Oliver Stone To Meet With Ahmadinejad On Biopic

December 5th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

So Oliver Stone will be going to Tehran to meet with Ahmadinejad.

“Ahmadinejad’s Adventure’s” or “The Truth About Ahmadinejad” are the working titles as of today. Stone was initially denied permission, but The Munchkin King seems to have changed his mind and said the film could be made if Stone would meet “certain conditions.”

Among such conditions, the Tehran Times reported, “Stone would not be allowed to invent any scenarios. [Instead,] he should only use incidents from the president’s real life in the film.”

On one hand, I am surprised that Ahmabigdikwad would actually allow an artist from the “Great Satan” to come and make a film about him. On the otherhand, it doesn’t surprise me at all that Stone is jumping on the “I love America’s enemies” bandwagon that seems to be rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, though the streams are swollen right on down the yellow brick road to the land of Oz.

Stone is a MoveOn.org collaborator, just in case you weren’t sure where he stands politically (chortle).

I have a better title for his film: “In the Hall of the Munchkin King!” For him, life is a stiff neck and a crotch fume.
the munchkin king

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10 Responses

  1. Vanessa

    Olive St0ned perfect example of an American Idiot.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  2. Grumpy

    How about

    Ahmadinejad: how I became a little pussy-ass-fag.

  3. drillanwr

    Might be nice if Ollie was over there when that fucking 12th Iman decided to crawl up out of the fucking shit well. Then he could have the fucking movie turn from b/w/sepia to color. Hell, Stone could even have a cameo in the movie as Amydidherdad’s little lap-dog.

    I see a bridge I want to burn …

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    Is it just me or are we seeing a new shit stain come out of the woodwork every day. Oliver Stone, you are a real POS

  5. martymar

    Didn’t they already make a movie about Achemadicksmall and Chavezmynuts. Wasn’t it called “Brokeback Mountain” or something like that.

  6. DC

    “Stone would not be allowed to invent any scenarios. [Instead,] he should only use incidents from the president’s real life in the film.”

    Well, that will stop him from making the movie since all he can do is fiction!

  7. drillanwr


    “Stone would not be allowed to invent any scenarios. [Instead,] he should only use incidents from the president’s real life in the film.”

    Well, that will stop him from making the movie since all he can do is fiction!


    Now, THAT would hurt Stone’s creative license. He’d actually have to make Amydidherdad into the slime slug that he is, and not some crusading hero who should be on the front of T-shirts.

  8. John Cunningham

    Some veterans don’t make it through with all their wits.

  9. JayMS

    Now this has to be one of the most absurd ideas I have EVER heard. Damn, this guy is a patent moron. WHO in their right mind is going to want to see a film about Ahmawhackjob? Of course we’ll have to endure hours of shrill bitching about censorship, blah blah once this movie bombs.

  10. franchie

    if your country is gone so far that such a movie is on preparation, then it means your really fuck up ! and that hollywood is not a promoter of the 7th art (one would knows though :lol: ) but an industry that wants to surf on the actualities to make the more possible money

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