Three Photos Of Mall Gunman Released

December 7th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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11 Responses

  1. One Shot

    Too bad a CCW holder didn’t step up behind him and put one right through his brain pan.

  2. Steve in NC

    I do not think any attention should be given to this stain.

    Don’t reward his depravity.

    I give a f*ck about this piece of shit and have now wasted too much time on him.

  3. fmder

    Now why didnt he follow the gun free zone sign???

    Piece of filth has been judged… :evil:

  4. GF

    What good are all these cameras if it’s all hindsight?

  5. Joe in MD

    When an idiot ran out on the football field during the Redskin’s game last night, they didn’t show the video so he wouldn’t get his moment of fame. The media needs to do the same for this POS.

  6. John Goodrow

    Every time psychos like this get their pictures put up for all to see, they get exactly what they wanted. Fame.

  7. Irish Gal

    I saw on the computer on our elevator at work that he was turned down by the military a year ago. I missed who reported it. Don’t know if its true or not.

  8. Tommy

    How much time you spending in the elevator that they have a computer on it?

  9. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    When the first reports came it, they said that the shooter had a “military haircut” and was dressed in “camoflauge” . . . ???

    You know what they were implying . . .

  10. Dr. Jerry

    Here is my question today:

    How did this kid get a full-size AK style weapon, from his vehicle to the inside of this mall, without someone confronting him?

    He does not have on a long overcoat, he does not appear to have carried the weapon in a weapons bag or case. Subsequently, he had to carry it in the open.

    Where was security, where were people screaming about an armed man being on the loose in the parking lot.

    I am assuming that everyone was so engrossed in their shopping, that their heads were so far up their four-corners, that they paid no attention to their surroundings.

    Next time it may be an Islamic terrorist(s), with more than just an AK to do his damage with.

    By the way; there was a plethora of news reports (Fox News being one of them) that at this same mall, in Omaha, a live hand grenade, with the pin still in, was found in the parking lot, just a few days before this event. Was it the same guy? Was it someone different? Is there a collusion amongst an unknown group? And will we ever know?

  11. Irish Gal

    Tommy: 60 Floors a trip. It’s a computer above the floor numbers that gives you news snapshops. No chairs or desktop. Ha ha ha…

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