Re-Colonize Africa?

December 9th, 2007 Posted By Iggy.

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22 Responses

  1. Logan

    Welcome back Iggy. Glad to see you back :smile:
    Definitely an extreme view, but I totally agree with you things need to be done differently there. (well, for most countries.. a handful are doing well on their own) And yeah, the UN has not been helping much at all. Great post!

  2. Bashman (the infidel)

    Hey Iggy…

    No place like home is freakin right!

    I saw that “Devil Came on Horseback” doc and found it interesting. I liked that Marine.

    But you are so right about the “throw money at it” thing. That place is cursed.

    I say that in all seriousness. That continent has been the center of disease, killing, and hatred since the beginning.

    The place is cursed. Polytheism and animism will never bring peace and prosperity and happiness. And Islam is the chief reason for the oppression, both physical and spiritual in that place. And by spiritual I mean depression and sorrow and hopelessness and bigotry…permeating mindsets and mass-thinking patterns that are contrary to the true ingredients necessary for that place to flourish, which are freedom and hope.

    Like you said, knowledge is not power, USE of knowledge is and they haven’t gotten that part down.


  3. iggy

    Bash - you the man! Amazing mess is all I can say. I spent the last few weeks with former residents and long time operators from Africa, and the stories just made me sick to my stomach.


  4. John Cunningham

    If I’d have known we were going to have all these problems I’d have picked my own dam cotton. Re-colonize, why, we’re trying to colonize what we have here. Why take on more?

  5. iggy


    The question mark after the title is to suggest a change in our concept of “fixing” things. We have spent a lot of time and money in Africa to no good measure of success. We either need to let the British, French, Dutch, German, etc back in - or leave it alone all-together. We need to get over the myth of fixing the worlds’ problems with money.

  6. ticticboom

    Take up the White Man’s burden-
    Send forth the best ye breed-
    Go bind your sons to exile
    to serve your captives’s need;
    To wait in heavy harness
    On fluttered folk and wild-
    Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
    Half devil and half child.

    Take up the White Man’s burden-
    In patience to abide,
    To veil the threat of terror
    And check the show of pride;
    By open speech and simple,
    An hundred times times made plain.
    To seek another’s profit,
    And work another’s gain.

    Take up the White Man’s Burden-
    The savage wars of peace-
    Fill full the mouth of Famine
    And bid the sickness cease;
    And when your goal is nearest
    The end for others sought,
    Watch Sloth and heathen Folly
    Bring all your hope to nought.

    Take up the White Man’s burden-
    No tawdry rule of kings,
    But toil of serf and sweeper-
    The tale of common things.
    The ports ye shall not enter,
    The roads ye shall not tread,
    Go make them with your living,
    And mark them with your dead!

    Take up the White Man’s burden-
    Ye dare not stoop to less-
    Nor call to loud on Freedom
    To cloak yor weariness;
    By all ye cry or whisper,
    By all ye leave or do,
    The silent, sullen peoples
    Shall weigh your Gods and you.

    Take up the White Man’s burden-
    Have done with childish days-
    The lightly proffered laurel,
    The easy, ungrudged praise.
    Comes now, to search your manhood
    Through all the thankless years,
    Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
    The judgement of your peers!

  7. John Cunningham

    Iggy, you’re preaching to the choir. I realize I was being kind of a smart ass in my comment, but, I’d rather spend our money on those here than, well you know what I mean.

  8. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Iggy - You are so right . . . I recall hearing over the last 10-20-30 years of how we send in massive aid and the “war lords” steal it and the intended never get the food, clothing, drugs, etc. My little brother was in Somalia with the Army for a while and has told me stories. Yet, Hollywood keeps whining about sending more, more, more . . . It is futile without a logical plan, yet liberals know not logic. Thanks for all you do.

  9. Mark Tanberg

    Sounds like nation building to me, all for it.
    Bring back the dutch,french,germans and throw in some India for the accent this time. Oh and a pinch of Irish to finish it off.

  10. Joe

    I am sorry but this idea is about as horrible as the current plan of just throwing money at Africa. I am all for trying to help Africa and the simple solution does just seem to be lets just go in and fix it ourselves but that just presents enormous problems. It would cost more money to fix Africa through colonization than the current method of just throwing money. It would cost man power that many countries would not be willing to give up. There would be massive initial conflict in getting the war lords out of power. There would be continued conflict from Muslims looking for a new battleground to fight the invading infidels. Think Iraq only on a continental scale. Now even if all these problems are solved imagine the land conflict between colonizing nations about the boarders for their new colonies and the resources within them.

    I know that drastic measures would be needed to fix africa but these are just too drastic and even though the long term solution should fix the problem, most of the world just does not care about Africa enough to contribute the necessary resources. They are content with thinking the moderate donations of money and food absolve them from doing anything further.

  11. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    :cry: I was just over reading some of the posts on the Denver Post website about the church killings . . . what is wrong with this world . . . so very distressing . . . They are posting that it is Bush’s fault, of course; or the church deserved it because they turned away a homeless person (who says he was homeless - homeless people usually don’t pack heat); one posted that church people are not very nice in Colorado so what do you expect (I paraphrase) . . . It just makes you wonder about this entire world. We can’t help other countries when this one is so fucked up.

    Joe, What would you have done about Rwanda?

  12. James F.

    Iggy, I don’t know if you’ve read the book Colossus by Niall Ferguson but it is a very interesting read. It is an interesting look at America as an empire and how the 21st century needs an empire more than any other time in history in order to depose tyrants, stop local wars, fight terrorism, etc…he argues an idea similar to yours.

    Anyways welcome back and great video post. I agree completely with you, like it or not America is the only hope for the citizens of many of these countries and America has the capacity to do great good in these countries. I am concerned though that if America doesn’t get involved in Africa, the Chinese will. And they don’t mind propping up regimes like the one Khartoum.

  13. Frozen Tex

    Part of the problem with just giving money (on an individual basis) is that most of the charity organiztions out thereof horribly inefficient; out of $1 donated, mayb .10 - .15 cents will actually go to Africa, and the rest will be spent on the organization’s own admin and infrastructure. May I suggest…

    A DEVELOMENT organization (not just throwing money and bags of food at a problem) that reverses the above mentioned monetary division; most of the funds donated will actually make it to the field (only 6% for admin and fundraising).

  14. Steve in NC

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
    - Lao Tzu

  15. franchie

    while I agree with the senseless of throwing money away to Africa, cause as mentionned frozen Tex, only a tiny bit get there, and only the elite from there handles it in swizter bank accounts ; as Frenchs, we have a colonial past there ; we built their infrastructures, as soon as we left, they could handle their country according our occidental rules : cause they don’t live as individual family, but as clans, if one of the group gets a job in an occidental companie, then he’ll have to support the whole rest of his clan, and that society habit doesn’t encourage one to make his life. as exemple, most of the hotels there are of international standard affiliated to chain, be french, english, german or american, the manager is usely a white man and his assistant a black issued of the clan that had money to own the hostel , not because the black isn’t able to head the hostel, because if he did, then the whole clan would come and use the hostel services, and the black assistant would not be able to oppose to this primitive society rule.

    and the staff is not a sure one, problem of health (hiv), problem of robberies, etc…

    so yes, I believe that as long we want to see them coppying our rules, that won’t work !

    may-be the Chineses have it right, they exange their mineral richnesses by giving them infrastructures, they don’t teach them, they don’t give money to the elite, just leave them handle their problems till they don’ disturb the business

  16. franchie

    I ment they could not handle their country

  17. steve m

    Whoa! - Take a look at former french colonies, anywhere. - The Brit’s did much better.

  18. franchie

    steve m

    your kidding,

    Sudan, Darfur, yemen, Irak, Nigeria Sierra Leone…

    I can’t find where is the “error” :twisted:

    ah, yes, South Africa, but Neederlanders were proeminent though, Afrikaner is their mixed language

  19. Clyde Conneer

    “I can’t find where is the “error” ?? I saw it, Indochina.
    Another? Polonesia.

  20. franchie


    Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodge, Korea, Mogadiscio, Cuba….

  21. TJ (The kafir)

    To much generalizing about africa. Just because sudan and various other countries are screwing things up we cant paint all of africa in the same light. Not all africans have the same values. I can speak to the values of ghanaians in west africa who are not as quick to fight when corruption exists in their government. They are a religious people who generally believe in the dignity of their fellow citizens and dont get caught up in religious differences. Currently the president of Ghana is a Catholic Christian and the VP is a muslim. This represents fairly well how Ghanaians are willing to work together for peace and prosperity.

    Africa command is likely necessary but I fear that our concentration on Africa much like in iraq and afghanistan may place our host african nations on our enemies sh** list. For a country like ghana that has been amongst americas most favored nations among africans, that does not bode well for the slow growth and economic progress of the last decade. Some african nations need to be given time to work out their own problems. Ghana is doing so and have proven capable and are a beacon of light to countries overcoming so many years of corruption and civil strife like neighboring liberia and sierra leone.

    They are not perfect and have their problems but need to be given the time to continue to progress and i am torn as to whether american or european intervention within their borders will not foment a struggle with our enemies on their soil much like what happened with Angola in the 70’s pitting the ostensibly the US against cuba (soviet union). :cry:

  22. LftBhndAgn

    Welcome Home Iggy.

    Once again you hit a home run with your video.

    To add:

    Im 11 - 12 years older then you. I have also been seeing the commercials for sending money to the poor children in Africa. So add the years to your assessment.

    Thank you for making me aware of just more things I need to educate myself on.

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