December 26, 2007

December 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

11:02 A.M.

Just back in from the Shumney’s in Texas. What an awesome, emotional Christmas. The emotional content of playing all these tapes and giving them to this family is not something I’m going to attempt to get into with words right now.

Have hardly slept, and am right back under the gun to deliver to Showtime on January 3. Again, the money being paid to us by Showtime for each episode is going to certainly leave us a little short ( no complaints about Showtime and that, by the way, they are paying a good and fair price ) but as you know, we are not keeping any of it, and using it for things to make the episodes better in the editing. The money will all be up on the screen, not in our pockets ( till we sell some dvd’s ), so I know damn good and well I’m going to need a reserve to buy the rights to some key music. So any donations via the button at the top for the “Music Fund” basically, will be greatly appreciated.

7:12 P.M.

Enough about this fucking tiger already.

8:37 P.M.

Since God knows how many of you got new camcorders and nifty computers with built-in cameras, so how about gracing us all with a reader vid? And remember, forget making something fancy, although you are welcome to. Heart and soul will do just fine.

9:04 P.M.

Ann Coulter, day or two ago: “Mike Huckabee is a snake-oil salesman”.

10:41 P.M.

RightHandGirl and I are plotting something evil. Stay tuned…

11:57 P.M.

Bill Shultz on “Red Eye”: “Amy Winehouse puts the gram in Grammy”

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4 Responses

  1. Chuck

    Young Americans…”Theeeeeeey’re Great!” Sorry Pat, had to do it. Fuck that tiger.

  2. Pat Dollard

    Chuck -

    That was some funny shit. Quote of the day, at least as far a site-specific one goes.

  3. fred

    chuck, I just hope that ‘young americans’ aren’t part of your ‘complete breakfast’ ;)

  4. John H

    I just can’t imagine losing a loved one on Christmas day to a fucking Tiger… sounds like a bad movie. A NRA line comes to mind….I mean after all, who wouldn’t want to be packing when they inevitably come upon a tiger on Christmas day?

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