Sean Penn Endorses Kucinich

December 7th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Duuuuuude. Birds of a feather, Mr. Hand. Heh heh is that your wife? Whoa.

Sean Penn endorsed Dennis Kucinich for president in San Francisco Friday.

Penn made what had been billed as a “major political statement” at San Francisco State University.
Andy Juniewicz, National Press Secretary and senior advisor to Kucinich told NBC11 that Penn made the endorsement at an open-to-the-public event sponsored by The San Francisco State College Democrats.

The event was paid for by Kucinich for President 2008.

Penn has donated $4,600 to John Edwards’ campaign and $2,300 to Kucinich during this cycle, per FEC campaign finance data, NBC’s Domenico Montanaro said.

calling the mothership

Penn was set to deliver “a blistering indictment of political leaders and an impassioned endorsement of Presidential proportions,” according to a Kucinich press release.

“Penn and Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich have been close friends for years, but the Kucinich campaign was not involved with Penn in preparing the remarks he plans to deliver today,” Juniewicz said.

“Sean Penn is a good friend, but he’s also a very intense, independent-minded person,” said the spokesman for the Kucinich campaign. “He’s going to say whatever he’s going to say.”


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14 Responses

  1. Birdddog

    SP will say it so your panzy ass doesn’t have to. :roll:

  2. Dbo


    I really love all these photos you create for these articles. ROFL.

    Maybe the two of them can start a new campaign tour on a ufo together.

  3. Irish Gal

    Ughhhhhh… :roll:

  4. Augustine

    I think I just pissed my pants with laughter

  5. John Cunningham

    Why am I not surprised?

    Bashman, could you make a picture of what their children would look like?

  6. drillanwr

    ~pheww!~ That was close!

    I was worried Kucinich wouldn’t get the MUFON endorsement …

    I know it was a tough choice between Kucinich and Ron Paul.

  7. Jim

    Who would have thunk? Boy sean making a political statement :!: …I’m sure he’s keeping it easy on the syllables…

  8. Bashman (the infidel)


    Actually, many of the pics I use I find online. There are some I make, but I also find a whole bunch.

  9. One Shot

    This was good Bash. I saw that this fruitloop was supporting another fruitloop and had to chuckle. Good post!

  10. A. S. Wise- VA

    Ah yes, Jeff Spicoli–Penn’s most authentic and lovable role ever!

  11. POD1

    Well, if a person as important as Sean Penn says I should vote for Kucinich, then he’s got my vote.

    Sorry, that was some residual liberal-think not completely flushed out by 9/11.

  12. Paul Ron

    If you want to see a good Penn movie get “State of Grace” w He and Gary Oldham and Penns’s future wife Robin Wright.

    Great Irish gangster movie.

    Pat you ought to like that movie!

  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    CNN just did a poll and asked people if celebrity endorsements influence their vote. 94% of respondents said “hell no”. Fuck you Spicolli. You and Dennis The Mennis need to retune your tin foil rabbit ears so that the mothership will know where to pick both of you two morons up, the next time it passes over that worn hole that you clowns call your heads.

  14. deathstar

    …Penn made what had been billed as a “major political statement” at San Francisco State University…

    Oh joy, what could be better than being lectured by a know nothing, wife beating hollywerido.

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