Colorado Killer Heard Voices - They Always Hear Voices

December 10th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

son of sam
With Son of Sam killer David Berkowitz (pictured), it was a dog’s voice…

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado — Matthew Murray was kicked out of a missionary training program five years ago for strange behavior, and talked about hearing voices, according to a man who served at the center with him.

Murray was the gunman who killed two people at the Youth With A Mission center on Sunday and two others at a Colorado Springs megachurch later that day, police said. He was shot by a church security guard and died of his wounds.

Richard Werner, 34, said Monday he was a worker at the center in Arvada, Colorado, in 2002, the same time as Murray.

He said Murray was told in December 2002 he would not be allowed to join a mission trip to Bosnia. That was five days after Murray performed a pair of dark rock songs at a concert at the mission that made fellow workers “pretty scared,” according to Werner.

The performance — which included a song by rock band Linkin Park and another that had been recorded by controversial rocker Marilyn Manson — followed months of strange behavior, Werner said.

Werner, of Balneario Camborius, Brazil, said he had a bunk near Murray’s and that Murray would roll around in bed and make noises.

“He would say, ‘Don’t worry, I’m just talking to the voices,’ ” Werner said. “He’d say, ‘Don’t worry, Richard. You’re a nice guy. The voices like you.’ ”

Werner said he instantly suspected Murray when he heard the news of Sunday’s shootings.

“I turned to my wife and I said, ‘I know who did it. It’s Matthew,’ ” he said. “It was so obvious.

“For four months, he was sleeping right next to me. Those are the things you don’t imagine, but when it happened it was so obvious.”

Werner said his “heart is crushed” by news of the shootings.

Peter Warren, director of Youth With A Mission, said Monday that Murray did not go on the mission he was training for in 2002 because managers thought that “issues relating to his health made it unsafe for him to do so.”

Another source — a longtime member of New Life church, site of the second shooting — told CNN that Murray had a falling out with Youth With A Mission after working with the organization a couple of years ago, and that he sent antagonistic and threatening correspondence afterward.

Phil Abeyta, who identified himself as Murray’s uncle, read a statement from the family Monday asking for forgiveness.

“Our family cannot express the magnitude of our grief for the victims and families of this tragedy,” he said. ” … We cannot understand why this has happened.”

Abeyta spoke at a news conference with spokesmen from the Youth With A Mission center.

Police said Murray, 24, of Englewood, Colorado, shot and killed two people at the Youth With A Mission center and wounded two others early Sunday.

At New Life Church, some 80 miles away, Murray sprayed fire from an assault rifle and threw smoke bombs in at least two locations where large numbers of congregants were likely to be, police said. Two teenage sisters were shot in the church’s parking lot and died of their wounds; three other people, including the girls’ father, were wounded.


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14 Responses

  1. Mark Tanberg

    People talk about angel’s walking the earth and are skeptical so it’s no surprise that when demons come calling no one wants to acknowledge that either.
    Newtons law stating for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction IMO is spiritual as well as physical.

  2. John Cunningham

    Linkin Park? Did he do it forward or backward?

  3. benji

    omg linkin park is the devils music!lol i wanna know why no one got this kid any help.

  4. Steve in NC

    shame the voices in his head did not tell him to go off into the woods and kill himself

  5. Joshua

    Contrary to popular opinion, demons exist, and they do everything they can to cause hurt and pain to us and God. There is no doubt that the devil and demons had a hand in this, and don’t just shrug it off like we’re crazy. We see the effects of this kind of stuff every day, and God warned us about demon powers on this earth.

    That being said, God took those people who were martyred home to His Kingdom. It’s nothing new that followers of God die, so don’t let that shake your faith … Jesus told us things like this would happen, but to take courage.

  6. ticticboom

    Fucking emo-kids. Want to die? Just kill yourself. Don’t take innocents with you. I hope he died slow.

  7. Tommy

    Since he was wearing a tactical hemlmet and bullet proof vest I doub’t it was a slow death. It seems to me that she would have had to hit him somewhere in the vicinity of right in the face.

  8. Tommy

    Does anyone know why we haven’t seen pictures of this kid yet?

  9. Steven

    These people did not deserve such a fate, as does no one. But it is coming to light that this was not a person who “hated Christians” as much as he was a misguided kid who had a misplaced hatred for his upbringing.

    It’s a shame this “kid” that one commenter says to “just kill yourself” was in all probability, crying out for help for years. This kind of stuff is not spontaneous, nor is it “devil-influenced.” It’s been stated by the church organization itself that he was dropped due to “mental health problems”, the specifics of which have not been elaborated upon.

    But to simply reduce him to some “demon” or an “evil, malevolent force,” perpetuates the stigma that this kid probably faced. And the facts seem to be pointing that instead of getting help and understanding, he was alienated and removed from these groups. Perhaps rightly so if he was causing a disturbance or causing conflict with others.

    But if a teenager joins my church youth group and behaves so out of the norm that he has to be removed altogether, I would feel it was my obligation as a congregational leader to follow up to see if he is getting the appropriate help and attention his actions causing his removal may have warranted.

    WWJD? I doubt he would post comments such as this one below. With attitudes like these, it’s now wonder it doesn’t happen more often.

    RE: ticticboom
    “Fucking emo-kids. Want to die? Just kill yourself. Don’t take innocents with you. I hope he died slow.”

  10. DC

    Yea, he heard voices alright….one last time, from Jeanne Assam saying “surrender”……….. :mrgreen:

  11. ticticboom


    Whoever said “To understand all is to forgive all” was utterly full of shit. I understand these fucks. I despise them all the more for it. He chose to do what he did. Don’t make excuses because the thought that it wasn’t his fault somehow makes you feel better. He was a coward who was hated life but too afraid to die alone.

    Save your pity for his victims.

  12. John Cunningham

    ticticboom, it’s like we see more pictures of ’survivors’ clinging to each other and teddy bear and flower memorials than the victims. People do what they do because they want to and if what they’re doing is wrong they think they’re going to get away with it. Suicide by cop or self is the ultimate in self-absorbtion. A Michael Smerconish, a talk show host here in Philadelphia has made a promise to never mention the name of one of these nut jobs ever, again. Just describe the perp as a murderer.

  13. R.D.

    F.T.W Canta Ranas Vatos Locos
    “Rape the World Sherrif Brady Rape IT!”
    Billy The Kid

  14. ticticboom

    There was a part of a book, ‘Interstellar Patrol’ if memory serves, where the protagonist found himself in control of a city torn apart by failed Leftist policies. One of the most egregious was the lavish attention placed on spree killers.

    They would actually compete to see who could rack up the highest body count, all the while the authorities spent more time trying to make them feel empowered than stopping them, even prosecuting people who defend themselves.

    He sent the man most responsible to live in the most crime-ridden slum in the city. When asked, what if the man was killed, the hero turns his own words against him:

    “Unfortunately, he would then be dead, and we could do nothing for him. Our duty is to rehabilitate the living.”

    That’s what passes for logic amongst liberals.

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