Update: Edwards Has A Luuuuv Child…

December 18th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

luuuuuv child

Anybody smell a Clinton cohort lurking in the shadows?

Presidential candidate John Edwards is caught up in a love child scandal, a blockbuster ENQUIRER investigation has discovered.

The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Rielle Hunter, a woman linked to Edwards in a cheating scandal earlier this year, is more than six months pregnant - and she’s told a close confidante that Edwards is the father of her baby!

The ENQUIRER’s political bombshell comes just weeks after Edwards emphatically denied having an affair with Rielle, who formerly worked on his campaign and told another close pal that she was romantically involved with the married ex-Senator.

The ENQUIRER has now confirmed not only that Rielle is expecting, but that she’s gone into hiding with the help of a former aide to Edwards . The visibly pregnant blonde has relocated from the New York area to Chapel Hill, N.C. where she is living in an upscale gated community near political operative Andrew Young, who’s been extremely close to Edwards for years and was a key official in his presidential campaign.

And in a bizarre twist, Young - a 41-year-old married man with young children — now claims HE is the father of Rielle’s baby! But others are skeptical, wondering if Young’s paternity claim is a cover-up to protect Edwards.

Meanwhile, Edwards’ cancer-stricken wife Elizabeth has joined him on the campaign trail.

In a statement issued to The ENQUIRER through her attorney, Rielle said: “The fact that I am expecting a child is my personal and private business. This has no relationship to nor does it involve John Edwards in any way. Andrew Young is the father of my unborn child.”

But a source extremely close to the 43-year-old divorcee says Rielle has told a far different story privately: “Rielle told me she had a secret affair with Edwards. When she found out that she was pregnant, she said he was the father.”

Rielle loves Edwards and will do anything to protect him, the source says.

In The ENQUIRER’s Oct. 22 issue, we revealed that Edwards, 54, was involved in a mistress scandal and the shocking allegations - if proven true - could devastate the Democratic hopeful’s campaign. At the time, we withheld Rielle’s name, but reported that an insider told The ENQUIRER that she claimed that she began the affair some 18 months earlier. She talked about her relationship in phone calls and e-mails.

Way More here, if you’re interested…

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20 Responses

  1. Phil N Blanx

    Two Edwards?

  2. Jarhead68

    :beer: Phil, you are the man…the funny man. LOL. :lol: :beer:

  3. martymar

    When they say “luv child” do they mean he actually….had sex with a woman? Suprise, suprise.

  4. Ted B

    He’s no Sarkozy, is he? :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer:

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    National Inquirer? Isn’t that America’s rumor mill? Makes for good field-expedient toilet paper. Who cares anyways. Edwards should give it up and go back to chasing ambulences and channeling spirits. He ain’t good at much else.

  6. Irish Gal

    As someone who has worked at a major law firm most of my adult life, lawyers do not have any idea how to keep it in their pants. I always knew there would be something like this out there on Edwards (he just screams slime). Not sure if it’s true, but where there is smoke, there is usually some kind of fire…

  7. franchie

    Ted B,

    no he isn’t, cause by the Sarkozy’s, all it’s official :lol:

    actually, he’s got a new beautiful girl friend, Carla Bruni, an ex top-model (bigger than him of course) ; she is very much looking the same as his previous wife when she was younger ; he takes her in every official visit, then she should become the next “Madame Sarkozy” ;

    I am amazed how he can manage such success stories among the feminine gente ;

    it meens, love doesn’t happen with the sight of its object, cause he isn’t that kind of handsome looking, eh, we say “the more the “bouc” (goat male) is ugly (or stink), the more the goat loves him but rather a seduction matter with words, and meenings of power

  8. 0311inOHio

    What’s the big deal? :shock: The race baiting, baby making biggot, the Reverend Jackson has one. A love child. Hell a local union paid to have the mommy and babe moved, as I recall, to a distant state in an attempt to keep people from finding out. This news will actually give Edwards a boost. :lol:

  9. POD1

    If you get into the boxing ring with the Clintons,
    you’d better be prepaired for a kick to the nuts.

    So sorry Johnny, wear a cup next time. :lol: :beer:

  10. Ted B

    @ franchie

    Oh I know he has a girlfriend, and what a beauty she is, but I am a sucker for brunettes.

    Power is its own aphrodesiac, and if he makes her hot enough to be with him all I can say as a fellow man is, good on ya brother!

  11. Trevor

    This should cinch the Democratic nomination for the phony son of a bitch…

  12. franchie

    Ted B,

    seems you knows a bit on that subject :lol:

    well a funny video with Bill Maher(?) :


    dunno if it was posted here, anyway you can improve your french with the translated “sous-titrage”

  13. Irish Gal

    Doesn’t Carla Bruni have Mick Jagger’s love child. Isn’t this particular love child what finally ended Mick and Jerry Hall???

  14. franchie

    Irish Gal,

    dunno, so far Carla Bruni wasn’t my worry :lol:

  15. franchie

    here is her web site :


    yes, your right about her numerous affairs : she is said “croqueuse d’hommes”

    well Sarko has also had numerous affairs

  16. Irish Gal

    I was incorrect at least partially. Mick dated Carla, but the love child was with Luciana Giminez Morad.

  17. Jarhead68

    Does this mean Coulter was WRONG???? He’s not gay? Oh, my word. The democRats will give him a standing O for this.

  18. Goodbye Natalie

    Do you guys and gals figure if true that the Silky Pony will become a sex counselor to Bill Clinton like old Jesse J. did after siring a luv child?

    And just like Jesse J., the Pony could use donations to pay for services rendered?

    F…ing Dimocrats are a joke! Repubs got some perverts in their midst but at least they’ve got the sense to slink away from public when caught. I look for Silky to get a jump in the polls from this, considering the Dim sentimentality for amorality.

  19. Trindam

    Ok, I don’t like the guy, but come on… this is the Enquirer.

    Anyone that grabs this and runs with it is just as bad as those lame Demos that grab at ANYTHING to throw at us in order to win.

  20. drillanwr

    The visibly pregnant blonde has relocated from the New York area to Chapel Hill, N.C. where she is living in an upscale gated community near political operative Andrew Young, who’s been extremely close to Edwards for years and was a key official in his presidential campaign.
    … And in a bizarre twist, Young - a 41-year-old married man with young children — now claims HE is the father of Rielle’s baby! But others are skeptical, wondering if Young’s paternity claim is a cover-up to protect Edwards.

    Well, now … That’s mighty white of him …

    WOOPS! :shock:

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