Hulk Hogan vs Rosie O’Donnell

December 14th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Had to post this. Nods to One-Shot.

This is one match-up you wouldn’t expect to see in the ring: Hulk Hogan vs. Rosie O’Donnell.

At Thursday’s press day for his new show “American Gladiators,” Hogan was asked which celebrity he’d like to see a Gladiator pummel. His answer: “Without a doubt Rosie O’Donnell. Somebody needs to shut that big mouth up,” TMZ reported.

O’Donnell responded in her blog, saying:

hulk hogan
the wrestler guy
wants to pummel me
isnt that sweet
and wildly odd

its like a gang of gross guys
a club almost
old dumb white and on tv

baby hulk


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4 Responses

  1. Ted B

    C’mon Rosie, where’s your sporting side, I mean haven’t you ever seen the Hulksters reality show? I’ll give you a hint, his knees are made out of styrofoam he took so many ‘roids. But watch the hands, they’d crush your head like a grape.

    Speaking of which, that is something I’d really like to see, hell, do myself. You see Rosie, you are just another fatmouth who does more harm than good. We all know that no Gladiator will ever beat you up, and the Hulkster and The Body will never come to kick your ass, you know it too, but maybe some freak will and really I won’t feel sorry for you at all. Go freak go.

    You see Rosie, I’m a regular guy, I have a life, a job, a family, but what I don’t have anymore is patience for people like you who have no appreciation for what you have and I don’t have tolerance for what you say either. I have for too long endured criticism from you and others like you who provide NOTHING to society. I’m not going to waste the emotional capital to hate you, but I won’t like you either, nor will I do anything but smirk when I read in the paper that someone put a slug through your eye after they gave you a Colombian necktie. Wishful thinking on my part.

  2. drillanwr

    Rosie, proving once again, two things:

    1) you can slop-dish it out but you can’t take it and

    2) Your fifteen tons … er, minutes of fame are at an end so get off the pot

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    Why is always the action stars that tell it like it is?

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Never been a fan of Hulk Hogan. But he’s right on this one. Love to see and might even pay money to see fat Rosie get her ass kicked.

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