Baltimore 9 Update: MTA Police Say No Provocation, This Is Racially Motivated

December 7th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


Maryland Transit Administration Police said last night that they have found no evidence that the severe beating of a 26-year-old woman on a city bus this week was provoked and that they are investigating the attack as a possible racially motivated hate crime.

Nine middle school students have been charged as juveniles with aggravated assault and destruction of property in the Tuesday afternoon attack on a woman and her male companion on the No. 27 bus.

Police said yesterday that they have determined that there were two additional victims in the case - a third passenger and the bus operator who came to his assistance.

Jawauna Greene, an MTA spokeswoman, confirmed that investigators were considering racial hostility as a potential motivation for the assault, which left the female victim, Sarah Kreager, 26, with broken facial bones and other injuries after she was punched, kicked and dragged off the bus. Her male companion, Troy Ellis, was also beaten, but not as severely.

“We are at this point investigating it as a hate crime,” Greene said.

The students are charged with aggravated assault and destruction of property. Police say the teens could face additional charges. Police have identified two additional victims, a third passenger and the bus driver.


When is the MSM going to pick this story up?

Hmmm, let’s see, a white woman and her boyfriend on a bus full of black teenagers in Baltimore. They won’t let her sit down and so she calls them “Niggers”??

Outnumbered at least 9:2?

Teenagers, Jr. High Schoolers….hmmm…I find that very hard to believe. My guess is they’re scared now and want to play the race card.

No matter what a person says, no court in the land accepts insults as justifiable reason for taking physical action against someone. But this claim of the N word is yet to be substaniated.

It is my understanding that the maryland Transit Authority has cameras on every single bus, and so far the word is the victims did not provoke the attack (hearsay, just to be fair), so I am sure more will be revealed.

From The Baltimore Sun article by Gus G. Sentementes and Brent Jones:

The woman and her boyfriend boarded the No. 27 bus and tried to find a seat as it traveled through North Baltimore.

But a fight quickly broke out between the pair and a group of nine students heading home from their Hampden middle school, police said.

By the time Maryland Transit Administration police officers reached the bus along East 33rd in Waverly on Tuesday afternoon, the teens had punched and kicked the woman, dragging her out of the vehicle’s rear door and leaving her with broken bones around her eye.

The nine students from Robert Poole Middle School, who are all 14 or 15, are charged as juveniles with aggravated assault and destruction of property. After juvenile hearings yesterday, all were released to their parents, directed to be kept under home detention and told to stay out of school until their next court hearing Jan. 4.

But yesterday, police and some of the youths’ parents sharply disagreed on what sparked the after-school brawl — which MTA officials characterized as a rare example of serious violence on the city’s public bus system.

According to a police report, one of the boys kept jumping in front of the woman, Sarah Kreager, 26, and claiming that the open seats on the bus were reserved.

When Kreager finally found a seat, the teens began throwing punches at her and her boyfriend, according the report. The beating continued, police said, even as the eastbound bus lurched to a stop and the driver radioed for help about 3 p.m.

At one point in the Tuesday afternoon attack, police said the teens punched and kicked Kreager, broke down the rear door of the bus and dragged her into the street. The report says she suffered two broken bones in her left eye socket, two deep cuts on the top of her head and other cuts on her neck and back. Her face was bruised and her left eye was swollen shut.

Kreager was taken to Maryland Shock Trauma Center. Her companion, Troy Ennis, also was beaten, police said, but did not require hospital treatment.

But the mother of one of the suspects says the victim, for an unknown reason, provoked the attack by spitting in the face of one of the girls. Beverly Bell, whose son is an eighth-grader at Robert Poole, said the victim’s boyfriend then pulled out a knife and threatened the girls, which prompted the boys to attack the man.

Interviewed after yesterday’s court hearing, Bell said her son had never been in trouble before. Testimony in juvenile court revealed that five of the six boys arrested had no juvenile records.

“We don’t know why that woman did what she did,” said Bell, referring to the alleged spitting incident. “But I can’t see these kids jumping on anyone for no reason.”

Another parent said it was Kreager who did not want any students sitting next to her initially, prompting an argument.

Edie House, a spokeswoman for the city school system, said yesterday that the fight is “under review” by school police.

“We’re getting conflicting reports about what actually occurred on the bus,” she said. “We’ve not had a chance to speak to the students who were arrested. Once we do that and complete our investigation, we will determine what disciplinary action is going to be taken.”

MTA officials also are investigating. “This agency is looking at this as a very tragic event,” said Jawauna Greene, an agency spokeswoman.

State officials characterized the attack as an isolated and rare act of violence on city buses that was quickly brought under control by police. Crime statistics were not available from the MTA.

Greene said the agency is reaching out to schools, parents and students to let them know that riding city buses after school is a privilege that can be revoked. “If there is a silver lining in this, it’s the fact that the bus driver’s response was timely, and he knew the proper steps to alert authorities to prevent the loss of life,” Greene said.

MTA officials said about 30,000 children in Baltimore and Baltimore County use the subsidized bus service.

To his credit, the Baltimore NAACP President Marvin “Doc” Cheatham said he wanted to “reach out” to Sarah Kreager, 26, who suffered broken bones and lacerations after nine Robert Poole Middle School students assaulted her around 3 p.m Tuesday, police said.

Mayor Sheila Dixon said “This incident was deplorable. I will not tolerate intimidation or violence anywhere in our city.”


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38 Responses

  1. kozanne

    Excuse me, but there’s a debate on whether or not to punish these kids? So…if it turns out that the woman did indeed use the N-word, then it’s okay to beat the hell out of her? Drag her off the bus?

    Maybe I’m gettin’ long in the tooth, but if I had done something like what those kids did, my parents would personally have escorted me to jail plus make me work my hinie off to pay for the woman’s injuries……

    Politicial correctness has taken the place of ethics?

  2. JS

    “We have not made a determination yet because we are getting conflicting reports,” she added.

    Oh, really? And what part of each kid with 8 of their friends bet the living crap out of girl and her boyfriend conflicts with the account of what happens? They should be punished for that alone.

  3. drillanwr

    No matter what a person says, no court in the land accepts insults as justifiable reason for taking physical action against someone.


    I dunno, Bash … Seemed to be enough for the O.J. jury’s verdict. (See: Mark Fuhrman)

  4. Goodbye Natalie

    Let me get this straight. An adult couple walk onto a bus full of juvenile gang bangers young African-Americans and without provocation for the heck of it, a white gal announces to the gang teenagers they are a bunch of “niggers”, then proceeds to punch one of them back into their seat?

    And the bangers innocent children, rising up as heroes, muster the courage to “drag” the women off the bus and beat the hell out of her?

    And I’ll bet the thugs teenagers are all honor students and Boy/Girl Scouts with impeccable records too? Right? And we are all stupid enough to believe this horseshit?

  5. Corey Wayne

    “If a scantily clad woman walks by a group of men, is that justification for them to rape her?”

    Radical Muslims believe it is

  6. Professor Bill

    Its perfectly acceptable in their culture of hardcore rappers and professional athletes et. al. to beat women. Thats normal to them.

    This segment is so programed that all whites are racists and devils that they beleive they can play the racist card anytime they need a get out of jail free card.

    This woman didn’t call them niggers, to beleive she did is insane.

  7. Egfrow

    What we may have here is a miniature entitlement induced rampage based on their indoctrinated perceptions that they are being victimized by white society. Thanks to the magical Poverty Pimps of the Left.

  8. old11B

    And the cat… , with feathers stuck in his mouth, says “I didn’t eat no stinkin’ bird !!!!!!”

  9. TJ(the Kafir)

    The parents better pray their kids are not let off for this crime, because their kids are worse off with freedom. I suspect vigilantes will have their way with them.


  10. KG

    14 and 15 year olds should be freshmen and sophomores in high school, not in middle school.

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    I dont believe this horse shit for one second. nobody in their right mind would walk past a large group of people and call them that. no freakin way! but i guess because they are claiming the use of this word they will gain instant credibility.

  12. John Cunningham

    I don’t use city public transportation as much as I used to and I’ve never witnessed such an extreme example as this, but, I have witnessed lesser incidents. So many of “them” are of a like muslim mind set of continually trying to break us down and they won’t stop until until we know to look down as they pass by. It’s the ten percent factor. Do the math, (now thems numbers).

  13. Kurt(the infidel)

    Watch Sharpton show up for this one now and be on the wrong side of this situation. or better yet, where is he to denounce such actions from others?
    Turn this into the baltimore 9 “Slim Shady” Sharpton and watch the fire start!

  14. Jenn

    So, when I get called a gringo I can beat the crap out of the person who called me that? And know with confidence that me, little ole whitey, will walk away with nothing but a slap on the wrist, right?

  15. Infidel

    Sorry Jenn, you’re wrong. Only whitey’s can be guilty of racist hate-crimes, that’s the unwritten hate-crime law.

    These boys were simply reacting to the many years of oppression their people have endured at the hand of white oppressors, so any racially motivated crimes they commit are justified >. As the “mother” asked in the article, “we don’t know why that woman did what she did…” !! What a stupid bitch. The “parents” should also be charged.

    Seriously, it’s too bad that reporter was too brain-dead to ask, “Maam, do you really believe beating this woman was justified?” No, you can’t say that and put the ‘oppressed minority’ on the spot and show what racists they really are. They’ve gotten so used to being catered to that places like Balto. are lost causes.

  16. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    So they’re saying that calling someone a nigger justifies that type of behavior?

    Get that bull out of here. Hate crime or no hate crime, throw the book at these vermin.

  17. Tommy

    Can you imagine this situation flipped. 9 white kids on a bus not letting 2 black kids sit down, and then beating the crap out of them. Oh the hell that would raise.

    And when did political corectness replace ethics?

    Rosa Parks would be so proud of these 9 I’m sure (sarcasm).

  18. Rob

    It smells like typical hood-rat BS. I have seen this crap before. She didn’t call them names, or spit in anyones face & her boyfriend didn’t pull a knife on them. those kids were on the bus first and were acting like jerk-off by not letting them get a seat. I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out that those kids didn’t try to rob them either. like it is her fault those losers live in the hood!

  19. Mark Tanberg

    When I was defining the N word on the last post I did not make a distinction between races. Any race can be a NIGGER. Bill Cosby is certainly not a nigger, Oprah is not a nigger, these are productive members of society. So if Sarah called them niggers because the thugs wouldn’t let her have a seat on public transportation then she was speaking the truth.

    And where are the little school children today? —- in jail with all the homeys that they haven’t seen for a while, high fiving the day away with 3 square meals and friends in kind planning their future criminal careers and hating the evil system that just keeps them down.

    By the way they were probably met at the door by the “nation of islam” representative making sure they all belong.

  20. Ranger

    Sounds like these kids have been busy making up crazy excuses, but they aren’t all in sync yet. Probably haven’t had a chance for all 9 to get on the same page in terms of the their bs story.

    And like you guys said, who cares if somebody used the N word or any other word, since when does that justify this sort of orgiastic violence on the part of one’s children????!

    I mean, two seats and the rear door were DESTROYED during the attack?? WTF, these guys are rampaging don’t give me any horseshit. Hulk smash door! Hulk kick woman in face! Beat, punch, crush! Oh I mean I’m sorry daddy, she called me a nigger and hurt mah feelins.

  21. drillanwr


    Can you imagine this situation flipped.

    That’s sort of what I meant in referencing the O.J. case/trial above. While the evidence clearly should have convicted him two things went hand-in-hand to sway the jury:

    the victims, ex-wife and her friend were white (while the accused was black) and

    one of the prime witnesses, a police officer, was pretty much discredited and almost criminalized for having used the “N” word in the past and his entire testimony fell on deaf ears.

  22. Egfrow

    Are the students of this Middle school in the same class or share the same teachers? If so, what are they teaching there?

  23. JewishOdysseus

    As if this “nigger” allegation wdn’t have been mentioned by the reporting bus-driver or school official on Day 1. :roll:

    But don’t be distracted, people. EVEN IF she had cursed them out, that is no defense to a charge of assault/battery. Didn’t the thugs BLOCK HER FROM SITTING DOWN? FOR THAT ALONE they shd have been thrown off the bus.

    “Gee, maybe that black boy REALLY DID WHISTLE at that white woman 50 years ago…So he DID deserve to be lynched…”

    You see where this idiotic argument leads us?


  24. Dave

    Excuse me, but there’s no amount of “provocation” that excuses BEATING UP A WOMAN. If I found out my son did such a thing, I really wouldn’t care WHAT she called him first.

  25. PhilN

    “Sounds like these kids have been busy making up crazy excuses, but they aren’t all in sync yet.”

    Not a problem Ranger. Paging Mr. Sharpton…oh, Mr. Sharpton.

  26. Tommy


    I see what you are saying. Its almost funny when it comes to the bus and not letting the white kids sit down, it’s about as perfect a picture you could paint of reverse discrimination.

  27. Jim

    …and where are all the dumb cracker :mrgreen: phoney ass liberals who were out marching for the Jena 6…

  28. William

    This is awful. Please, PLEASE, would some proud white men avenge Sarah Kreager and target some niggers?! There needs to be payback (BIGtime) for this anti-white assault on this poor woman.

    Maybe her boyfriend, brother (if she has one), or father can do something??

    The niggers must pay for this.

    The noose is on the loose.

  29. ticticboom


    Eat shit and die.

    Probably some Kos Kid trying to play agent provacatuer.

  30. Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    William: That better be sarcasm, because if you do it, you’re no better than these bunch of scumbags. Maybe we ought to target sons of bitches like YOU.

  31. Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    It’s because of hateful motherfuckers like you that shit like this occurs - because you’re too fucking base to control your fucking urge to kill or injure someone who’s different from you. You’re trash, worth less than the dirt below my feet. Take your racist shit somewhere else, because it ain’t welcome here.

  32. Nicole

    I don’t understand so many people rushing to judgment without ALL the facts which will likely be meted out in a court of law (which is why we have courts). Kreager and her so-called boyfriend, so-called husband, but actually her baby daddy, Ennis, are meth heads. They could have provoked the incident, even pulled a knife, even attempted to stick one of the kids up. Ennis failed to protect Kreager because he is used to using her as a punching bag himself. The two have been involved in more than one domestic violence episode. In fact, they are both being sued by Kreager’s mother for custody of their child because they are too busy druggin’ to properly care for the kid, and, purportedly, have been abusive themselves. These are the innocent victims; a meth ho and her thuggin’, abusive, baby daddy. (all of this is public record)

    I don’t, in any way, condone the actions of the kids. They were wrong! The group likely jumped in to what started as a beef between one of them and Kreager (typical childish follow the leader–wanting to fit in and be bad–stupid mentality). They should be punished in a way that will have a permanent impact on them so that they know what they did was wrong and unaceptable even if she started it. I highly doubt it was a “hate” crime. A “hate” crime is where race was the motivation for the violence. I will wait for all the facts. But, it is highly unlikely that 9 black kids beat a white woman on a bus in Baltimore for the sole reason that she was white. Even if racial slurs were hurled back and forth, that does not mean that the beating was brought on by race hate.

  33. 1madpittbull


    William: Eat shit and die…you are not welcome here, take your racist views and go back to stormfront you piece of shit. If you’re a plant, then go back to KKKOS or wherever the hell you came from.

    To the Pat Dollard Crew (and fans)

    This is situation with the Baltimore 9, is becoming more convoluted with each passing minute….but many things have been posted at this site over the course of this story that ring truth to the Nth degree…

    Let me state for the record, that I say black kids, not African American; there is no room for a hyphenated American in my mind, and I don’t care what amount of skin pigment you were born with…lets not fall into the politically correct bullsh*t that is accosting society as a whole. Not all black people come from Africa (one of my best friends is black, and he was born in Kingstown, Jamaica), and I played rugby in high school and college with a white man who was born in Zimbabwe…does that make him an African-American? Screw hyphenated American labels…no country comes before the US of mother F**kin A!

    I digress…

    1) Holding ones own is a simple sign to ward off some elements of street crime…I work at an all black TV station in DC (and I am white as hell, in fact I am first gen American, so I am the super ETHINIC white…because everyone knows all white people world wide are the same and have the same language etc, here is a hint…my first language was NOT English, but whatever). We work in a good block / bad block area of Ward 5, and go out on shoots into all areas of the city including the “ghettos” of ward 5, 7, 8 etc. You have to show that you are not afraid of anyone, and the street thugs usually leave you alone to find some easier prey…

    2) If these kids were raised as “victims” of inherit white racism, then we are f**ked. The mentality of the victim seems to be prevalent within elements of the inner city black establishment, along with the phrase “We Was Kings and Queens…” I’ve heard that numerous times even before Al Sharpton opened his big fat asinine mouth. Who is teaching this separatist dogma? Why are citizens of America associating, and in some cases bordering obsessive, with past origins instead of present troubles? I thought the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr stated that his dream was to be judged not on the color of his skin, but the content of his character…then who is teaching inner city youth to become ignorant whelps, judging on skin alone?

    3) Why under any circumstances would you (as a white person) bust out and say the N-word toward any black person? That just sounds too convenient. And if she DID (which I doubt) that does NOT give you the right to go attack someone with a gang of nine people…if I was to attack everyone who has called me a racial name, while I’ve been at work, or in the field working, I would have been in at least 50-60 fights at my 5 years working in DC.

    While shooting in the street I have been called, white-boy, honky, cracker, G_d damned cracker, white devil, blue eyed devil, evil white F**ker, white trash, albino S**t head, Massa’s gay bitch (which I’m not gay, but I found that insult intriguing. I guess it was meant to insult my manhood), B*tch, pu**y cracker mother f**ker, Junior Overseer, No Good Corn Bread Honky White Trash Mother F**ker, etc…my favorite one was that for some strange reason I was even called a “House Nigga”…???

    If I was to attack these random denizens of DC (and these insults we hurled at me on the Metro, on the Street, from the windows, at line in a local corner market, etc) I would be in jail right now. Being called a name does NOT give you the excuse to give a beat down.

    3) Where the hell are the parents? If I had kids and one of them beat the hell out of a women, you could put money in the bank that I would punish the hell out of them (including a trip in the boxing ring with Dad)…who raises their son with the idea that it is OK to beat up a woman? That is BULL S**T!

    4) If a knife was drawn, and it is 9 versus 2…why weren’t any of the Baltimore 9 stabbed? :twisted:

    You can also put money in the bank that if a group of people (kids, adults, gangs, whatever…) attacked my women and I and I pulled a knife…you would have some dead attackers, and a few of them would undoubtedly have stab wounds…especially if I pulled first (which I would not…I’d wait for them to make the first move, while palming the weapon).

    Even without a knife, I would kick the living S**t out of any one who attacked my woman…juvenile or otherwise! Nuff said. :evil:

    Yeah, something is not adding up about these new stories that the Baltimore 9 are telling…I guess we wait, and time will tell…

    Pitt Bull

  34. MegaTroopX

    I’m a substitute teacher in my local school district nowadays.

    These jokers want to claim that the very utterance of the n word provoked them into an animalistic rage?

    Yeah right. I have to constantly reprimand black students for using the term to refer to each other.

    They’re animalistic alright, but provoked? I call bullshit.

  35. Bob Smith

    Each one of these students deserves to be severely beaten, as do the perpetrators of any violent crimes. Once they get a true taste of their own medicine…perhaps they’ll understand better.

  36. Anthony

    It has been a few days and you still don’t hear much/anything about these nine peices of S**T on the news. God I hope something really bad happens to these animals. Thanks to the Jena 6, these bastards think they can do anything they want to white people and and play the race card. White people have jobs and responsibility and don’t have the time gather from around the country and have anti-racism party. Go F**K yourselves.

  37. A lil bit of Info

    Hello all-

    First thing that I want to say is that no one really knows what happened on that bus besides the people that were there and the ones there that were paying attention to what was going on.

    You do not hear anything on the news regarding anything about the woman that was beaten or her boy friend which is saying that he is her husband. They are not married (not that that matters) but until you hear what I’m about to say maybe then you’ll understand more.

    The woman that was beaten has a criminal record regarding the use of drugs and the selling of drugs among other things. She has a court date this month and should be locked up regarding the drug use and distribution. Her so called husband and herself both have assault charges from her beating on someone and him beating on her. She had a black eye before stepping on the bus that day. Most likely from him because he beats on here according to court documents. So,he is really phony with his sympathy act on the news when he says they were beating her up and he was trying to help.He beats her up his self. He is a grown man, he couldn’t stop the fight but a woman stopped it? Please, he beats on her and wants sympothy from everyone because no one knows their background. Anyway, no she did not deserve to be beat on and it is not ok. The whole truth is not out. But they are really blowing it out of control with the hate crime slurs because more happened on that bus. She has a court date on the 27th of this month for possesion of drugs and she is homeless because of the addiction that she has. It is said a lot different in the news but all of the truth will come out about everyone that is involved.
    Everyone always thinks that it is a racial thing. It is not always what everyone wants to believe.
    So before you judge the children. Find out more about the so called victim. The woman is now on a witness program and has a place to stay. I wonder if she can get the drugs that she needs while on police watch.
    No one deserves to be beaten. But on the other hand no one deserves to be convicted of a hate crime when that was not the case. There’s so many racist people in this world and when things like this happen you really find out how many are out there. :idea: Makes you say Hmmmmmmm

  38. KAI

    Unfortunately, America is still a racist society existing in their own hypocrisy and as usual White America likes to play judge, jury and executioner. Don’t judge these black children before all the facts are out. Truthfully, white people have a history of spitting in the faces of blacks along with all the other atrocities they do so well. What I assure you is that when the complete facts come out, as Usual, the story will be much different than whats previously reported by the white media! The very same people who for generations white America has caged as animals are just giving it back. The people whose very same bibles they sit in church with yet fail to read tells us ‘Whatever a man soweth, so shall you reap’..’Treat others as you wish to be Treated’ White-Euro America has treated blacks worse than any other race on the this planet. Should black America now cry for a people who have treated them as less than dogs generation after generation! One can only surmise as whites are Now becoming a dwindling minority race, what the future shall hold!

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