Toronto Father Charged In Murder Of Daughter Over Wearing Head Scarf

December 12th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

what a waste

We told you about this the other day, but there are new developments, and look at what a Muslim Community leader said:

“I don’t want the public to think that this is really an Islamic issue or an immigrant issue,” said Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress. “It is a teenager issue.”


TORONTO — A Canadian man has been charged with murdering his own daughter, and her friends say the two clashed over her refusal to wear a Muslim head scarf. Police have not commented on a motive.

Aqsa Parvez, 16, of Mississauga, Ontario, was rushed to hospital in critical condition Monday after a man made an emergency call in which he claimed to have killed his daughter, police said. She died late Monday night.

The emergency call “came in from the father saying he had killed his daughter,” police spokesman Wayne Patterson said. “Police arrived and rushed her to hospital and she passed away.”

Patterson said they are working at determining the motive and refused to confirm it was over the head scarf.

The girl’s friends said in interviews Tuesday that Aqsa loved shopping for clothes and clashed with her family over her reluctance to wear the hijab, a traditional veil or head scarf for devout Muslim women.

“She didn’t want to go home … to the point where she actually wanted to go to shelters,” classmate Ashley Garbutt, 16, told the Toronto Star.

Muslim leaders cautioned against jumping to conclusions.

“I don’t want the public to think that this is really an Islamic issue or an immigrant issue,” said Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress. “It is a teenager issue.”

The girl’s father, Muhammad Parvez, 57, made a brief court appearance Tuesday morning and was remanded in custody pending another court appearance Wednesday. Aqsa Parvez’s brother, Waqas Parvez, 26, is facing a charge of obstructing police and remains in custody pending a Dec. 14 hearing.

Neither man has entered a plea yet.

Calls to the Parvez family home went unanswered Tuesday night

Patterson said he did not know if the man had a lawyer yet.


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10 Responses

  1. Reign in Blood

    “I don’t want the public to think that this is really an Islamic issue or an immigrant issue,” said Mohamed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress. “It is a teenager issue.”

    Thats it, blame the victim of this heinious crime. :evil: It is a muslim issue and any obfiscation to the contrary is outrageous and only point even more to the underlying problems that exist within Islamic culture. :!: :!: :!: :!:

  2. LftBhndAgn


    Off Topic - But a very good story


    Glad to see 1 was brought up right.

  3. GF

    I don’t know how many times fathers strangle their daughters because of a teenager issue.

    Ladies find out who the brother is and make sure that motherfucker never has kids.

  4. cb10

    Thanks for the update Mooofukinhamid Elmasry, of the “canadian islamic congress”.
    A teenager “issue”, my ass!

    Your culture makes headlines on a daily basis, mooofukinhamid, we got the picture.
    Probably the butt brothers of that pig squeeze outfit CAIR.

  5. ticticboom

    Here’s some wisdom from the ancients:

    In Celtic society, heinous crimes were usually punished by hanging the scum (no drop) and disemboweling him. Not a quick death. Traditionaly, Judas is depicted this way in art.

    Sends a pretty clear fucking message.

  6. mindy abraham

    i hope he gets a big aryan brother for a cellmate, and is made his bitch. :twisted:

  7. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    She was so beautiful and probably a joy to otherws - it is sickening - what a terrible thing to happen . . . I hope that religion of peace, piece of shit gets put away for life.

  8. Marc

    It’s an ISLAM issue! The father and brother were looking to kill her anyway to preserve the honor of the family.

    What a bunch of twisted freaks, and they would do this to their own blood, imagine what the rest of the Ummah would like to do to the rest of us infidels.

    There will be no justice in Canada nor would there be if it happened here, because the justice systems will only slap this clown on the wrist because political correctness and the ACLU stand in the way of any true justice.

  9. Jim

    “Muslim leaders cautioned against jumping to conclusions.”

    These scum sucking asswipes shitlam leaches are all about the PR instead of saving a soul.

  10. ssgduke54

    :cry: Once again the Six century pathetic Muslim “Honor Killing” has claim another innocent victim. The so called religion of peace has taught how to beat your wife, Son, or daughter if she/he misbehave or worst the right to KILL if they stain your corrupt so called HONOR!!! All the daughter was doing was to try to fit in with the culture that her family immigrated too. Now it only shows that they do NOT WANT TO ADAPT TO ANY CULTURE BUT THEIR OWN! :mad:

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