Video: Conservative Protestor At Sean Penn Speech - Compare To Code Pink

December 10th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Compare this guy’s protest to Code Pinkos and check out the lefties.

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13 Responses

  1. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    I didn’t notice the guy standing there with the posters until the middle of the speech. :lol:

  2. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    *poster, not posters

  3. REN

    I love it! Give that guy a hand and buy him dinner!! Now THAT is the way to protest, allowing both sides to be heard, without making a complete ass out of yourself!!!

    Also, thanks for the faux “constitution” crap at the end of your speech Sean, your bud Hugo Chavez would just LOVE that… NOT! Hypocritical, hypocritical.

  4. Howie

    Does anyone have any info on whether the guy who put his hands on the protester was charged?

    Amazing the difference Bash, but we already knew this!!

    Thank you for showing that we are not alone in the struggle though BRO!

  5. Humble Janoslav

    Well that kinda speaks for itself.

    Did anyone notice the “Strength through Peace” slogan on the Kucinich banner (on the rostrum)? Sounds an awful lot like “Kraft durch Freude” (Strength through Joy) which was a hallmark slogan of the Hitler regime.

  6. drillanwr

    Actually, I found if you watch the clip with the volume down it’s much better … Even seems to have meaning.

    Nice to see there ARE conservative coeds on campus.

  7. ticticboom

    He acted with pride, dignity, and decorum, three things moonbats lack. No screaming, no rushing the stage with a pie, no waving bloody hands. Even when someone got right in his face and assaulted him, he kept his composure.

    He’s a better man than me. When someone touches me without my permission, I tend to respond…proactively.

  8. fmder

    That was great, especially when he put the sign on the moonbats back then pulled up a new one once the original was taken. Good for him!! :beer:

  9. Clyde Conneer

    A fine young man. Very cool.
    I’d have demonstrated the fine art of the headbutt when accosted.

  10. John Goodrow

    Awesome. So much more class than the left.

    That is what peaceful protest is all about.

  11. Ranger

    Elbow or fist.

  12. TJ (The kafir)

    Kudos to security for taking out the one idiot who still doesnt understand what free speech entails: the preservation of opposing opinions without obstruction. the protester allowed sean penne to speak without disrupting him while still opposing his views. Liberals take note!! :lol:

  13. Trindam

    Yes, definately the way it should have been done. Also as we already figured, handled much better than the way the left protests.

    Did you guys notice the smile on his face when he put the sign behind the lefty that was being an ass? That was a nice eat shit grin.

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