Syria Threatens To Bomb Israeli Reactor

December 22nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



“If Syria feels threatened by Israel, it will be hard to stop our missile operators from responding to the Israeli aggression by attacking the Dimona nuclear reactor,” Syrian legislator Muhammad Habash was quoted as saying Saturday.

In an interview with Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Habash emphasized that the Dimona reactor is “within range” of the Syrian missiles.

Habash told the London-based newspaper that Syria did not rule out a violation of its sovereignty by Israel and said Damascus was “prepared” for this eventuality.

However, the Syrian legislator stressed that Damascus did not want to escalate the situation in the region.

Habash, who coordinates with the Presidential Palace in Damascus, also claimed that international mediators were constantly making efforts to renew ties between Israel and Syria but underlined that at the moment, there was no contact between the two countries.

Despite Habash’s threat, Amos Gilad, head of the Defense Ministry Diplomatic-Security Branch, dismissed any notion of high tension between Israel and Syria.

He told Israel Radio that he chose to see Habash’s words in a different, more positive light.

“Since Israel is not threatening Syria, and the Syrians are well aware of this, there is no war on the agenda between Israel and Syria,” said Gilad. “Put simply,” he continued, “Israel does not intend to attack Syria, Syria doesn’t intend to attack Israel and, therefore, no real tension is expected between the two countries on the military front.”

Gilad claimed that the current period was actually one of “relative calm” between the two sides.

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4 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    LOL. No doubt IDF missileers and the IDF AF is chomping at the bit at the prospect of taking on the Syrians in a duel to the death. I can just hear IDF commanders saying to the despots in Syria: “Go on punk…make my fooking day”.

  2. Ted B

    There must have been a lull in the rhetoric. Sounds like Syria is scared to me.

  3. TBinSTL

    Um, yeah….good luck with that….. :roll:

  4. C-Low

    If Olmert had a ball sack he would simply answer such a statement with a shrug and a “get some”. Unfortunately though that bulge is just some ole worn out cow lips so imagine his response to be like the above a squeaky broken “buttt,,buuttt we are not threating you?”

    I feel sorry for what is left of Israel and sorry for US who may very well end up enduring the exact same type of Pansie leadership in just a year or so (pending of course how the vote goes).

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