Nearly 20 Million Iranians Would Die In Nuke War With Israel

December 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


If a nuclear war between Israel and Iran were to break out 16-20 million Iranians would lose their lives - as opposed to 200,000-800,000 Israelis, according to a report recently published by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), which is headed by Anthony H. Cordesman, formerly an analyst for the US Department of Defense. The document, which is largely theoretical due to the lack of verified knowledge in some areas - specifically in terms of Israel’s nuclear capability - paints various scenarios and attempts to predict the strategies of regional powers, as well as the US.

The report assesses that a nuclear war would last approximately three weeks and ultimately end with the annihilation of Iran, due to Israel’s alleged possession of weapons with a far larger yield. Israel, according to the assessment, would have a larger chance of survival. The report does not attempt to predict how many deaths would eventually be caused by possible nuclear fallout.

Even if Iran gained the means and knowledge to create nuclear weapons, according to the report it would still be limited to 100 kiloton weapons, which can cause a far smaller radius of destruction than the 1 megaton bombs Israel allegedly possesses.

Possible targets for an Iranian strike are the Tel Aviv metropolitan area and Haifa bay, while the list of possible targets in Iran includes the cities Teheran, Tabriz, Qazvin, Esfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, Kerman, Qom, Ahwaz and Kermanshah.

The report cites Israel’s Arrow missile defense system as an obstacle facing a possible Iranian strike and says that it could shoot down most of the missiles. Israel, on the other hand, would be capable of hitting most of the Iranian cities with pinpoint accuracy due to the high resolution satellite imagery systems at its disposal.

Another scenario presented by the report includes Syria joining the bandwagon in case of a war and lobbing missiles with chemical and biological warheads into Israeli cities. According to the report, up to 800,000 Israelis would be killed if that were to happen. Syria, however, would be forced to grapple with the deaths of approximately 18 million of its citizens were Israel to respond with its nuclear arsenal.

A picture of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.
Photo: Courtesy
Israel, the report says, would launch a nuclear attack on Cairo and additional Egyptian cities, and would destroy the Aswan Dam if Egypt joined the fray.

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5 Responses

  1. Augustine

    I adore my friends in the IDF, so power to them.

  2. One Shot

    The only scary part about this doomsday scenario is that someone as radical and as crazy as Ahneedadikjob would push the button if he thought he could wipe them from the map…regardless of any other outcome. It’s like “as long as we completely destroy you, we are willing to gove our souls to Allah”. Dumb fucks just might do it one day and then God help us all.

    I really foresee a terrorist organization like Hamas floating a boat into an Israeli port city and lighting the fuse on a nuke. That is a more likely scenario to start things off.

  3. cb10

    20 mil. muzzies at a pop-
    eemmmm, tasty-
    Almost smell the BBQ from here, pass the tater salad.

  4. POD1

    @ Jimmy “the dhimmi” Carter,

    Through your wise and compassionate strategy of capitulation, appeasement,
    and turning a blind eye while winking with the other, you’ve allowed the most
    vicious enemy western civilization has ever known, to prosper to the point that
    they will annihilate the world.

    The American people, especially military service personnel and their families
    can never thank you enough sir.

    P.S. I can’t wait to see what modern Democrats will do to top this accomplisment.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    The psychopaths that run Iran have already threatened first use of nuclear weapons should they be allowed to acquire them. I wouldn’t put it past little Hitler Ahmedisadick carrying out that threat.

    The IDF possesses an excellent nuclear deterent. If they use it, Iran and probably Syria would be deserts of glass.
    Three weeks? I don’t think so. Agter the first nike hits Israel, Iran would be destroyed in more like a couple of hours.

    What’s the TOT for a IDF nuke to hit an Iraniac military target? What maybe 15 - 20 mikes? Multiply that by several dozen targets and tou get manybe a couple of hours, before
    the Iraniacs get to see their false prophet in Ghehena.

    In any event the Israelis would survive such a scenario. Iran would not.

    Our buddies (cough) in New Stalinist Russia are in the process of shipping enriched uranium to the Iraniacs.

    If the west continues as it is at the moment, and the defeatocrums get into office in 2008, this scenario will in all likelihood become a reality not long afterwards.

    In the maentime, do what you gotta do IDF. “Akharai”

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