Iran Bans Women From Wearing Boots

December 13th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Burka Burka

Tehran - Women have been banned from wearing boots and hats on the streets of Tehran.

Police chief, General Ahmad Radan, announced the ban on Wednesday saying that boots could only be worn if they were covered by pants.

“If boots are not covered by pants that fall to the ankles, they show the female shape and that is therefore in contradiction with Islamic dress code,” said Radan.

Iranian women can no longer leave home with their pants pushed inside their boots and they can no longer wear hats without a veil.

“A hat is not an adequate substitute for a veil or a hijab,” he said. ” If someone really wants to wear a hat, they can put it on the veil.”

Feminist Rezvan Moghdaddam told Adnkronos International (AKI) that police should be concerned about drug traffickers than street fashion.

“Instead of being busy with women’s hats and boots, the police would be better catching the merchants of death that kill our young people with drugs,” she said from Tehran.

“Our cities are infested by delinquents and security forces are only worried about how women dress, all this is really ridiculous.”

Generale Radan said decision to apply the Islamic code had come from a committee composed of the Revolutionary Guard, the judiciary, police and officials from the intelligence ministry and the ministry of culture and Islamic orientation.


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12 Responses

  1. GregGS

    Can’t these dicks just enjoy looking at female body parts as they walk down the street, and learn how to control their psychotic emotional state. Civilization is at stake here and people!

  2. Jeanet

    :evil: , f*ckin’ idiots :!:

  3. LftBhndAgn

    “Instead of being busy with women’s hats and boots, the police would be better catching the merchants of death that kill our young people with drugs,” she said from Tehran.”

    There are no drugs in Iran. Its a myth!! :lol:
    those fucking idiots

  4. Phil N Blanx

    Stone em’!!!

  5. LftBhndAgn

    Forgot to add:

    Iran has the world’s highest level of opiate abuse (2.8% of the population). The main opiates derived from opium are morphine, codeine, thebaine, and Papaverine. Noscapine, narceine and approximately 25 other alkaloids are also present.

    Although a report from 2002 - nothing changes that much in that little of time. With the exception of the crystal meth boom.

  6. franchie

    they really have nothing else to do, give them some work, ex, make some ruins so that they ‘ll have something to think instead of bothering the women

  7. cb10

    The way those jihadi musleeeem warriors cut up, cover up and kill women, makes one wonder if those 72 “virgins” they long to die for might be goats? Hell, we might have had it wrong all along, every male muzzie bastard just wants his own herd of goats! (virgin of course)

    might this be a new tact for the State Dept?

  8. ticticboom

    These boots are made for walking,
    and that’s just what they’ll do,

    One of these days these boots,
    they’re gonna walk all over you.

  9. franchie


    you know your classics, I had the same thought, but clear it looks better from you :cool:

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    What a bunch of scewballs. Love that Nancy Sinatra tune. And that’s no shit, ticticboom.

  11. A. S. Wise- VA

    No wonder the hajiis turn to terrorism, they’re not allowed to admire beautiful women! I’m telling you, airdropping a couple hundred thousand Maxim magazines along with some good booze would help these psychos a lot! :lol:
    And the explanation from the greatest cartoon ever made, South Park (made right after the Danish Muhammed cartoon):

    Mr. Garrison: “Welcome to Muslim-Sensitivity Training. It is important for us to understand why the Muslim feel the way they do, and why we can never show an image of Muhammad….

    Mr. Garrison: Let’s all look at why Muslims are upset: [turns and picks up a stick of chalk] First of all, in the Muslim religion, you’re not allowed to have what? [no response] Sex. Good. [writes “NO SEX” on the board] There’s no sex until marriage in the Muslim world. Now, this would be fine except that in the Muslim religion you also can’t… Anybody? [no response] Jack off. [writes “NO JACKING OFF” on the board] Okay, jacking it is strictly forbidden in the Muslim religion. And what do we know about the places Muslims live? They live in? [no response] Good, sand. [writes “SAND” on the board] Now put yourself in the shoes of a Muslim. It’s Friday night, but you can’t have sex, and you can’t jack off. There’s sand in your eyes and probably in the crack of your ass, and then some cartoon comes along from a country where people are getting laid, and mocks your prophet. Well you know what? I’d be pretty pissed off too!”

    If some a-hole tries to kick South Park off the air, I’ll probably become a homicidal American terrorist! LMAO!!!

  12. LftBhndAgn

    A. S. Wise- VA? Here ya go :beer:

    for making me laugh my ass off. I forgot about that episode of South Park.

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