Top Iranian Cleric: Women Who Wear Hijab Incorrectly Should Die

December 18th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

The woman in this pic demonstrates the “proper” way to wear the hijab.

Don’t think I can add a whole helluva lot to this one…

“I do not understand how these women who do not respect the hijab, 28 years after the birth of the Islamic Republic, are still alive,” he said.

A top Muslim cleric in Iran, Hojatolislam Gholam Reza Hassani said on Wednesday that women in Iran who do not wear the hijab or Muslim headscarf, should die.

“Women who do not respect the hijab and their husbands deserve to die,” said Hassani, who leads Friday prayers in the city of Urumieh, in Iranian Azerbaijan.

“I do not understand how these women who do not respect the hijab, 28 years after the birth of the Islamic Republic, are still alive,” he said.

“These women and their husbands and their fathers must die,” said Hassani, who is the representative of the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in eastern Azerbaijan.

Hassani’s statements came after two Kurdish feminists in Iran were accused of being members of an armed rebel group and of carrying out subversive activities threatening the security of the state.

It is believed that his statements and the arrests could spark a fresh crackdown on women who do not repect the Islamic dress code in Iran.

Thousands of women in Iran have already been warned this year for their “un-Islamic dress” such as wearing tight, short coats and skimpy headscarves.


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7 Responses

  1. Cridhe Saorsa

    The women in this God forsaken country need to cut these bastards off from the access to the vitamin “P”. I guarantee these jerks will come to their senses or get their asses kicked by the remaining healthy hetero’s who don’t appreciate the mouthing off and want the baby squirrel back on the menu.

    nuff said.

  2. POD1

    What about her shoe laces?
    Death to any woman who dosen’t tie a double knot!!!
    DEATH I SAY!!!

    This “culture” is a caricature of absurdity.


    Well, you know…fashion first, as my wife always says :!: :lol:

  4. mindy abraham

    I think we should declare death to all clerics who make ridiculous statements. :twisted:

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Looks like Iran has their own version of Robert Byrd? Old, senile, and dead wrong.

    I’m thinking Nancy Sinatra here….Anyone else?

  6. ticticboom

    You keep playing where you shouldn’t be playing
    And you keep thinking that you’ll never get burnt
    Well, I’ve just found me a brand new box of matches
    And what he knows you ain’t had time to learn
    These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
    One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you


    I’m telling you, when Muslim women finally get their shit together, Islam is doomed. Iran and Iraq are probably the only places where enough women have gotten out of the prisons called harems most Muslim women are locked in. Once they’ve tasted freedom, I doubt very many will let themselves be treated as chattel.

    Western converts to Islam tend to be the worst our society produces. Muslim apostates tend to be the best and brightest.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Here’s the vid: Fook you Ayatollah assaholla all you Talibastard goat-herders.

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