Jihadis Planned Mass Murder Over The “Cartoons of Blasphemy”

December 18th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

The infamous Cartoons of Blasphemy…

These pukes…12 years? Fuck him.

A court in Beirut has sentenced one of the two Lebanese men who planted suitcase bombs on German trains last year to 12 years in jail. The other one was sentenced in absentia to life in prison. The crudely-made bombs didn’t go off but prosecutors argued they could have killed many people.

Two Lebanese men who tried but failed to detonate bombs on two trains in Germany in 2006 have been sentenced to 12 years and life in jail respectively.

The men made the bombs from tanks filled with propane gas and crude detonators, hid them in suitcases and placed them on two German regional trains in Cologne station in July 2006. The triggers went off but failed to detonate the canisters. German authorities said they could have caused many deaths if they had.

A court in Beirut sentenced Jihad Hamad, 22, to 12 years in prison on Tuesday. It also sentenced his accomplice Youssef Mohammed el-Hajdib, 23, to life in prison, even though el-Hajdib is in custody in Germany, where he went on trial on Tuesday in a court in Düsseldorf. Lebanon’s judicial system allows courts to try Lebanese citizens suspected of committing a crime abroad.

Hamad said the plot was intended as revenge for cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad (more…) that were first published in a Danish newspaper in 2005 and sparked protests across the Muslim world. European publications including a German newspaper reprinted the cartoons as an affirmation of the right to free speech.

At the start of the trial in Düsseldorf, prosecutor Horst Salzmann accused el-Hajdib of planning the attacks together with Hamad in April 2006 in a bid to “kill an indeterminate number of people.”


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4 Responses

  1. Jim

    Hamad said the plot was intended as revenge for cartoons…

    …Shitlam creates this perverted mentality

  2. Brian H

    I don’t know if those two examples are among them, but the most “offensive” cartoons circulated were ringers, inserted by the imam who circulated thru the ME months later whipping up the protests.

  3. Trevor

    Nice. Some guy in Denmark makes up a cartoon that offends us.

    So let’s go kill some German commuters who had absolutely fucking NOTHING to do with it.

    I’m sure that Satan is laughing his ass off.

  4. Reign in Blood

    I love how their own actions just solidify what the cartoons depicted in the first place. Islam and Mohammed are now intimately linked to bombs, explosive devices, them being strapped to human beings and being detonated in crowds of innocents.

    “You insult islam for bringing to light what it really is.” Jihadi

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