Loser Mullah Omar Vows To Keep Fighting Jihad

December 18th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


KANDAHAR: Taliban supreme leader Mullah Omar vowed yesterday to keep fighting throughout the winter and attack Afghan and international troops who drove his forces from a southern town last week.

In a message to mark Eid al-Adha, the militant chief said there would be no rest for troops in Musa Qala, which the Taliban held for 10 months before its recapture.

“We’ll not allow rest for invading forces in Musa Qala. Our mujahedin (holy warriors) are still around the villages,” Omar said in a statement which was read to AFP over the phone by one of his spokesmen.

“We’ve supplied our fronts across Afghanistan. We’ll continue to attack the invading forces and their Afghan servants throughout the winter,” the statement said.

The US has placed a multi-million dollar bounty on the head of Omar, whose Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, when the US drove them out for refusing to turn over Osama bin Laden after the September 11 attacks.

Since then, the hardline Islamic militia have been waging an increasingly bloody insurgency in Afghanistan that has left more than 6,000 people dead this year alone. Most of the dead have been Taliban fighters.

Thousands of Afghan military forces backed by Nato-led troops entered the troubled town of Musa Qala in southern Helmand province, the main Taliban stronghold, and pushed the militants out last week.

“The enemy has been defeated,” Omar said in his statement.

“But to totally defeat them and force them out of our country, we all need to give sacrifice,” he said.

“Eid al-Adha means (festival of the) sacrifice, and this is the time to sacrifice for our country.”


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7 Responses

  1. Tom in South Texas

    “…increasingly bloody insurgency in Afghanistan that has left more than 6,000 people dead this year alone. Most of the dead have been Taliban fighters.”

    Sounds like good news to me. The bloodier, the better, as long as most of the dead are Taliban.

  2. Jim

    “We’ll not allow rest for invading forces in Musa Qala.”

    …and we will not allow your flea bitten goatf*cked a$$ or your smell like a$$ army to become anything more than fertilizer.

  3. John Cunningham

    Dam, Tom, you beat me to it.

  4. ticticboom

    Ever notice how the media considers terrorists, civilians, and soldiers to all be ‘people’ when the add up casualties?

    It’s never, x terrorists were killed or captured, y civilians were murdered, and z soldiers fell in battle.

    They do the same thing whenever there’s a murder/suicide or the killer is shot by cops or an armed citizen, equating the scumbag with his victims.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    “The enemy has been defeated,” Omar said in his statement.

    “But to totally defeat them and force them out of our country, we all need to give sacrifice,” he said.

    The gay goat herder is contradicting himself again.

    Yeah, the enemy is defeated all right only that enemy is him and his gaywad sociopaths.

    Waj ab zibik! Mullah gaywad.

  6. Paul

    Who is funding these idiots????

    My money is on our allies????Pakistan and Saudi!!!!

  7. Moe


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