Saudis Nail Jihadis Planning To Attack Hajj

December 21st, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Dude, my kingdom for a Nuke.

They obviously hadn’t been to Jihadi rehab. Had they been to Jihadi rehab they would have known you should only kill infidels. Not other muslims.


DUBAI - Saudi authorities have arrested an Al-Qaeda linked group planning to carry out terrorist attacks during the annual hajj pilgrimage, Al-Arabiya television quoted security officials as saying Friday.

The Saudi sources said the arrests were carried out in several different cities of the kingdom.

“The group aimed to trouble the security of the pilgrimage” which has this week attracted some 2.5 million Muslim pilgrims from around the world at Islam’s holiest sites in western Saudi Arabia, the television report said.

Members of the group, whose number was unknown, were arrested “three days before the start of the hajj season”, or at the end of last week, the sources told the Dubai-based Arab satellite station.

The report emerged as the hajj was winding down on Friday, with the pilgrims preparing to fly home.


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7 Responses

  1. Joe M.

    This does not make any sense. The Hajj is one of the pillars of the Islam faith. Every Muslim must go on this journey. There are no infidels here, you are not even allowed near that part of Mecca unless you are Muslim. When will common sense prevail?

  2. James

    “This does not make any sense”–Neither does the koran, nor did muhammad.

  3. allahlovesporkchops

    “When will common sense prevail?”

    When the filthy dogs of islum realize their primitive pagan death cult is nothing but a lie.

  4. Kevin M

    “This does not make any sense.”

    It would if you bear in mind that the Saudi Press Agency put this crap story together. Think about it.

    “Jihadies attempting to kill Muslims during holy Hajj intercepted by heroic Saudi security forces.”

    Jihadis=very bad people
    Saudi Forces=Thank goodness we have these people to protect us!

    Pure PR bullshit from the same den of vipers that sponsor madressahs and Islamic schools all over the world, organizations that CREATE jihadis in the first place.

    You can fix Iraq, bomb Iran into weeping submission, turn Afghanistan into a Disney theme park and annex Pakistan into India and mandate Hinduism, but UNTIL SAUDI IS STRAIGHTENED OUT we will still have a world with millions of brainwashed, bomb-strapping retards running all over the place.

    Saudi is the source of all our Islamist problems. The above bullshit story is just one more diversion to keep people from seeing the truth.

  5. DC

    Hey, it’s their own damn fault for turning all those prisoners loose a couple of weeks ago!

    Did they really think the prisoners were reformed?
    How stupid can they be?

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    So the sciopaths in Saudi arrested some other sociopaths on the way to kill other sociopaths participating in the annual homage to the moon-god. Why do I find this story laughable?

  7. cnchess

    Al-Qaeda is really about overthrowing the corrupt govenments of the middle East in order set up this grand Islamic fascist state run by the corrupt Imans. At first they wanted to gather strength by attacking the far way enemies far enemies, i.e., us. But they found out in Iraq that that is a more difficult challenge (under Bush) then they were led to believe (under Clinton). They may have now convinced themselves that the near at hand enemies (i.e., Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are less difficult targets and they may believe that Al-Qaeda’s strength is adequate to take out these enemy states.

    As far as murdering Muslims is concerned, the end justifies the means. This is a fight to the death, and there will be lots more death in the immediate future.

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