Berkeley Puke Of The Day: Any Suggestions For The Pukes In These Pics?

December 16th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Get creative. What would you like to do to people like these?
puke number 1
puke number 2

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33 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    How about Frick and Frac the bobsey twins?

  2. Joe

    Solution is easy. Bring these people to Fallujah with their flags and posters of “peace” and see how many blocks they can walk. Bonus points if they last more than two.

  3. Atilla Kahuna

    Box them up (sure, put holes in the box), load them onto a C-130, and para-drop them onto the tropical communist paradise that is Castro’s Cuba.

    See what their political protests get them there. Probably a lobotomy and a nice comfy cell for the rest of their miserable, mis-spent lives.

    Bottom-feeding trolls.

  4. Jack

    Oh how I loath arrogant college kids… :roll:

  5. martymar

    I’m confused, is the guy in the second picture in support of the “awakening.” Cuz I thought the “Iraqi Resistance” was on our side. Fuckin’ morons.

  6. DC

    granted, these fucktards need a swift kick in the ass, but who put them up to it?

    Obviously they are incapable of independant thought, so someone had to plant the information……They’re the ones who need killin.

  7. Monkey3531

    how about a straight up man to man fight with one of the grunts from Fallujah for the first guy and a stint at Gitmo for the second little faggot?

  8. latheman

    what is sad is this is the shit our liberal teachers turn out while the kids in the service protect the right to be assholes

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    A man profits more by the sight of an idiot than by the orations of the learned” - Arabian Proverb.

  10. Jack

    anyone got the link for these pictures?

  11. Jarhead68

    Best thing to do is….

    IGNORE THEM!!!!!!


  12. drillanwr

    The little dung beetles probably never had a job in their pathetic lives. Mummy and Dahhhddy send them off to San Fran for “higher edu” and only chat with them when they need more money.

    Why do I cringe whenever I see Bashman put together the words “Berkeley” and “pics” on a post?

    At least we aren’t having to look at their breastesses …

  13. JayMS


    I don’t have any creative suggestions other than I would just like for those asshats to spend time in Iraq and try to explain the the Iraqi people why they should support Al Qaeda. Maybe if we are lucky we’ll see them get starring roles in some nice beheading vids or Apache snuff films.

  14. Jim

    F*ing gay…

  15. Gary in Midwest

    I would suggest an education but their too busy going to college!

  16. Knobs

    I went to Berkeley. 1973-1977 BS Mechanical/Nuclear Engineering. It’s a great school.

    These are just a few kids trying to be relevant, and the rest are just hanging out trying to get laid.

    Once they start making money, all this shit will go out the window, except the trying to get laid stuff.


  17. Andrew

    Look at the top guy, what a disgusting fat piece of shit and the bottom dude needs a fucking haircut.

  18. Mark Tanberg

    Gary in Midwest,
    You both have it in a nut shell, well said

  19. Ted B

    Why not try living under diarhea law yourselves boys? Do any of you think that they would survive for more than five minutes?

    “Hey, your violating my RIGHTS!”

    “Ah, Derka, derka, derka?” (Oh really?)


  20. Chandler

    Make him the President, then everybody will turn on him!

  21. Dbo

    For the guy on the top i would like to hang him on the famed blackwater bridge by his earlobe. I fuckin fought in the Godforsaken city, damn that shit infuriates me.

    The guy on the bottom I would like to give an AK47, so he could truly support the insurgency and die. As a machinegunner I would have been able to pick the white boy out of an Iraqi village scene so quick…

    Although, the logical side of me, would do as Jarhead68 says and ignore them. These guys are the same as the westboro baptist assholes, they just want attention.

  22. TJ (The kafir)

    the world needs a good laugh from time to time! :lol:

  23. Ted B

    What Dbo said made me think. Isn’t it ironic that supporters of the war/troops/mission are called chicken-hawks if they are not there or have not ever served? Yet neither one of those hadji supporters would ever be asked to pick up an AK-47, let alone be asked which end the bullet comes out of.

    I’m going to start however; what’s the matter? You can cheer on people who would gladly take away your rights and you vilify those that stand post between you and danger. Pick up a gun and join the struggle! Kill the tyrannical US forces, right? Oh, what’s that? You hear your mommy calling?

  24. cllucas

    “Solution is easy. Bring these people to Fallujah with their flags and posters of “peace” and see how many blocks they can walk. Bonus points if they last more than two”

    Unfortunately, he can now. Thanks to the US Military, the USMC in particular. Fuck him.


  25. 0311inOHio

    It is smiple. Behead them.

  26. Mike in CA

    Yea, the simple thing would be to beat the crap out of them with their own signs. :twisted: I agree with sending them over to Iraq and see how long they last.

  27. mindy abraham

    Send them to serve at Walter Reed and have them attend to the presonal needs of the patients there-all of their needs. :twisted:

  28. John Courage

    Armed confrontation.

  29. John Courage

    Bullets have a way of making cowards scatter. The only reason they are so brazenly supportive of the jihadi islamists is because there is no dangerous response to confront their behavior. If there were, i guarantee scenes like these would become fewer and farther between.

  30. James

    Nothing. Even though they are monumentally stupid, they can be incorrect together all they like. Then once they have their political science degrees and try to get a job in the real government, they’ll get laughed at and thrown out.

    Plus they’re both pretty ugly, that neckbeard is a pretty harsh punishment in my books.

  31. kevin

    It’s funny how all the liberal college kids who hate conservative religious “warkhawks” support the most radically conservative religious violent militants on the planet.

    I hate my generation.

  32. ticticboom

    Drop them off in say, Gaza City. We’ve cleaned up Falluja enough that’d they probably survive there, at least long enough to get a taste of what the Turks gave T.E. Lawrence.

  33. 0311Yutyut

    I never seem to get along with college guys. Funny, I get along with their girls just fine.

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