13 Year-Old Kid Hanged By Taliban

December 9th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Fucking despicable…

KABUL– A teenager boy was hanged by Taliban insurgents on Saturday morning in Sangin district of southern Afghan Helmand province for alleged “spying” activities, local police said.

Helmand provincial police chief Mohammad Hussein Andiwal told Xinhua that the Taliban claiming the child was spying for the Afghan government and foreign troops had killed the innocent boy by hanging.

“Actually the poor boy has nothing to do with the government and foreign troops,” Andiwal said.

The tragedy occurred in Sangin district, neighboring the lawless Musa Qala district, which the Afghan National Army and NATO forces have launched an offensive to retake from the Taliban militants.


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14 Responses

  1. ukatheist

    all the more reason to shorten the murderous scumbags lives with a large piece of ordnance

  2. mshatto

    I was tempted to post some sarcastic message but don’t find anything funny about this. A 13 year old boy was murdered for no reason at all.

    Muslim leaders?
    Hollywood elites?

    There will be response from any of the above concerning the execution of that boy. Sad. May he rest in peace.

  3. LMcG (Texas Mom)


  4. Ted B

    I just hope he is in the arms of God and that the Taliban will be under the crushing blow of ours.

  5. Mark Tanberg

    mshatto , unfortunately there is a reason, as depraved as it is, they used his death as a warning to the rest of the population to stay away from the coalition troops and government forces or you will end up like him, fear the Taliban. signed, The religion of peace.

  6. latheman

    The left in this country will say that it was our fault that if it wasnt for us….We should talk to these “people”that if we just be nice everything would be allright…..my ass the way you deal with monsters like this is kill them.

  7. ticticboom

    Find who did it and hang them… with their own entrails.

  8. intrepid

    yet one more innocent victom, stay the course.persevere.punish.

  9. mindy abraham

    This is just so wrong :evil: and I hope that they severly punish whoever did this.

  10. POD1

    Don’t let the P.C. muliti-cultural crowd fool you.
    This is how jihadis would run the world under sharia law.
    Death, pestilence, and oppression is all sharia offers the world.

    These animals don’t “accidentaly” hang 13 year old boys or pregnant woman.
    This is who they are, its what they do.

    May every last jihadi suffer an eternity of torment.

  11. ShortFuse

    It doesn’t get much worse than this. It doesn’t matter what this young man did or didn’t do, there is a bullet waiting for the bastards that did this to him. Cowardly sons of bitches who would use an innocent teenager in a scare tactic should be stood on a platform and have their testicular area used as a rifle target.

  12. Howie

    Where were all of the MODERATE muslims? Why didn’t they try to save him?

    Because they do not exist!!

    This is a war of ideas, and if we allow our politicians to castrate our troops we are all going to suffer the same fate as the village the boy was from.

  13. TJ (The kafir)

    Muslims unite against your brotherly menace in afghanistan and iraq! If you think you are being qwrongly maligned then stand up to the taliban and highlight just how wrong they are! :roll:

  14. ViperDriver

    :twisted: The silence is deafening from the Left - typical. They’re probably too busy ginning-up the defense for those poor victims who mistakenly attacked that homeless gal on the bus. Disgusts me beyond words.

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