The Debate: Bullshit Loaded Question, They Responded Appropriately

December 12th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


So this moderator lady wants a “show of hands” on a two-part question which is just pure bullshit. In a nutshell she asked if they thought Global Warming was a serious threat…and caused by humans. Suggesting that global warming could come about no other way…like, in the natural scheme of things. I don’t think she liked the way they responded.

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18 Responses

  1. Luke

    Fred Thompson once again comes out sounding presidential, can’t wait to vote for him in the election when hes the nominee.

  2. Caligula

    just goes to show how global warming is a religion… they shout down any sort of logical factual debate now resorting to “a show of hands” to avoid listening to dissent!!!

  3. Armand

    Michael Crichton was on Charlie Rose long ago arguing this very point which flew over Charlie like a Blackbird at Mach 3.

    “Consensus is not science, agreeing with a theory does not prove it. And I am very afraid on were science and scientists are going regarding global warming”

  4. Steve_Montana

    BAM! … Fred knocked that one out of the park.

  5. steve m

    If all the bleeding heart namby-pamby liberal cry babies would just shut the fuck up for 1 week we would eliminate the major source of CO2 in this hemisphere. Was watching a program the other night regarding all the dino fossils in south Dakota and how it was once a tropical area. Anybody check the temp there today?…I’m so sick of this goddam global warming hysteria and the absolute un-informed libtard masses who accept this politically motivated crap. I would have rejected the premise of that question outright. Who’s to say that the current climate is “ideal”? What the hell caused the ice age to end? Fred Flinstone? Why was Europe warmer 1000 yrs ago? Education as it pertains to the sciences is a disgrace.

  6. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Ugggggh - I missed the debate - I love to watch those little lines go up and down! Fred rocked on that answer . . .

  7. EDinTampa

    :beer: FRED!


  8. IP727


  9. Trindam

    Once again, Fred shows me why at this point in time I will be casting my vote for him.

    That lady asking the question though is just like any other liberal. The do not want to actually have an educated discussion about things. They just continue to try to manipulate people and or their responses to support what they believe.

    They do not believe in getting to the truth, they believe only in what they think to be true.

    They do not want to hear what others have to say, they just want to hear what they have to say.

    I really dislike liberals….

    GO FRED!!!

  10. ticticboom

    What if, at the end of high school, everyone had to go through a maze that required a certain level of intelligence to get through, and those who couldn’t died in a myriad of embarassing ways?

  11. drillanwr

    “Show of hands please … How many of you beat your wives, and how many of you believe wife beating is wrong?”

  12. Mike

    Fox needs to fire her

  13. lwssdd

    About time someone starts to call them on their bullshit and refusing to accept a flawed premise. This after all is a Presidential debate (a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints) not grade school asking to go to the bathroom.

  14. Mark Tanberg

    drillanwr,– Awesome, the perfect response.

    Only thing is, she beats her wife!

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    Fred: Will you give me time to answer the question?

    Bitch Reporter: No.

    Fred. Then fuck you. I won’t answer the question.

    Way to go Fred T. Slap those weasel reporters down.
    Global Warming? LOL. First it was Global Cooling…and now it’s Global Warming? Make up your freaking minds Libtards.


    What kind of fucking androgenous shemale was that asking the question? Is that some libfemshe-it from the island of Dr. Moro?

  17. CPLViper

    Fred is so much more than just a candidate who can give a verbal beat-down to the mentally challenged. He has really good ideas and has published them. He’s also got my vote in the primary.

  18. mess

    Another non issue makes it into presidental debates. At least it got an appropriate response.

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