The Dangerous Cowardice Of The Mainstream Media

December 11th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

tuff guy

Larry O’Donnell is Senior Political Analyst and a panelist on MSNBC’s The McLaughlin Group. He is a real hothead who goes off from time to time, and once dished out a famous rant against the Mormons and their founder Joseph Smith with red face and flying spit.

Real tough guy.

He recently appeared on conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt’s show. Hewitt addressed that Mormon rant, and then asked the hot headed tough guy if he would do the same thing with regard to Islam and Mohammed. Here is the exchange. Nods to Hot Air:

HH: Would you say the same things about Mohammed as you just said about Joseph Smith?

LO’D: Oh, well, I’m afraid of what the…that’s where I’m really afraid. I would like to criticize Islam much more than I do publicly, but I’m afraid for my life if I do.

HH: Well, that’s candid.

LO’D: Mormons are the nicest people in the world. They’re not going to ever…

HH: So you can be bigoted towards Mormons, because they’ll just send you a strudel.

LO’D: They’ll never take a shot at me. Those other people, I’m not going to say a word about them.

HH: They’ll send you a strudel. The Mormons will bake you a cake and be nice to you.

LO’D: I agree.

HH: Lawrence O’Donnell, I appreciate your candor.

I have much to say about this but very little time and so I’m sure you people will cover all the bases with your comments…

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20 Responses

  1. ticticboom

    Bites the hand that feeds and licks the boot that kicks.

    I hope he hasn’t bred.

  2. Kevin M

    Our illustrious liberal media!

    S’matter, Larry? No grandmothers to kick that day? Like to beat up on Mormons but you got nothing to say to a pack of heathen, murderous Muslims?

    The perfect date: Your worthless ass and that woman carrying a piece in the Church.

  3. Trindam

    Well there you have it people. The Muslims have instituted Censorship in America without even requiring a law to pass.

    The same type of censorship that they would have in places like Iran. You talk bad about us, we will kill you….

    That is total crap and we need people in the media to actually step up and do their jobs. If they are not going to rant against Muslims even though they would like to, they need to keep thier stinking mouths shut about other religions until they are reading to dish it out evenly.

  4. ArleighB

    Ah,yes ! Intimidation by fear really works well on cowards afraid to take a stand.Salmon Rushdie,Ayaan Hirsi Ali,and many others have Fatwa’s (Islamic religious edicts) against them,finally Michael Savage is finally fighting back with a suit against the Council of American Islamic Relations(CAIR). I’m not a fan of his but that takes guts !

  5. ViperDriver

    :roll:What a crock of shit! We need equal, even-handedness across the board. If you bag on me because I’m a white, hard-working, tax paying Christian than I expect you to insult and degrade my friend who’s Jewish, as well as the local Muslim. If you can’t do that than keep your fucking pie-hole shut! Equal harassment under the law or none of it - you choose you cowardly piece of feces. Next issue…

  6. BoomBoom

    Is this pussy any relation to that disgusting PIG Rosie O’Donnell? Birds of a feather!

  7. MIke

    What a fool

  8. mart (just another infidel)

    I was baptized into the Mormon church when I was 21 I’m 51 now. What did this fat ass secular progressive (liberal) piece of pompous shit say about the Prophet Joseph Smith. I have no problem kicking some ass when it needs kicked, I’m sure God will understand. And I won’t send him strudel afterward. :evil:

  9. ECM

    Well, I’ll give him a little credit: at least he’s an honest coward/hypocrite.

  10. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    Scared little bitch with a big mouth. Describes most liberals perfectly.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    At least the coward admits he’s scared to criticise the irhabis. It’s still not an excuse. If LO wants to be hard on Mormons or anyone else, he better show the same vitrol
    for irhabis. But then again…he’s a chickenshit coward.

    I’m with ViperDriver on this one.

  12. Doc

    Sadly, this is where the press could really help the American people by educating them about militant Islam. The funny thing about the liberals is they are the first people the Taliban would crush if given the opportunity.

  13. Dave(Always an Infedil)

    Send Cair a C-130 full of pigs in O’donnel’s name, see if he really shits his diapers.

  14. latheman

    Right on viper

  15. Jim (Maximus infinitus)

    New website
    Larry O’

  16. Ted B

    The only thing that surprises me is that he admitted to it. The rest, well, what do you expect?

  17. POD1

    Since liberals are programmed from birth to crave a governmental father-figure,
    they are happy to just accept islamic dhimitude.
    It’s the role they were born and bred for.

    For quite some time many on this site have theorized on exactly this.
    Larry O’Donnell has provided proof of this theory.

    Liberalism is the weapon some lesser power will use to defeat us.
    Liberalism will be the end of this nation.
    Liberalism will be the end of this world.

  18. Trevor

    I oughta send a bunch of Muhammed teddy bears to Sudan with his name and return address on it.

    Oh wait, that’d make *me* the pussy. Scrap that.

    At least we have media people with balls like Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Rush and Hannity.

  19. Jason Malcolm, III

    Pussy exemplifies how a million Jews were imprisoned and slaughtered. Probably got his ass kicked on the way home from school everyday. He should live in Britian or elsewhere in Europe. He’s the epitome of hollywood (except of course for the few and far inbetween PD types).

  20. Hugh

    Not quite an Ernie Pyle type journalist, is he?

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