Security Forces Storm Saddam VP Hideout, Chase #5 Wanted Man Izzat Al-Douri

December 7th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

al douri
This guy has been hanging out in Syria, where the majority of the parliament are all baathists just like him. It is believed he has been involved in running many insurgent ops in Iraq.

Iraqi security forces stormed a hideout belonging to former Vice President Izzat al-Douri in a village east of Tikrit, where they found documents prove a link between al-Douri and armed groups, deputy governor of Salah el-Din province said on Friday.


“Police forces, backed by Tikrit awakening council fighters, stormed al-Sada al-Naeem village on Thursday night,” Abdullah Hussein Jabara told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI), noting that the broke into the hideout based on reliable intelligence reports asserted the presence of al-Douri inside a house in the village.

“The forces did not find al-Douri, but seized documents with information on the al-Qaeda network and other militias, their activities and the techniques used to conduct their operations in northern Iraq,” he added.

“The documents also referred to the groups’ objectives which involved attacking Iraqi military and police forces, but contained no reference to U.S. troops,” he also said.

A security source said the police later pursued a car in which al-Douri was believed to have been traveling, but the driver managed to escape.

“They later found the car abandoned, but containing a computer with important information, small arms and other equipment,” the source said.

piglet king

Al-Douri was number five on the 55-wanted people list the U.S. military had announced after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.


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7 Responses

  1. Alpha

    Ahh, on the trail of the supposed “dead one”. Those reports of his death of leukemia probably as reliable as the same reports of Bin Laden being alive. Either way, they are on borrowed time in this life and a real unpleasant experience in eternity. “Good guys never hide” unlike those commited to works of darkness. That is some life you Al Qaeda folks have carved out for yourself…Watch the hour glass as the sand empties…

  2. One Shot

    Too bad that they let this POS escape. He needs to be caught and hung after a fast trial.

  3. Ranger

    Good to see they’re going after him, instead of bothering to continue trying to use him to bring others back to the table (like as of a few months back). We don’t need him now for a damn thing and can get back to taking care of business without worrying about a backlash.

  4. Brian H

    good comment, but one correction: he’s Baathist, not AQ. Probably visualizes himself succeeding SH in a glorious new dictatorship.

  5. Alpha


    Collaborating with,for, and among Al Qaeda to sow their evil discord. There is no distinction in my book.

  6. Humble Janoslav

    WTF? This guy doesn’t look Iraqi! But he does bear a resemblance to British General Montgomery. Freakin’ converts to Islam. :roll:

  7. ticticboom

    @Humble Janoslav:

    I think his mother got knocked up by a Scottish squadie when the Brits owned Iraq.

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