Video: Miller Time

December 5th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


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6 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Hillary–I don’t want to spend four to eight years walking around with ear plugs.

    Ackbar Obama–We’ll have dashikied bongo players tending card tables laden with incense and body oils lining the drive up to the White House.

    As Dennis said I also don’t understand his border policy but it was nice to hear someone having no problem with the President.

  2. franchie

    Hillary–I don’t want to spend four to eight years walking around with ear plugs.

    hehe, then you could come over in the meanwhile, as you are in retirement, that would not be a problem :lol:

    plenty of archeologic, historical artefacts and monuments to visit

  3. TBinSTL

    A Bengal Lancers referance??? Wow that is a new highpoint for him! :beer: :beer: :beer:
    Oh yeah, he’s also right about the bloodless Clintons. I wonder if her spine glows when she has sex.

  4. John Cunningham

    Franchie, after accumulating about 500 hours flying, around ‘91, I never flew again until Mar ‘04 and until Jul ‘04 I made six round trips from Tampa to Philadelphia. Before 9/11 flying was not much different than taking a bus or train. Go to the airport and get the next flight. Eastern Airlines had a Washington to NYC shuttle that left every hour and you would pay on the plane. Just go to the airport, get on the plane. When I was a teenager living in DC and I was under 21, for me it was $9.50, full fare was $18.00. The train was $10.60, the bus $8.50 and both took four hours. The plane was 50 minutes. Of those Tampa to Philadelphia trips in ‘04 only one I was able to leave Tampa at 5am, went right through security. One return trip from Philadelphia I arrived at the terminal my plane was leaving from and there had just been a bomb threat. When there was the all clear all those that had left the building had to go through security again plus all that had arrived had to wait even longer. The usual one and a half to two hour check-in was three hours. Even trains are different. Everyone has to stand in line naked with a bar code on their forehead with the sniffer dog walking up and down the line. Don’t do much traveling anymore and when I have since I’ve been back in Philadelphia it’s only been to NY or DC. Well, there were those two trips to Buffalo. I don’t know what I was thinking, ten hours on a train. This Sunday I’m going to NY for a Christmas Party. Where I live in the suburbs there’s two stops I can get on so I can avoid getting on the train at the downtown AMTRAK station. Only a few people get on or off at these stops and you can stay seated until the train arrives. Goddam islamofacists took all the fun out of traveling. Beside, my cat get separation anxiety. I lead a dull, boring and uneventful life. Maybe two trips out a week for an average four pints each outing and I hope to keep the habit going for the next 25 years. Prophecies are all in the prophecy and the interpretation. Something about Nostradamus’ prophecy about a “city of towers in a new world”. I think he saw Paris in his future. Eiffel TOWER, other tall buildings in the Parisian skyline. To him it looked like a new world. Believe me, I really worry about waking up one morning and finding out that Paris disappeared overnight because some islamofacist walked in a nuclear bomb.

  5. ticticboom

    Can you imagine the outrage if the Right had gone after Chelsea the way the left goes after the Bush twins, especially Jenna?

    The worst I can remember anyone saying about Chelsea was cracks about her looks, and not many of those. Lefties have proved this isn’t a police state. How, you ask? Steven King and all the others who’ve gone after Jenna are still alive and free. Even without the powers of the Presidency, I’d quite cheerfully break the face of anyone who said things about my sisters that they’ve said about the twins. Bush is a better Christian than most. I’d be pulling a Truman.

  6. franchie


    Don’t worry, Paris is eternal :lol:

    it was built on a “holly” celt place after celts took the same place from the former megaliths civilisation :lol:

    The “Huns” wanted to destroyed it, but a “holly” gesture through “Saitnte Genevieve” stopped them at the entrance :lol:

    and lately, Hitler wanted to destroy it too, but the Commandant in chief, refused to obbey :lol:

    and in 1995 the hijack of the air-france plane in Alger, was ment to blow up in Paris, see how our special forces got rid of the terrorists, after that our political responsibles managed to manipulate their brain :lol:

    no worry, we are the state in EU that can absorb foreigners the best ; they can’t resist too long to our standards of living :lol:

    (not talking of the surburb youth, which is peculiar and represents less than 5% of the north african immigration population)

    well I understand that taking a plane from your country is nowadays a hell, for the security worries, and the price has to be taken in account too : 1€ = 1,50 $ ;

    he, if one day you want to come over, I’ll keep a spare bed for you :lol:

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