind of Mark Cuban.”

    We all know what is in the heart and mind of Pat Dollard. He paid in sweat, blood, and everything financially to accomplish what he has. Like you Drillanwr, I will trust Pat to determine the true intentions of Cuban.

  14. drillanwr


    I think your idea for Cuban to actually fund his own trip over to visit the troops is a great one.

    I hear ya about his “hit and run” posting here. If he’s so committed to what he did with “Redacted” then stick around and take the mortar fire. I believe once everyone got the “F-You’s!” out of their systems the “intervention” might begin … You know, those intense interventions to un-brain-wash or un-indoctrinate a cult member …? Instead, as you hinted at, he drives by, dripping his $$$, and then dumps out like the coward he is. Not cool. Not brave. Not a smart man. And to me, not a man of conviction.

    Could be I’m giving Cuban too much credit … even the microscopic amount. He just might be all about the money, and buying his way into the celebrity fraternity.

    Sad … very, very sad, given that these men (and women) who actually commit their lives to their job are beyond priceless … and obviously beyond Mark Cuban’s mental and emotional ability to comprehend.

    Finally, my friends, the intent of my mood of the opinion piece was to let Cuban know he wasn’t as important as he probably believes himself to be. He’s a small man with a big wallet. He can either do good with his money, or do what’s “popular” at the dire cost to somebody else. It is braver to pick a side and commit to it completely, even if it means losing everything you have. Hell, our troops do that everyday … and for a hell of a lot less money.

    As for Pat, I believe he not only became a brother with these Marines (and the troops), but has “adopted” them. Young Americans is Pat’s “baby” … and he’s feeling that primal parental protective nature … You know, the one where only a parent will walk through fire for their child … Where a parent will tear the throat out of someone trying to harm their child. Maybe even that old saying, “A face only a mother would love …” Yeah, having seen ‘the ugly’ by being with these Marines Dollard not only loves them in spite of it, but because of it.

    THAT is the commitment we all admire and respect … and share.

  15. Dave

    It’s nice to see a site that supports the military and especially the Marine Corps, If you haven’t been in the Marines, then you don’t know what your missing. It gives you an entangible sense of love for country and the Corps(I really can’t figure out how Murtha lost that!)

    I served in the AIr Wing in 1969-73(did not go to Vietnam) and had the best time of my life, I still have a few friends that I communicate with.Got to go to Memphis, El Toro, Whigby Island NAS ,Yuma, Marimar NAS, Okinawa, Iwakuni, Camp Pendelton and lovely San Diego for Boot camp during Christmas( I remember singing Christmas carols on the grinder next to the Correctional Custody Platoon bawling their eyes out.)

    I cannot and will not forgive Cuban or people like him unless he takes his sorry ass to Iraq and goes on Patrol with Marines. We will not let our Troops suffer the way the Viet Nam Vets did, never again turn your back on the Military! Semper FI

  16. DC

    No forgiveness, No quarter!

    He crossed the line….he can deal with it!

    Maybe he can buy some atonement………….

  17. drillanwr


    Maybe he can buy some atonement………….

    Smoking a Cuban turd, rolled on the hairy thighs of Castro, somewhere between Purgatory and Hell might be a beginning.

    BTW, in a side note of useless information -

    In case you all are of the wrong mind in Mark Cuban’s heritage, not that it matters … but due to his last name I was under the impression he was Latino (or some such) … Apparently not (According to Wiki):

    ” … Mark Cuban (his family’s last name was shortened from Chabenisky when his Russian grandparents arrived at Ellis Island) …”

  18. DC


    His parents wer probably Bolsheviks too!

    Once a commie…always a commie!

    At least he comes by it honestly :roll:

  19. PhilNBlanx

    Great post Drill. Thoughtful as usual.

    Currently I have a great deal more faith in shizo girl ending Islamofascism than I do Cuban lifting just one finger to help undo the damage he has done to the reputation of America’s best. However, if Cuban wanted to change my opinion he easily could.

    Cuban is certainly capable of financing a film team that could travel to Iraq, capture film showcasing the extraordinary achievements of our US military and start broadcasting those folks intimate stories on his private TV channel.

    No, I’m not talking about military achievements. Pat, Bash and others have been there, done that and frankly there isn’t alot of military action left to do. I’m talking about the incredible personal achievements of America’s best in winning the trust of millions of Iraqi Sunnis that for decades and up until relatively recently considered Americans a greater threat than even the masochists of al qaeda, thanks in large part to a maniacal dictator named Saddam and a state-run media.

    And what a riveting story Mark would have to tell.

    American men and women that relatively not long ago were considered mere infidels, whose lives had less value to Sunnis than a goat, up against overwhelming negative media support in both Iraq and here at home (sound familiar?), managed to amazingly win the hearts and minds and more importantly befriend millions of Iraqis in a mere four years, one individual at a time. Few Americans have heard of the benevolence, kindness and acts of mercy our military men and women have performed for the Iraqi people. Yet the war was filled with them and the Iraqis themselves know them well. And if Mark only had the will, he could tell their story to the world.

    What an amazing story that few have chosen to investigate and even fewer have desired to tell. Presently, you are still counted among those Mark.

    It would not be difficult in the least Mark for you to reconcile with the US military by imitating them in developing friendship and trust with the Iraqi people while helping them to build on their new-found freedom. The US military is highly skilled in reconciling with former foes and highly capable of putting their job before their personal feelings so I don’t foresee that obstacle. And do I even have to mention the potential buisness opportunity Mark?

    Mark, I really hope you consider this proposition. It doesn’t take an exceptional person to get burnt by the devil. But in this day and age it takes an uncommon person to admit they were wrong and take the first step in making things right again. I’m sure Pat and Bash would be willing to help you take that first step but first you have to muster the desire. If you do, I think you will find out what true friendship is all about.

  20. fan

    He could possible buy some atonement if he finances some pro-USA , pro-military movies,(long for the days Hollywood actually made those, like in WWII. thank God Pats work is going to be shown) I hate it when I hear that those anti-troop movies are flops because”people are tired of the war”. No you dumbfuck hollywood types, make a good pro -USA, pro -military movie about the War on Terror and people will flock to it. I’m sure most of you who post here have read Yon’s account with the troops (Deuce Four) in Mosul. There were rumors Bruce Willis was going to get involved. He should also fund a bunch of efforts for the soldiers when they return home, especially for the injured, and scholarships for kids of those killed. If not, all the Maverick fans should avoid the games and send a message. I agree with the posts that he should pay his way to Iraq to face the troops face to face.

  21. drillanwr

    Cuban is certainly capable of financing a film team that could travel to Iraq, capture film showcasing the extraordinary achievements of our US military and start broadcasting those folks intimate stories on his private TV channel.


    Phil/acu -

    How true. At the very least the man could seek out guys such as Pat Dollard, Michael Yon, and Michael Totten (who actually put their lives and limbs on the line to personally go to Iraq and travel with these brave men to tell their stories, and the stories of the Iraqi people they encounter) and help fund them and their journalistic missions. Dollard, Yon, Totten and a handful of others get little if any funding … and depend on their own pockets, and the understanding and generosity of people who visit their blog sites in search of the truth and real news. TRUE war correspondents, not the cushy agenda driven tarts and farts who the MSM networks and rags send to barely stick their noses outside the Green Zone and depend on highly questionable local “stringers” to bring back the latest car bomb footage.

    An aside, Pat emailed me the other day re: Cuban’s reaction to Pat’s posting of my little opinion piece about him here …

    I won’t divulge the content of Pat’s brief mention about it, and will leave that to Pat to address to you all when he has the time and energy to do so.

    I will say, however, given all his “money and power” it is quite telling that Mark Cuban could not personally post his reply to me/the column right here on this thread.

    A “poor man” may have never signed a paycheck for anybody … But they seem to have more backbone than a rich one who can.

  22. PhilNBlanx

    Thanks for the update Drill.

    If Pat gives you the OK you know how to get a private message to me on NB. It would be nice if Mark joined the Iraqi “awakening.” If some simple goat herders could figure out who the real bad guys are, you would think…

    And this just doesn’t affect the troops. It touches millions of other people. I’m sure countless basketball fans are pissed over this. Hell, similar to many of our troops I liked the Mavericks until Mark got dazzled by shiny things in Hollywierd. Cuban’s team shouldn’t have to deal with this due to Mark’s poor decision but they are and they will until Cuban makes it right. I’ll sit and stare at a wall before I’d watch another Mavericks game now. It’s a damn shame so many continue to suffer over the stupidity of just one individual. Tick-tock Mark.

    Anyway, I appreciate you keeping the fire lit on this one Drill.

  23. Ed Stanowicz

    Cuban will burn in hell. Hopefully it is a very slow burn.

  24. Mortimer Snerd

    I agree that forgiveness is not incumbent on any of us who support our United States Armed Forces soldiers, and their mission, fighting and dying for our right to live. And for the holy principle of our right to live in liberty, protected by these soldiers of uncommon valor. Its what’s in your heart that counts. Be proud of that. Each new day gives new opportunity to support our soldiers (& in ways we have not yet got around to.
    It’s never to late to change your ways. But the deeper you dig yourself in, the harder it is to undo what you’ve done: DePalma, Cuban, hollywood et al, remind me of Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave. No amount of suffering they could endure could possibly undo the damage and carnage they’ve brought to millions of Laotion, Cambodian, Vietnamese, and Israeli innocents, especially the christian S.E. Asian ones. Not to mention, our soldiers morale.
    But these prima donnas live in their insular world of sicophants and fellow limo liberal elites. All tarted up in ‘counter culture’ rhetoric, No One around them will dare tell them they are anything short of “fabulous”, and/or “demi god”, “enlightened elite”, “secular saint”, etc.
    These 60’s frauds are exactly like their totalitarian allies, be they totalitarian socialists of World War 3 (this is World War 4), or its totalitarian Takfiri hybrid first cousin, armed and trained by Soviets. When they preach and prosletize endlessly about “peace”, they are taking dhimmitude. Peace for them and their elite, passive submission for you and me, because we are too backward, and unsophisticated to decide our own lives.
    Also no accident that Ermesto Guevara adornes their Hollywood T-shirts. Another cowardly Stalinist executioner who ran away from every fair fight on a batttlefield, but instead would “courageously” fire a revolver into the head of a shackled captive, just cuz he felt like it.
    Why don’t they (Redgrave, Fonda, Sean Penn, Cuban, DiPalma et al) shut they filthy mouths and simply pick up a rifle, or IED, and fight for the enemy? And vacate this glorious civilization once and for all to do it? Filthy cowards. Shut and Sing? Shut and Fight! Or just Shut up and Go Away! Go to Hell and Stay There This Time! Pick a side and stick the Hell WITH it!
    Oh, and, by the way, I thought this slanderous piece of Sheidt sucked the FIRST time I saw it, when it was called “Casualties of War”.
    But, of course, we had to be treated to the inevitable Hollywood ReMake/ReDux/ReHashteesh of recylcled, refurbished, regurgitated, worn out, propagandic, nihilist, agitprop garbage that passes for Hollywood “courage” in the vast echo chamber that is its own self fulfilling “prophesy”.
    Shame on you, For all the above and more reasons.

  25. Steve in NC

    @ Mortimer Snerd :beer:

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