Britain: Fuck The NIE, We Want More Sanctions

December 6th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

The Right Honorable David Miliband

LONDON, Dec 6 (AFP) Dec 06, 2007

Britain will press for a new set of United Nations sanctions against Iran over its controversial nuclear programme, Foreign Secretary David Miliband wrote in a comment piece published Thursday.

His comments come days after a new US intelligence report which said Iran had halted a drive towards nuclear weapons in 2003, though the Islamic Republic’s controversial nuclear programme has been the subject of three UN Security Council resolutions, two of which have levied sanctions.

“We will now press for a further sanctions resolution,” Miliband wrote in the Financial Times business daily.

“We cannot be afraid of diplomacy with teeth. The alternatives are all worse.”

He added: “There will remain a lack of trust until Iran resolves issues about past activities and suspends its enrichment programme.”

Uranium enrichment is needed to produce fuel for nuclear reactors, but the process can also be used to produce the core of nuclear weapon. Iran insists its has purely peaceful motives.

The five permanent United Nations Security Council members — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — plus Germany have been leading the international effort to ensure Iran does not develop a nuclear arsenal.

The US National Intelligence Estimate released Monday said Iran had halted a drive for atomic weapons four years ago but retained the capability to make a nuclear weapon by 2015.

It said previous intelligence analyses, the basis of Western fears that Iran is secretly working on a nuclear arsenal, had overestimated the Islamic republic’s activities.

Miliband insisted the West was not trying to implement regime change in Iran, deny the country nuclear power, or restrict its influence in the region, writing that if Iran’s policy “rests on a perception that our aims are hostile, then I want all Iranians to know this is wrong.”

He said, though, that “Iran needs to see the resolve and unity of the international community.”

“Iran has the potential to be one of the world’s great nations. It enjoys enormous advantages. Its people should be reaping the benefit of these to the full, not seeing their country treated as an international exile.

“There is a clear choice facing the Iranian leadership … I hope they have the foresight and inspiration to make the right one for their people, who deserve no less.”

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6 Responses

  1. martymar

    yeah, fuck the NIE. and fuck all the liberal whiney, pussy assed fuckin traitorous bitches too. :beer: :beer:
    (sorry, drunken rant)FUCK EM ANYWAY!!!

  2. Valerie

    So, we are to disbelieve all of the belligerent, threatening language that has been coming out of Iran? Like we disbelieved their heroes, the Nazis?

  3. Paul Ron


    What belligerent, threatening language?

    Your seeing ghosts.

    Stop equating Israel with the US. The US is safe from all of this. Israel may or may not be safe. Who cares? They are the most brilliant talented people they will figure out a way to live.

    How come the US didn’t take in all these talented people from 1939-1944. The US had the oppurtunity to come pick them up. Thats ALL we had to do. Apparently none of you know this. Its called martyring your people for long term gain.

    Finally, the “Nazis” never posed a threat to the US except economically.

  4. Ted B

    NIE = No Intelligence Evident

    Three State Department weenies write a poor college paper filled with noncommital statements that turn it into this statement, “Uh, I dunno, maybe…”

    Fuck the Chuch Commission and these guys. :mad:

  5. EZ Rider

    ‘The five permanent United Nations Security Council members — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — plus Germany have been leading the international effort to ensure Iran does not develop a nuclear arsenal.’

    What? that doesn’t make any sense. China and Russia are pro-Iran. They’re stalling efforts to subvert Iran’s nuclear ambitions. confusing

  6. Lamplighter

    If the NIE is true, then it just buys us some more time to ratchet up the sanction regime. If it’s false, then we still should ratchet it up. Either way, nuclear weapons in Iran isn’t an option. Britian has more to lose than the US–they are in closer range.
    P.S.: I really think the report is just cover for the Bush admin to pass along the Iran problem to the next administration. They’ve started enough wars for one administration.

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