Chavez Says He’s Out At End Of Term
From RTTNews:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said he will step down from office when his current term expires in 2013, following the defeat of his reform proposals.
Making his first public statement that he would step down as planned, Chavez said: “The reforms did not get passed, so I will have to leave power in 2013. I will work around the clock; until the very last day I have left here, I will work relentlessly.”
Last weekend, Venezuelans narrowly rejected 51% to 49% the president’s plans to reform the constitution in Sunday’s national referendum. They included a proposal to allow him to run for re-election indefinitely.
Chavez said the country was blackmailed by violence threats to vote against the referendum and on Wednesday said he would try again to push through his reforms.
aww that’s too bad. i’m heartbroken.
December 6th, 2007 at 11:35 pmChavez said that he would step down in 2013 but until then he will try to push though his reforms. I have a feeling that its going to be a little more active than that. He doesn’t come across as being a good sport or a gracious loser like of guy.
December 7th, 2007 at 12:51 amLike when he was slinging the shit about Bush at the U.N. with all of the dramatics of a Catholic priest and performing it like a lounge lizard comedian, President Bush just paid it no mind. But then the King of Spain tells Chavez to shut up then he’s running around whining about an apology.
I just can’t see Chavez stepping down quietly in 2013.
He’ll pull a Putin. Put in some figurehead and run the country as Prime Minister or Vice President.
December 7th, 2007 at 2:07 amSee Ya —-ya porky ass, che guevera wannbe POS, you won’t live that long–go pound down another taco grande, gordo!
December 7th, 2007 at 3:19 amHugo’s Boys Get Stoned…
How I wish there was some video. This story sounds most amusing.
I guess Hugo Chavez isn’t quite as beloved as he fancies himself to be.
Sunday he gets embarrassed by losing the referendum and now his military aircraft is chased away by people….
December 7th, 2007 at 5:02 amChavez will never voluntarily step off his throne.
December 7th, 2007 at 7:50 amNot until he achieves room temperature will the crown pass to another.