Leftists Hate Jews
Joseph Goebbels, center
From Little Green Footballs:
Nutroots Antisemitism Rampant
Wed, Dec 26, 2007 at 9:01:39 am PST
Remember Maryscott O’Connor, the raging, obscene nutroots blogger who was profiled by the Washington Post last year, then had a nasty falling out with Markos “Screw Them” Moulitsas?
What a crazy Bitch, If I were on the left, I’d be running like hell.
December 26th, 2007 at 7:58 pm“…I find myslef hating all Jews…”
Well, isn’t that what the right-wingers, nazis all, were tarred with back in the 70’s and 80’s? I remember it well. Anyway, she certainly is a symptom of the real hatred out there. The nazis in the US could never have dreamt of the numbers of lefties who hate the Jews now, fuck them both anyway. So whaddya do if you’re a Jew? Come on over to the right side, whether or not you were hated in the past is irrelevant to what is going on now. Shalom and peace.
December 26th, 2007 at 8:14 pmThey think that way, listen to the lefties, they always blame Israel for all the problems in the middle east and the effects of that unrest on the rest of the world. Israel is the ultimate example of blaming the victim mentality to them. They leftists are some fucked up backward fools.
December 26th, 2007 at 8:27 pmFor those who haven’t seen this yet.
Evan Sayet shines a clear spotlight onto the liberal mindset.
Its about 45 minutes long. The first 5 minutes explains a lot.
December 26th, 2007 at 8:39 pmWow….
The SUPPOSEDLY liberal Daily Kos? When you see that accusation, you know they are either being sarcastic or just bugfuck crazy.
Hope this makes the news cycle somewhere, although I doubt it will…maybe I’ll email it a few places just to be sure….
December 26th, 2007 at 8:53 pmSorry forgot the link..
last article on this page, although the rest are just as crazy.
December 26th, 2007 at 8:56 pmNotice how some moonbats distance themselves as they experience a “moment of clarity”.
Voice in moonbat’s head:
Oh shit, I’ve been a part of THIS?!
This isn’t who I am. This dosen’t make sense, how did I start thinking this way?
Failsafe programing in moonbat’s head kicks in:
December 26th, 2007 at 9:11 pmIts ok she’s just a radical, were not like her.
Go back to sleep…..thats right….sleep….you care, thats all that matters….sleep….capitilism is bad, socialism is good…..sleep….you hate your country sleep…..Jews and Christians are bad….sleep.
@ POD1
Good call! Evan Sayet and David Horowitz are the Giants of Logical thought that bring a wonderful sense of Humor to the table when dealing with issues that would cause any Liberal to go into “ALL CAPS MODE” if they were confronted by even a hint of the same forms of Hatred directed at them…
I watched the clip you posted on C-Span a few months ago and agree it is totally worth the run time to watch it a second, third, forth, etc…
My favorite clip of his is this one (coming from a German/Irish/Native American): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ08kg_iwdg
December 26th, 2007 at 9:32 pm@ JohnnyMordant
Thats one I haven’t seen before. Thanks.
He said “Regurgitating The Apple” would be on shelves hopfully in time to influence the 08 election.
I’m waiting not so patiently.
December 26th, 2007 at 10:18 pmWilling to destroy the website that befriended them? Maybe she just can’t take constructive criticism. At least the Jews have something to be legitimately angry about with most everybody trying to kill them for the past couple thousand years. The Muslims get catered to and they are still willing to tear countries apart over cartoons. Maybe once ‘radical muslims’ start attacking liberal websites the UN will do something drastic like sanction them.
December 26th, 2007 at 10:25 pmI’m right over here.
December 27th, 2007 at 3:23 amOh, I’m not willing to let the KKKos Kidz off quite that easy. There’s nothing magnanimous about their falling out with one of the former flock. If you could read the mind of the majority of the KKKos crowd, it would be that this Mary Scott O’Connor simply made her disparaging remarks a little too obvious for MarKKKos tastes.
Believe me, most of the KKKos Kidz are only willing to accept the liberal, secular Jewish crowd. If you’re Jewish and don’t hate the Christians, or the U.S. military, or preferably both, you still can’t be one of the family.
Soft bigotry is still becoming at KKKos.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:25 amRichard Nixon on Communist Jews working in the State Dept and Defense Dept in the 1940’s and 50’s. Speaking about the Bentley investigations.
“We had the goods on all these people(Jews.) They were all of them Jews. It was a whole Jewsih ring. The only two non Jews in the whole Communist conspiracy were Chambers and Hiss…..Every other one was a Jew and boy it raised hell with us.” June 17, 1971 Tape 524-027.
The Jews ARE Left wing all the way. Lately they have come out of the woodwork as right wingers to get their goal of a fractured Middle Easti.e Iraq and Iran attack by their proxy the US. Hence these clown like Horowitz the ex-Trotskyite.
They give to BOTH parties and sides folks.
This realization of their undue influence is not a new addition to leftist ideology it is a realization of reality. The Repubs of the 40’s 50’s and 60’s were ahead of the curve of this awareness thats why guys like Nixon were attacked when we realize their power. When the time came to get Iraq out of the way (and now Iran) they switched sides to Bush and the evangelicals in 2001 to achieve their goal.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:28 amThe far left claims to be intolerant however has an interesting on the matter.
They demonize conservatives, Jews, African Americans unless they are dependent on the government, The wealthy, The not so wealthy, Big Business, Oil companies, free speech unless it from the kook fringe, gun owners….I could go on all day.
December 27th, 2007 at 10:50 amModern Liberalism is INHERENTLY anti-Jewish. Republicanism isn’t and has repeatedly proved itself to be the Jews’ best allies (in America and world Jewry).
Ariel Sharon called George Bush “the best friend Israel has ever had,” while Jimmy Carter falsifies documents and engages in the most brutal of lies against the Jews and the Jewish state. George Bush isolated the mass murdering Yasir Arafat while Bill Clinton threw him parties and provided him with guns, money and land.
During the brutal mass murder of Jewish women, children and men in the terror that the leftist media gave the romantic sounding name of “intifada,” it was American Christians (far more than the secular Jews who vote Democrat) who provided the lifeline by continuing to visit the our democratic (lower case “d”) ally.
The Democrats (and Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan, no surprise both big time racists and more naturally allied with the left) repeatedly blame Israel for 9/11 and for the war in Iraq and argue that sacrificing the Jews to the terrorists will stave off further Islamic attacks.
Modern Liberalism is INHERENTLY anti-Jewish because it is anti-success (see video). To the “indiscriminate” success is by definition unjust. Since the Jews (real Jews, not accidental Jews whose entire Jewishness is that they plopped out of a Jewish womb) follow a culture and a religion that creates success (if you don’t murder and steal, if you honor the knowledge of your parents, etc. you’re going to do better than if you’re in jail half your life and you don’t know who your father is because he knocked up some “ho” when they were both sixteen) the Democrats hate will always hate the Jews.
December 27th, 2007 at 2:31 pm@Evan,
I’m usually hesitant to compliment over the net but I must. That presentation you made at The Heritage Foundation earlier this year was so good that I watched it twice in succession. I’m not sure I have ever done that. I have passed the link of your presentation to everyone I know.
In my list, I included the link to my 18 year old daughter, a college freshman at Texas A&M, who will be voting for the first time this coming year. You voiced my sentiments far more eloquently than I could have. Did you ad-lib that entire presentation?
You might be flattered that my daughter was impressed enough that I understand the link was circulated throughout the halls of A&M and I understand some had already seen it. Let’s hope your wisdom became ingrained in some young skulls.
Thanks for fighting the good fight. It’s a pleasure to be on your side.
December 27th, 2007 at 3:36 pmHey Natalie,
Thanks for the kind words. It’s amazing how far and wide this talk to a half-empty room of eggheads has been distributed. As far as “ad-libbing,” well, yes and no. I know the subject matter so well that I have a pretty good idea of where I’m going, but, obviously, it was far from “scripted.”
Say “hi” to your daughter for me and keep an eye out for the book on July 1.
All the best.
December 27th, 2007 at 11:32 pm