Berkeley Babe Of The Day: You Write The Caption

December 26th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


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38 Responses

  1. ticticboom

    “Vote for Ron Paul! He’ll make the CIA take the implants out of our heads! Pot in every chicken, and a blimp in every garage! Pay attention to me! Stop walking away! Uh, oh, me make mess in pants!”

  2. ticticboom

    They say a movement never catches on until hot chicks join it, since guys will go along with just about anything if they think it’ll get them laid. (Why do guys join Greenpeace? To hook up with girls. Sadly for them, the girls join for the same reason. :mrgreen: )

    The Paulbot uprising has obviously not reached that point.

  3. POD1

    First I was at a lose for words……
    Now I’ve lost my lunch.

  4. Dbo

    Mel mistakingly thought the signs were for the presidential campaign of her hero ‘Ru Paul’.

  5. Bash (the infidel)

    Pinky, the boredom of being a charter member of Code Pink having taken its toll, and also tired of her nickname, decided to rebel, and vote Republican.

    But her new hair color wasn’t fooling anybody, especially her husband, seen in the background, whom she kept tied to the “No Dogs Allowed” sign until he was taken away by PETA members and made President of the Marin County Chapter of “Canines for Inter-Species Marriages.”

    Eventually she was found inside the Ron Paul blimp, masturbating wildly to still pictures of Jeneane Garofolo from “Reality Bites.”

  6. No Towels!

    Berkeley Babe of the Day:

    Vote for the Ron Paul Resolution!

    (Hint: the first five letters backwards is Loser)

  7. POD1


    My package is bigger than yours,
    oh and vote for Ron Paul.

  8. drillanwr

    Why is it the ONLY thing to come to my mind upon viewing this picture is: “Looking For Mr. Goodbar” ???

  9. Gandalf

    Disgusting Orc posing as a signpost!

  10. JJIrons

    “Totally Out of Touch, and Loving It!”

  11. Jarhead68

    “Why, yes, of course my pubes are also blue. You want to look?”

    “Is that a tripod in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

  12. rd

    That girl is hot, someone give her my phone number!

    Best regards,
    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

  13. Dave

    Blue Hair in a can, $5.29
    Funky tennis Shoes, $58.42
    Chubby looks due to tons of Pot, Lots of money blown
    Dropped acid too many times to count and became a moron, priceless!

  14. Dave

    PS, saw the same Clowns when I was in Kansas City a couple of months ago, told them to Fuck OFF!

  15. 007

    I thought the sighn said. All Dog’s in this Park, must be kept on a leash at all times and please pick up there shit also.

  16. LadyAngler

    CAPTION: Camel-toed capis making a comeback on the political trail.

    Please note, psychodelic smurfette here is the only person holding signs. This was hopefully taken to discredit Paul. As if discrediting him further where even possible.

  17. Steve in NC

    A planned ron paul rally fell short of it’s goal today when only one supporter showed up to cheer for the canidate.
    Ms. Moonbeam Love, seen above, was undeterred in her belief that the candidate with two first names could be the next president. “With the love of the people filling Ronnie with hope and wisdom, I am sure he will win and then we can have peace, legal drugs and the acceptance of wiccan lesbians in the classroom once and for all”, she said. She explained The low turn out was reportedly due to the fact that “the moon was rising in Sagittarius and gatherings during that time only invite the spirits of evil to join us on mother Earth”. Her commune voted to have her represent them as she is the only one with shoes.

  18. TJ

    Caption: Ron Paul is just like me… on the inside!

  19. pinballer

    The rug probably matches the curtains with this ton-a-fun!

  20. Ted B

    I know camel toe, and that ain’t it. That there is ten pounds of shit in a five pound sack, an Orcabetty. If you want to see what camel toe is, watch the Bond flick with Hallie Berry in it coming out of the ocean with that sheer around her waist. That, gentlemen, is a camel toe, the golden triangle as well.

    Please note dog in background digging a hole to bury her in.

  21. Steve in NC

    Nope not a camel toe or moose knuckle there, I would put money on a flesh apron when it is naked. You can see the mass of flesh bulging at the top of the thigh. Drop her drawers and the flesh flap follows.

  22. POD1

    Denim covered meat curtains.
    Get’em while they’re hot.

  23. mike(also an infidel)

    “Will work for food.”

  24. Brian H

    “Greetings, Earth persons!”

  25. Ted B

    Moonbat? I thought you said Moonpie…and an RC.

  26. Righthandgirl

    Is that what’s going to happen to all of us if Ron Paul gets elected?

  27. rumsfeld47

    Hmmm… most of you should be ashamed of your captions and comments. There is nothing more vulgar than suggesting this thing has a vagina.

    Here’s my caption:

    “Hey! Hey, you guys! You wanna have sex? I’ll suck your cock! Hey–where are you guys going? Will someone PLEASE have sex with me?”

    This little fatty-ding-dongs needs to be shaved and tossed into the ocean. Maybe a whale will get confused and she’ll get lucky.

    I’m sure she’s a really nice person, though.

  28. EDinTampa

    Caption: My OBGYN 4 PREZ!

    I kinda like it’s shoes though. :mrgreen:

  29. John Cunningham

    Steve in NC, “moose knuckle”, “flesh apron”, never heard those before. A lot of other good stuff here, also.

  30. John H


  31. Monkey3531

    “C’mon everyone, me and my front butt are voting for Ron and Paul, I mean Ron Paul!!” (It also qualifies as a gunt, which occurs when there is a blending of the gut and the c#nt.)

  32. cllucas

    Lookee, I just swallowed a blue camel and his nasty toe is right here!

  33. John Cunningham

    Monkey3531, not to mention the fromunda

  34. Greg

    I Guess she was left behind when the Circus left town

  35. allahlovesporkchops

    EARTH PEOPLE, SUBMIT! I have already eaten Ron Paul.

  36. Kevin M


  37. ukatheist

    the emo national congress decide to enter the political melee

  38. Joe in MD

    Has anyone seen my tinfoil hat?

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