Romney Delivers “Faith” Speech

December 6th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

It was pretty generic. Certainly didn’t hurt his campaign, if anything, I predict an uptick in Romney poll points this week, maybe one or two.

He slammed secularists for trying to remove God from our society.

He said something that stuck with me and actually painted a visual picture for me. He was talking about the Founding Fathers in the first Continental Congress in the Fall of 1774, Boston full of British troops, and how they were preparing for possible war and there were all kinds of denominations represented in the statesmen amongst them, and someone suggested that they pray.

Here is a transcript of what Romney said:

“But there were objections, they were too divided in religious sentiments. What with Episcopalians, Quakers, Anabaptists, Congregationalists, Presbyterians, and Catholics. Then Sam Adams rose and said he would hear a prayer from anyone of piety and good character as long as they were a patriot. And so together they prayed, and together they fought, and together by the Grace of God they founded this great Nation.”

I thought that was pretty cool.

1774 Continental Congress
Look at these people, they are our Founding Fathers. What are they doing?

Doesn’t mean he has earned my vote. Just means I thought that Sam Adams quote was a pretty cool picture he painted of a piece of our history that I was previously unaware of. Either that, or that Adams quote falls into the category of one of those things I had already learned and forgotten.

However, I’m personally still undecided. Don’t know who is going to get my vote yet.

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7 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I am not sure on him either, but if he looks to the founding fathers for wisdom and guidance I can put that in the plus column, but his inane statement on the NIE still worries me.

    But I do love Sam’s beer :beer:

  2. T Double Dash

    Yeah that Romney, I don’t know what to say about him, good speech though.

  3. Joshua

    Hmmm, I wonder why there was yet another public shooting / suicide? Maybe it has to do with whatever you sow this you will reap?

    Remove God from the society and you will have … a godless society! :wink:

  4. fmder

    Im not a big fan of Mitt Romney as stated in my comment about his statement on the NIE and the statement about consulting his lawyers before taking military action.

    But I have to admit, this speech was well overdue. Wish Thompson or Guiliani had made it…

    Cheers to Romney :beer:

  5. TBinSTL

    Mitt saw how long the “don’t tase me, bro” guy held on to the spotlight and took the hint. Same thing as my little cousin that would make himself cry and claim I was going to beat him up because I wouldn’t let him play with my favorite HotWheels…the grown ups always fell for it, so I beat the piss out of him one day, since I was getting punished for it anyway. :twisted:

  6. John Goodrow

    I just don’t like this guy, he rubs me the wrong way.

    I tend to look at the character of the person. I don’t like those who seem to be the typical politician.

  7. ticticboom

    My dislike of Romney has nothing to do with his religion, if you can call Mormonism that.

    As an aside, I knew a Mormon chick in high school. Her excuse for the whole polygamy thing was that intolerant Gentiles (they call Jews that, too :roll:) killed most of the early Mormon men, so the survivors had no choice. I always thought it was because Joe Smith was a pervert in the mold of Mohammed.

    Romney has ambition, but I don’t think he has the stones to make the hard choices. While no one is as bad at the Clintons at making all decisions based on poll numbers, he differs in degree, not kind. Guiliani can look the media, establishment, and even the public in the eye and say, “Fuck you! We’re doing it my way.” I can’t imagine Romney doing that.


    Same here, with my brother. The little shit would actually slap his arm to make it sound like I was hitting him. My policy was, if I got a beating because of him, he got one twice as bad from me. The self-destructive moron kept on doing it anyway, not caring as long as I got beat.

    When our parents finally got wise to it, he’d do it when ‘his’ dog was around so she’d bark at me. The dog’s far more afraid of me than I am of it (for good reason) so it didn’t help much. The one time she did bite me, when I actually was beating the shit out of my brother, she shit herself and ran. The only reason she survived was that my brother got in my way when I was about to catch her.

    That earned him yet another ass-kicking. :twisted:

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