Iowa Debate Marm* Talks About The Debate - Slams Republicans
*From the Urban Dictionary: a british word meaning an old school teacher, usually a bespectacled virgin. somewhat old and stingy. fond of floral print granny panties.
In the she wrote of the debate:
By and large, the Republicans say they can get us to smaller government and lower taxes with economic growth and government efficiency. They don’t ask Americans to make terrible sacrifices. About half wanted to tackle global warming and about half chose not to talk about it. They want local control and choice in education.
There’s the door, bitch. Don’t let it hit you in ass one your way out.
I loved the way Thompson told her to go fuck herself.
December 16th, 2007 at 1:57 amWhen the debate is NOT on FNC the only thing we learn is the biased opionion of the moderators and the media. If I could say anything to the GOP candidates it would be to tell us what you are going to do when President. Don’t tell me what the other candidates are doing wrong. Tell me why you believe the USA is the greatest country.
December 16th, 2007 at 4:24 amI wonder who made the decision to let only LLLMSM types ask questions of the candidates of both parties? It is annoying as hell. I’m not interested in media bias or the opinions of some old dried up Marm.
I want the answers to these questions:
How are you going to secure our borders?
What’s your policy of illegal immigration?
When are we going to get rid of pork-barrel spending?
What is your long-term strategy for dealing with Iran and the GWOT?
What is your strategy for getting us off of ME oil?
The economy is chugging along. Why would you want to fuck with it?
Will you appoint strict constitutionalists to the bench?
If you’ve changed your mind on an issue, don’t give me some scripted response, tell me why?
What is your view on Roe V Wade. I’m against killing the unborn. How about you Mr or Mrs candidate?
And when are you Repubs going to start nailing that inexperienced bitch from Chicago when she lies?
Those are my questions.
December 16th, 2007 at 7:38 am