Belly Laugh Vid: Dems Quietly Replacing Byrd - I Shouldn’t Laugh, But…

December 18th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Dude, my stomach literally aches…I couldn’t get through the whole minute without doubling over…geez, am I evil?

Ever see any video of this guy lately? Check out this excerpt:

His physical condition has been slowly deteriorating for years, and he cannot walk now without the assistance of aides. Byrd has difficultly running committee hearings, and he relies heavily on staffers for guidance.

Still, he can deliver one of his legendary floor speeches on the sanctity of the Constitution and the importance of Congress in the operation of the U.S. government, even if he often repeats himself over and again.

Read the whole article by John Bresnahan on here.

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15 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Guess The Grand Pubah Byrd is going back to Klan HQ to retire huh? LOL

  2. LftBhndAgn


    Pay no attention to Harry - Byrd didn’t in this video. Look behind Harry.

  3. LftBhndAgn

    LMFAO - Bash?

    The Barbaric Re-Mix

  4. Bob P.

    That was so funny. I read all 243 comments and had the best laugh session of the day!

  5. Caligula

    why! why do we let those who can barely do their job without assistance, LEAD THE NATION?????????

  6. One Shot

    He has a condition known as Bourbon…

  7. Phil N Blanx

    A-well-a everybody’s heard about the Byrd
    B-B-B-Byrd, Byrd, Byrd, B-B-Byrd has a word
    A-well-a don’t you know about the Byrd?
    B-B-B-Byrd, Byrd, Byrd, B-B-Byrd has a word
    Well, everybody knows that barbaric’s the word!

    Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow
    And lay some more barabaric on us now.
    (Byrd - Repeat to fade)

  8. drillanwr

    LMFAO!!! I loves ya, acu!!! :lol: :beer:

  9. cnchess


  10. POD1

    He’s now ready for the second phase of his career as liberal politician.
    Going overseas to publicly trash this country.

    Would it be irony or just plain funny, or both,
    if a jihadi managed to blow up this traitor somewhere in Europe?

  11. Goodbye Natalie

    Ah West Virginia,

    Is this really how you want your state represented? Does it make you proud? This thief has been a laughing stock for at least 20 years. Now he is simply pathetic…and the people that voted for him ought to hang their head in shame at selling out for more pork.

    Any sane person would recognize this is a disgrace.

  12. jam

    Sheets makes as much sense as Harry the bitch Reid.

  13. ssgduke54

    :mad: The so called EX KKK Clan Wizard has the “F” ing gall to call me and now my Son “Poor Creatures and Barbaric” because we are in the military and serving our country! Their is an old say Grand Wizard Bird: “Practice what you preach before you go out and call names” Racist Bastard…. If this idiot was a Independent or Republican the goody two shoes Democrats would be howling for what this bastard is saying!

  14. Ted B

    Nice tie, gift from Harry? Time for your nap, sir….

  15. JewishOdysseus

    I’ll never forget Byrd’s horrific/pathetic performance in the 1987 Bork hearings, when he stumbled in late, slurred/read from a shaky-handed sheet of paper w/words printed an inch high (you cd see it on TV), and then, once his “opening statement” was done, stumbled out again to leave the dirty work to his filthy Dhim comrades (plus Spectre).

    An eye-opener, even tho I knew about the Klan stuff.

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