Video Update: Another Racially Motivated Bus Beating In Baltimore

December 13th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

There has apparently been another bus beating on an MTA bus in Baltimore.

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30 Responses

  1. John H

    Ya know…the thing is. This is Baltimore. My dad’s people are from there, this isn’t so much news, as it is just an average day in Baltimore.

  2. ticticboom

    Who wants to bet that the tape turns up erased or missing?

  3. EZ Rider

    … I 2nd John H. That’s Baltimore for ya.

  4. DC

    Looks to me like these victims need to grow a spine….
    It doesn’t sound like any of these victims even tried to fight back.

    If one of them would have the balls to grab just one of these asshhole attackers and throw him thru a window doing 50 MPH, I’d guarantee you these attacks would stop overnight.

    Stand up for yourself and stomp some ass or be a coward and inevidibly the victim…..the choice is yours.

  5. vandal

    First, why would anyone live in a place where assault is the norm? Shit, this is not something to be blase about. What if this were a member of your family; your mom or whatever?

    Second, having been on both sides of the beat the hell out of…it is stupid to say that they didn’t fight back. A normal person can’t just go from peace to violence. You need some time to ramp up, get excited about the project and then react. Having been punched in the face unexpectedly and having been the puncher I can say the day goes much smoother if you can get the first shot off.

  6. ticticboom


    If getting hit doesn’t get your blood up, maybe you should take vows. You should always be ready to fight.

    I’ve had confrontations with thugs. Usually they back off. The last guy, on the subway, said he’d knock me out but he was a gentleman and there were women around. Translation: he was alone and didn’t want to get his ass kicked. They’re much ‘braver’ in groups.

    What I do when there’s a gang of them is grab one in a choke hold and back up to a wall. Squeeze the sides of the neck where the arteries are, not the windpipe. Hold a thumb or a key, if you’re unarmed, to his eyeball. Make him scream. That tends to get his buddies attention.

    Sometimes, they don’t give a shit and will beat, stab, or shoot their ‘friend’ to get to you. If you’re going down, grab one by the throat with one hand, balls with the other, squeeze, and pull him over you. You’ll still get your ass kicked, but hopefully he’ll get the worst of it.

  7. cplusmc

    One thing these people will understand and react to… Make sure you have your ccw… Someone coldcocks you and his buddies join… That is reasonably understood to be potentially life threatening, which is cause for you to escalate force and defend yourself. Give ‘em gut shots… let ‘em bleed slow. If they don’t die, they’ll learn.

  8. ticticboom


    As satifying as gut shots would be, very bad things happen when you leave survivors. They’ll give some bullshit story, try to have you charged with attempted murder, and ALWAYS sue you. Juries are strange creatures. They’ll believe a thieving rapist with a rap sheet longer than Ron Jeremy over nun.

    Sniper’s triange: eyes to heart. All the really important stuff is there. You’d be surprised how much grey matter can get blown out and the scum survives, and you only need one lung. Damn near any damage below the heart is potentially survivable.

  9. ticticboom

    “…over A nun.”

  10. DC


    Trust me…if it were a member of MY family, the perp would never walk off the bus…I’ll take at least one of them with me!

    And the secret to being safe and alert in the big cities is to always be ready to go to battle. If you can’t or won’t, then don’t blame others for your victimization.

    And as far as my stupid saying that “They didn’t fight back”
    fact is that is why people get the hell beat out of them. You should try it sometime…otherwise STFU, and take a asswhippin….you deserve it if you don’t stand up for yourself.

  11. John Cunningham

    These savages go after those that they can overwhelm physically. They don’t pull this crap in predominately white parts of town or on trains or buses or trolleys that are carrying fans from sporting events. These are urban terrorists that are as someone said already to go, you are blindsided, you are ambushed. It’s not unlike when I got robbed in the cab four times over a period from ‘91 to ‘02. It was not gunfight at the OK corral and whoever draws first is the winner. It was gun to the head, hands up, completely out of the blue. A number of people say to those that have gone through this, “if that had happened to me I’d have done this, I’d have done that”. It’s an ambush and the gun is to your head before you know what happened. When these “wilding” or “wolfpacking” incidents happen to these people on public transportation you are attacked out of the blue. On these attacks by them they carefully pick their targets. Those that do these things get out of bed planning these things, they hate you that much.

  12. old11B

    It is starting to look as if chaos and anarchy will be the only solution to all the problems the politicians have produced.

    Maybe that IS their plan ?….. so they can come back and save us again, with their “New” social agenda….

  13. TJ (The kafir)

    Does baltimore have concealed carry laws: Im waiting for one of these groups of “boys” to get a cap in their asses. :eek:

  14. Mark

    There’s no such thing as a concealed carry permit in the Peoples Socialist Republic of Maryland. I live in Baltimore and it’s been a steady downward spiral for a lot of years. There is no effective political leadership. Add to that a total revolving door attitude towards incarcerating all manner of vermin and you have an out of control mess. The “knowledgeable” voters in this city keep electing the same political hacks and nothing gets any better. We finally get rid of O’Malley who screwed this city royally on his way to the governorship and we get Sheila Dixon !! Whoopee !!!
    I should have my head examined for staying here year after year.

  15. JonnyMordant

    Where’s Bernard Goetz when you need him?

    There’s always the Liberal answer to the crime problem: :???:

  16. JonnyMordant

    ^^^ Sorry That was the wrong link ^^^ Here it is:

  17. ticticboom



    Nice link. :beer:

  18. vandal

    I stand corrected. I suppose that if we are talking about 120lb wanabes, that sure you could take a few suprise punches, and just like an action hero, turn the table on the bad guys. But when I had something similar happen to me, I got to spend a few days in ICU and got to hear all of this same shit from people who weren’t there.
    Two guys were driving through Georgia and got pulled over. The trooper walks up to the driver’s window leans in and smack’s him up side the head with his nightstick.
    “What the hell was that for?” the driver asks. The trooper says, “This here is Georgia boy, you’re supposed to have your license and registration ready when I come to your window.”

    The Trooper finishes writing the ticket and hands it to the driver. He then walks around to the passenger’s side and knocks on his window. The passenger rolls down the window and the trooper smacks him in the side of the head with his nightstick. The passenger says, “What the hell was that for?” The trooper says, “Well I was just making your wish come true. You know, when ya’ll get about a mile down the road and you say, ‘boy I wish he’d have tried that shit with me…”

  19. ticticboom


    I had the misfortune of growing up white in a black neighborhood. I got jumped at least once a week. I have been left unconcious and bleeding more times than I can count. But I always made sure the fuckers knew they were in a fight. Do that, and they’ll be less eager to start shit again, plus word gets around.

    Unless you get knocked out, by the first punch, from behind, you damn well ought to get some hits in.

    BTW, good call on the lowercase v. The petty criminal who smashes windows and paints graffiti. Vandal, as in the original Germanic tribe, wouldn’t suit you. They were warriors.

  20. franchie

    while I imagine one acting in “taxi driver”, the other one in “gang of New-York”, hey, who is the one in “Mistic river” …

    easy to talk, but in situation ?

    well, my son had a fight alike, in La Rochelle harbour, they were a few young fellows of his, who were going to fest the end of their courses, in the meanwhile they met a young american skipper and invited him to join their group in a nightclub ; there, there were a mixed youth from the diverse city aeras ; a surburb “gang” realising that my son’s group was discussing in english, started to insult them, treating them of “bourgeois’ shits, and so on… then they went outside, and the real fight started, my son, who is cool, (a karate black-belt gave him some assurance), wanted to get in the middle, tried to reason them and separate them, not in use with the unfair hits, he got hurted too, loosing a tooth, while the american guy finished in the harbour as in an obliged water-boarding ; so, if your not prepared to fight with maliciousness, then you better to adopt the low profile, sometime it saves your life

  21. ticticboom


    As near as I can tell, your point was to be prepared to go all out, or don’t open your mouth. If so, we finally agree on something


    Here are a few rules I live by, in no particular order:

    Never be afraid to be the first to resort to violence.

    There is no such thing as overkill.

    Always know a back way out.

    Never fight with an empty hand.

    Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

    Don’t flirt with a girl whose brothers have scars on their knuckles.

    If you walk out the door unarmed, say “Baaa.”

    Don’t stare, but don’t look at the ground either.

    Just because you’re bleeding, that doesn’t mean the fight’s over.

    Be polite, be courteous, but be prepared to kill everyone you meet.

    When the cops yell “Freeze!”, for God’s sake, don’t turn around and reach for your wallet.

    A knife fight is usually a war of attrition: long and bloody.

    In the end, the only person truly responsible for your saftey is YOU.

  22. franchie

    Never fight with an empty hand.

    I usely wear a hand bag, with a cute little knife in it, that’s doesn’t make me dangerous according your criteriums :cry:

    Don’t stare, but don’t look at the ground either.

    that’s a well shared rule among us, especially in Paris (some of your compatriots complain about it though)

    anyway I am far from experimenting your “every day” standards in my neighbourhood

    In the end, the only person truly responsible for your saftey is YOU.

    yeah, that’s right, don’t go where you know you’ll get trouble

    Anyway, thanks for the advice, I shall forward them

  23. vandal

    tictic, are you for real. I mean come on, you know shit about me. You insult in a causual way that leads me to belive you know exactly that, shit. White in a black hood; good for you. I am proud that you survived, but I don’t care. I am sure we could swap bullshit about beatings taken and given. The fact is you can’t be on red alert at all times, yellow sure, but that level is impossible to maintain. Second, tictic, I find that personal insults are more suited to children rather than serious men.

    So grow up, the problem is socital not person.

  24. DC


    Just because you’re a pussy and are resigned to take the beating doesn’t mean the rest of us are.

    Your cop story only goes to show another bully who will eventually smack the wrong guy upside his head, and the cop will be forced to learn a new use for that nightstick, when he has to have it surgically removed from his ass.

    If you don’t like personal insults…don’t throw them at others to begin with.

    The only thing anyone has to know about you is the fact that you won’t stand up for yourself…don’t try to dissuede everyone else from at least trying!

    Your type are the reason why the rest of us fight and sometimes die so that wimps like you can live out their shallow, pathetic lives in a safe and secure country.

    You’re either part of the solution, or part of the problem.
    Apathy doesn’t cut it.

  25. ticticboom


    I’ve posted this before, I’ll post it again:

    Read it, live it.

  26. DC


    Great read! I sincerely hope one of the more recent posters reads it. Maybe he/she might begin to understand the warrior mentality

    Semper Fi……..

  27. vandal

    Ok, lets get this straight. I am a pussy because a)I simply say if you weren’ there don’t be so fast to say they deserved their beating (ie it is stupid to second guess) and b)you belive that I am a sheep?

    It seems to me that if you had been on the bus and the bangers had gotten on, I am hearing you say, it was incumbent on the jewish fellows to beat them down; right?

    also, kinda chicken shit to make the beating I took, the one that put me in a wheel chair, seem like “oh, tough shit, if your balls were as big as mine…”

    By the way, exactly how many kills you guys racked up? I mean I have four or five guys that I have put in the hospital once upon a time but now you have moved to “killology” (good article by the way) I would like to know. If you would list them in such a way that they can be verified it would be great. :beer:

  28. ticticboom


    I believe I mentioned pretty fucking early on in the thread that sometimes, no matter what you do or how tough you are, you’ll get your ass kicked. There’s no shame in that.

    There IS shame in not even trying to defend yourself. I don’t know you. I didn’t see what happened to you, or how you measured up when your ass was on the line. All I have to go on is what you’ve written, which does not portray you as someone I want watching my back.

    Now, I’ve been restraining myself as regards to personal attacks. If you think my vandal versus Vandal dig was brutal, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    I just had two fillings put in, so I’m in a bad fucking mood. I’ve made all my reasoned arguments. All that’s left is flaming, but I’ve got better things to do. Instead of letting loose like I feel like doing, I’m heading down to Ground Zero to drop off Christmas cards for our troops. I’m not posting on this thread again. If you think that means you’ve won, congratulations.

  29. vandal

    Nobody won, I’m still in this chair. You still think I am a cunt. Yeah!!!

  30. DC

    Yea, yea, yea…….So now we know where your bitterness comes from.

    I can certainly appreciate the fact that you’re a victim too, but you’re such an example of the American chicken, that I find it hard to care!

    I am also done with this thread…… all the replies you like!

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