Ron Paul Booed At Spanish Language Debate

December 9th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Ron Paul said we ought to both talk and trade with Castro’s Cuba.

Loud boos followed.

He then said our policies propped up the likes of Fidel and Hugo Chavez.

More boos.

And then there was a third round as he finished his statement.

I think it’s safe to say that the final debate numbers will favor Ron Paul by only 30% instead of the usual 40%.

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16 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Thugs and dictators love Ron Paul. The victims of thugs and dictators hate Ron Paul. Normal people hate Ron Paul.

  2. Richard Nicoletti

    Ron Paul is a Robert Taft Republican that believes in America first and no wars for Israel. He represents the John Birch Old Right from before Republicans became Wilsonian new world order, nation building, Sean Hannity/Fox News types.

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    Hey, there’s a reason why Cuban and Vietnamese immigrants vote largely for the GOP. It is also my understanding that legal immigrants (Hispanic and otherwise) also are voting increasingly Republican. Ron Paul may be right on the Second Amendment, but little else, and he certainly isn’t on the right side of security policy for this great nation.

    Ok, back to my studies.

  4. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    Damn, Paulites come through here every time his name is mentioned. :lol:

  5. Jack

    as much as this guy is wacko, he’s probably right on trade policy. we are only hurting ourselves by not trading with Cuba. Trade makes everyone better off. Free markets would bitch-slap the communism out of everyone in Cuba and probably give old Fidel a heart attack in the process.

    But lets be honest for a sec: I just really would like to enjoy more fine tobacco products from Cuba…before the democrats take my right to enjoy those tobacco products away anyhow…and believe me if Clinton becomes president I have not doubt a national smoking ban would not be far behind her.

  6. Grumpy

    From an economist’s perspective, this clown is the most confused person I have seen since Marx and Engles shoved their heads up their own asses.

  7. ticticboom

    Damn Paulnuts.

    *clack-clack-clack BOOM*

  8. Mark Tanberg

    The one thing that he commented on in the youtube debate that I wondered about was the NAFTA super highway and then I found this tonight.

    I agree he is a total loon though, but you gotta view this.

  9. Mark Tanberg

    to Richard Nicoletti, so whats wrong with nation building? Germany, Japan. if we did it on a more consistent basis there would be a more prosperous world out there so less people would want to sneak in here. And you can do that with out a new world order. LOON
    Hey Pat can you get us a Ron Paul emoticon :mrgreen:

  10. Ted B


    Was that a Claymore?

  11. ticticboom

    @Ted B:

    Yeah, my poor attempt at a running gag. Every time there’s a Ron Paul post anywhere his worshippers come out of the darkness to declare him our new god. Bastards do nothing but Google “Ron Paul” all day.

    You won’t believe this, but I heard a rumor that a Ron Paul supporter actually managaed to touch a woman.

    Granted, she was a cop tazering him, but that’s still an achievement by their standards.

  12. Ted B

    I’ve often thought of trying to be a moonbat for a day just to see what I could get away with…

    Maybe I’ll go to a RP website and say I’m a Clinton or Edwards leaning independant and watch them fight over me.

    Yeah, and WRITE IN ALL CAPS.

    There are some real characters on this here internet thingy…


  13. Dave

    What was that cult that believed aliens were coming to take them away, they even castrated themselves? Ron Paul looks like one of them.

  14. David Ross

    Actually Richard Nicoletti what Ron Paul believes is that we “had it coming to us” when asked about the death of American Soldiers in Iraq. He justifies it by saying we shouldn’t be there and it is reasonalbe that the Iraqis are attempting to kill our troops because of their “illegal occupation”. He also tries to lend credibility to the notion that “Bush was in on the 9-11 attack”. Ron Paul is EVERYTHING that is wrong with isolationism and our current system that allows him to stay in the run for a Republican nominee.

  15. deathstar

    …Ron Paul is a Robert Taft Republican that believes in America first and no wars for Israel. He represents the John Birch Old Right from before Republicans became Wilsonian new world order, nation building, Sean Hannity/Fox News types…

    i.e. what a worthless, stupid, anti-military, un-American cunt.

  16. Retard

    arguing on the net is like winning an event at the special olympics. U R STILL RETARDED.

    Ron Paul is an idiot.

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